Prade fell silent for a moment...

The thunder and lightning beside Guanyue Wuyi blocked all the attacks...

Can't beat it by myself...

Stopping her from delaying time is the only thing I can do.

Well... Lars and the others should have run away by now.

It's almost time for me to retreat...


National Alchemist - Lei, formerly known as Mai.

Arrested for the crime of state espionage, he attacked the President on the road, then escaped, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Now, the President was seriously injured and recuperating in the mansion.


"That is to say... have you been hijacked? Hughes!" Mustang frowned, the situation is very bad.

"Ah, that's right. Gracia and Alicia are surrounded by the president's [guards]! Damn it!" Hughes said angrily, gritted his teeth.

But... now he can't do anything.

"So... is it true that the President was seriously injured by the Alchemist of Thunder?"

"Ah, that's right, it's true. I've seen it. If it weren't for the alchemist who has a special medical treatment, he should be dead by now... But... look at who looks like... I don't think it will be long. What should I do..."

"Is that so...then I will be dispatched to Central City in the near future...Let's talk about it later."

"Ah, I see."

Mustang hung up the phone and frowned.

"The Alchemist of Thunder... is it...interesting."

He who has experienced the civil war in Ishwar knows how strong the president is...

And such a person...while surrounded by many guards, he was also seriously injured, and his guards were all killed in battle...

How powerful...

"Then... let's go to Chuo City..."


" don't take a break even after suffering such a serious injury...are you leaving now?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I can't delay my work. I have to go to the south for inspection."

"Isn't it better to leave this kind of thing to someone else?"

"Haha, well, let me go by myself, and take it as a relaxation."


Time passed slowly.

The arrest warrants for Guanyue Dance Clothes have spread all over the country.

But... no one said they saw this person.It was as if it had evaporated.

"Ah. I'm exhausted!"

Edward got off the train and said with a sigh.

"Then...let's go to the military headquarters to show our faces first."

"Ah, then I'll join Mr. Hughes first." Wen Li said with a smile, "I want to meet Gracia and Alicia too..."



"Yeah, it's been so long, is it still on the newspaper...Really, it seems that he takes me very seriously..."

In a restaurant, Guanyue Wuyi took a newspaper in his hand and looked at it, put it away while eating and looking at the scenery outside.

It's so easy for her to hide...

Just put a mask on your face casually, no one can see your disguise.

It's that simple.

after all...

It's very difficult to use ninjutsu here...

Use it casually for a day's cooling time.

really strenuous

Moreover, some ultimate moves simply cannot be used.

But forget it.

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