That is the door of truth.

Here, it is the same as the place of truth in Fullmetal Alchemist FA world, nothing has changed.

However, the space seems to be very large, very broad.

"Welcome back, Mai."

In front of the door of truth, there is an eyeball-like thing without a mouth, but the sound probably comes from there.

" I pass out?"

"It looks right, how about it? Do you want to practice swordsmanship here? Or learn swastika? Or... you want to leave here?"

"This is..."

Guanyue Wuyi thought for a while and said: "Well, I'd better stay for a while and go back. By then, my health should be almost recovered."


The eyeball stood there and said: "You, you are too messy, should you know the ability of this Zanpakuto? It needs to be used together with the Philosopher's Stone, or you will die."

"Well, the making of the Philosopher's Stone is labor-intensive after all, and the material requirements are also very high, the human soul. It's too laborious to make, but it's okay. This time, when I wake up, I should have the opportunity to learn it Dao, when the time comes, will I be able to recover from my injuries and achieve certain results..."

" can do whatever you want, it's just your knife to control me, work hard."

"Ah, I see."


"Are you awake?"

Guanyue Wuyi heard such a voice just as she regained consciousness.


"This is the fourth team. Captain Aizen sent someone to send you here for treatment. It seems that the situation is not bad now."

Guanyue Wuyi opened her eyes and saw a woman in a white robe with her hair combed to the front to block her neck, looking at her.

"Captain Unohana?"


Uozhihuali nodded and said, "You have lost a lot of blood. If you are fine, it is better to lie on the bed."

"Is it... by the way, how long have I been unconscious?"

"Not long, less than a day. The recovery speed is very fast."

Guanyue Wuyi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "By the way, did Captain Aizen tell you again? I want to learn to answer this matter."

"Ah, what about this, Captain Aizen has already told me...then you can learn the Dao with me for a the way, just right, your body is bleeding too much now, first of all, Let me teach you how to restore blood using the Dao, you, just use your own body to feel it."




A faint fluorescent light flickered on Guanyue Wuyi's palm, smoothing the wound.

Hui Dao is a bit similar to Palm Immortal Art, but they are also very different.

And recovery is faster.

The body of Shinigami... No, all the souls in this world are made of spirit particles.

So... Huidao is more like a reconstruction of Lingzi.

Reconstructing the spirit particles in the wound is somewhat similar to alchemy.

Understanding, decomposing, and constructing.

Decompose the spirit particles at the wound, and then rebuild them into physical parts.

This way the wound will heal.

Also, unlike in the Naruto world, there seems to be no way to heal in this world using anything other than the arms.


The outlet of the Reaper's Reishi is on the wrists of both hands.

If you seal the Reiatsu outlets of your hands, you may even burn yourself to death because the Reiatsu in your body cannot be released.

Aizen was slapped by Kisuke Urahara just once.

Well, then I completely entered the first form, I guess I can ignore this seal at this time...

That is to say... It is very possible that Xu and Quincy's spirit particles are not released here.

Well... After all, it's not surprising that Xu always throws a ghost or something from his mouth.


Now she doesn't seem to have this possibility.

Even if one uses spiritual pressure to defend the body, the spiritual pressure is released from the wrist, and then the defense begins.

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