"Huh? What do you mean?"

Guanyue Wuyi pretended to have some doubts and said.

She knew that Rukia, Renji and others were the fifth team that arrived first.

Later, except for one young Mori, they were all thrown into other teams.

"I have already sent the invitation letter of the Fifth Division to your friends, Kira Izuru, Asai Renji, Kuchiki Rukia, and Hina Mori Momo. I have invited all four of them."

"Oh... yeah... I see."

Aizen sighed and shook his head and said, "Really... at least, you have to deal with your work... instead of throwing it to others."

"Yes, yes, I understand. Anyway, is there a captain for those things... If it doesn't work, just find the third seat..."

Guanyue Wuyi waved her hand, not paying attention to Aizen's sudden change of topic.

Let her work?It might as well kill her.

Now, she felt from the bottom of her heart that it was great that Aizen was the captain.

If the captain of the key was Dagou or Jingle Shunsui, he would definitely not be so carefree.


Only then can she rest blatantly...

After all, Aizen needs to maintain his genial mask.

Then... the matter of Kuchiki Rukia and the others...

Guanyue Wuyi pondered slightly.

Compared with the original book, the future of these people seems to have not changed much.

Don't know if this is good or bad though.

But at the very least, there is no need to worry about the plot going berserk in a short time.

Well...but whatever.

We will know when the time comes.

[The following is what the Shuke editorial department has learned. 】

【Let me tell you... Lux women's clothing, praise. 】

[White fox women's clothing...hehe. 】

[Pluto boss has huge breasts, praise. 】

[Dumb is a beautiful woman. 】

[Stay dumb G milk typing and pressing the keyboard... Praise. 】

[Also... Someone said that he didn't worry about updating at all, anyway, the code word speed is fast... I won't say who... I can only say... Damn broken shoes! 】

[Well, to sum up, the coding speed of the big guys is very fast, [-]% faster than me, so... there is only one main reason why they don't update... addicted to the ass and can't extricate themselves... (I don't play games...how conscientious.)]

Chapter 8 Six years


Rukia said with some emotion as she looked at the deadly costume in front of her and the invitation letter of the Fifth Division in her hand.

"Ah, yes... It's been five years behind... And... Rukia, you can graduate early, but why..."

Renji said with some doubts, obviously... when she became the adopted daughter of the Kuchiki family, she could...

"Mama, this is also very good, and I have fully experienced the life of the college, right? I won't have such an opportunity in the future... And... I have graduated early now."

After graduation, Shinigami students can receive invitation letters from some fan teams.

Of course, generally only good people have it.

Otherwise...you can only apply one by one.

However, you can also ignore the fan team invitation, but generally no one does that.

And...if no one in the thirteenth team agrees to your joining, you can only repeat a year, which is more important than the exam.

However, such a person, like a famous genius, will not appear in a hundred years.

"By the way, Renji, has anyone received an invitation letter from the Fifth Division?"

"Ah... I remember you, me, Hina Mori, and Kira, the four of us seem to have been invited."

"Hmm... is that right... Captain Aizan..."

"By the way, Rukia, do you know what kind of person Aizen is? Your elder brother should have said that, right?"

When he said this, Renji felt a little trembling in his heart.

The elder brother of... the Kuchiki family and the current captain of the [-]th division... the distance... is getting bigger and bigger!

"Well, my elder brother did tell me about Aizen, saying that he is a very gentle person and a good old man type. However, this team can be changed at will in the first year of joining, and it doesn't take much. Just care about it, just feel it for yourself...well...Of course, someone has to accept it."

"Ha... haha... By the way, I don't know how Guanyue Wuyi is doing now... I remember... it seems to be the vice team..."

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