"Huh? Obito, what are you doing? Am I having fun?"


Obito's complexion turned black.

"I can't do it...I can't stop that Moon Watching Dance Clothes anymore, so I retreat, or do you want to face the pincer attack of two people."

"Haha, I'm fine no matter what! Anyway, I won't lose after the time pause is useless to me. So..."

"Huh? What?"


The next moment, Hei Ze, who shouldn't have appeared in this space, instantly appeared and possessed Uchiha Obito who had consumed a lot of chakra.

"What the hell are you doing!? Madara!"

"No...no big deal, but...you're useless."

A smile appeared on the corner of Madara's mouth: "Now I need to get my own real body, so that the plan can continue to unfold. As for you...let's take a rest first."

Heretics, the natural art of reincarnation.

After that... Uchiha Obito, which consumed a lot of chakra, used reincarnation without persisting for a long time, and resurrected Madara.

"Hahaha...hahahahahaha! That's the feeling...that's the feeling! Hahahaha!"


"Ah? Why did it disappear?"

Naruto, who finally tore the wooden dragon apart, frowned.

This trick is too self-defeating...

I can't use the large-scale Nine-Tails mode at all, that is to die, I can only use the normal mode to fight hard.

Too much effort.

But it's ok...disappeared...

"Is it... Obito... It seems to have failed... What a pity."

In this case, Obito will run there and not know where he is... What should I do next?


water country.

Madara threw the Obito in his hand and looked around.

At this time... all the Samsarakan and Sharingan on Obito's body came into his eyes.

So what's left...

"Is there a reincarnation eye at Nagato... Well, just in case, let's use some backup methods."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara formed a seal on his hand.

on the moon...

Otsutsuki Tonero... no... Otsutsuki Tonero, possessed by Uchiha Madara's will, slowly stood up.

"Is the main body summoned...then...let's go underground first. You can leave here."


Sensing that his own information had indeed been conveyed, Madara nodded in satisfaction and opened his eyes.

"Madara... you... bastard—!!"

"Oh... Is it still alive after using reincarnation? Is it because of the cells between the pillars... the vitality is good."

Madara looked at Obito, who was lying on the ground and didn't even have the strength to stand up. There was no expression in his eyes.

"You are useless, just wait here to die."


The next moment, Madara's feet touched the ground, and he disappeared instantly, leaving Obito lying there alone.

I don't know how much time has passed...a little white snake crawled out from Obito's body, and after a while a figure appeared.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that a random action at the beginning would have such a big harvest... Uchiha and Senshou... Interesting experimental products."


Time gradually began to pass, and the ninja world gradually became chaotic.

In the blink of an eye... two years have passed.

It is obvious among the five major powers that it is no longer the peace of the past, and war...may be about to begin.

This is...

Big Four...

No, now only Yunyin and Yanyin have been preparing for more than ten years.

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