Facing injuries and death without shy away.

Walking between life and death...

Then... step over...

In the ear, the screams and wailing sounded so interesting now.

It sounds so good.

It's like a piece of music...

Put your hand on the wound on your body.

Fluorescent lights flickered, and the wound gradually disappeared.

The pleasure is also gradually fading.

At this time... I actually felt a little bit of reluctance.

dong dong——

Suddenly... Guanyue Wuyi froze...

Just now, she felt as if something was wriggling in her body, as if something was about to appear...

dong dong——

In an instant, her complexion changed suddenly.

She remembered.

I was so immersed in the battle before that I forgot...

There is the poison of Xu on that Xu's knife arm.

With his attack, he has already entered his body...

That is to say-


Suddenly, a strong indescribable feeling came.

It wasn't pain or pleasure, but a feeling of being overwhelmed.

In an instant, a large number of white objects appeared in Guanyue Wuyi's eyes and mouth, covering her body.

Blur -!

【The surprised face and curious face of Aizen will appear in the next chapter. If you haven’t seen it, you can go to see 532 and 533 of the manga.Feel in advance what Aizen's surprised face and curious face look like...well...still so handsome. 】

Chapter 13 The So-Called Righteousness

Chapter 13 The So-Called Righteousness

"That's—a blur?"

Seeing that the battle was over, Mako Hirako, who was about to leave, turned her head abruptly when she heard the voice behind her and watched the complexion of Guanyue Wuyi change.

"Ah, it looks right."

Urahara Kisuke supported the hat with his hands against the wind pressure and Reiatsu coming from Kanzuki Mai.

At this time, centering on Guanyue Wuyi, a huge spiritual pressure emanated from her body.

The level of this spiritual pressure has at least doubled compared to before!

Then... it drove the air to flow around, forming a hurricane.

On the ground, stones, and various objects began to fly around again.

But okay.

People nearby have already understood it after passing by the previous few times.

Although I don't know why, it is very dangerous here.

Already ran away in all directions.

But even so.

Many people who ran slowly still died inside.

This is good, but what is more miserable is the feeling of having your hands and feet broken and you can only watch yourself waiting to die...

"Get ready, Kisuke."

Hirako Mako said with a sigh.

It was okay before, even if the movement was a little louder, it had nothing to do with them.

That's death's business.

But now it's different...

What's happening now...it's no longer about the god of death, but about their masks...

"Ah, I know."

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