"Is this the Fifth Division..."

Rukia looked at the door in front of her and exhaled, calming down her nervous heart.

Although I became the adopted daughter of the Kuchiki family, but...

There is still a little less understanding of the content of such a formal team.


Captain Aizen is still very gentle, so he should be easy to get along with...probably.

"Okay, Rukia, don't worry too much, after all, Mai is also here, it's okay, don't worry."

Renji patted Rukia on the back and said

"That's right, and after all we have an invitation letter, it should be fine... I guess it's the invitation letter for the Fifth Division that Mai asked for for us..."

Kira Izuru smiled and said.

"That's right, Rukia, and Captain Aizen is very gentle." Hinata smiled and said, "We will have a good time here."

"Oh, are you new?"

At this moment, a person came out from the gate of the Fifth Division, looked at several people and said, "Hey! Everyone, the newcomer is here!!"

"Oh, newcomer."

"This year's newcomers look good"

"That's right, and it seems that our fifth team has not received an invitation letter for a while."

"By the way, newcomers, what's your name?

Just when several people looked at each other and felt a little helpless against these seniors, a voice came from inside.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

The members of the Fifth Division who heard the voice were stunned.

"vice captain!"

The next moment, everyone almost talked together.

vice captain?

Rukia and the others were stunned.

The vice-captain of the [-]th division...that is to say...

"Moon watching dance clothes?"

"That's right.

Guanyue Wuyi came out slowly and said with a smile, "Yo, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?"

After that, Rukia and others met with Aizen again.

Then... I stayed in this fifth team.

Became a member of the Fifth Division.

However, there are no seats.

The position of the god of death is actually not so good.

Although all four of them are excellent students of Maou Huting Academy.

However, it will take a long time to become a seat manager.

Not everyone is a genius.


"How have you been recently?"

Rukia looked at Guanyue Mai who was sitting opposite her and said.

This is a hotel that is fairly close to the Fifth Division.

Several people had just graduated, so they held a party as they should.

"Me? It's okay. How are you guys? Have you learned how to understand?"

"Renji has learned."

"Huh? Ah, my Zanpakuto has been released.

Renji smiled and said, "How is it? Great, isn't it?"

"Yes, very powerful, very powerful."

Guanyue Wuyi said perfunctorily

"Then what are your plans next? Do you stay in the fifth team or go to another team?"

"Well... I should think about it then..."

Renji said as he looked at Rukia who was beside him, he... might go to the sixth team, because in this case...

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