The purpose is also very simple.

That is the fight to stop this time.

"Come on, it's boring."

Zaraki Kenba's complexion was a bit ugly.

It is rare to meet a good opponent.

Reiatsu, the way of holding the sword, and the way of fighting are also acceptable.

As a result, such a thing was removed.

How boring!bored to death!

It didn't take long for the spiritual pressure to disappear.

Then, a person with a strange thing on his head came in front of Guanyue Wuyi and the other three.


"It's a little... over the top."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Uno's flower's mouth.

that's true.

If there is a fight in this Seireitei, the Goutei [-]th Division's face will be damaged... Really, it really hasn't changed at all.


"Chief Commander's order: Captain Saraki and Deputy Captain Guanyue can fight, but they are not allowed to fight in the Jingling Court. Others are optional. The above."


The expression on Zaraki Kenpachi's face was slightly stunned, and then a wild smile cracked at the corner of his mouth: "Hahaha! Hahahahaha! Didn't expect that old man to have such an enlightened day! Interesting! Well, then we Just leave Jingling Court and find a place where there are no people and have a good fight."

"Well, I have no problem."

Guanyue Wuyi waved her hand to show that she was casual.

At the same time, Zanpakuto released Hajime and slowly received it at his waist.

In fact, going out to fight is also good, if you fight here, what if your vice captain's room is destroyed?

Where are you going to live at night?

A mere practice field is definitely not enough.

In fact, she originally wanted to move the battle to the captain's room.

Well, that's right, the place where Aizen lived was destroyed first, although it didn't work, but forget it.

There's nothing wrong with going out to fight.

"So, where shall we fight?"

"do not know."

Zaraki Kenpachi put the long sword on his back and said indifferently: "Leaving Jinglingting and find a place where there are no people nearby. Hurry up, I can't wait."

"Ah, yes, I see."

Guanyue Wuyi sighed, looked at Aizen who was standing aside, and said, "Then... Captain Aizen, please!"

"Ah, it's not a big deal."

Lan Ran smiled: "Thanks to this, the team building was saved. Otherwise, I would not have a place to work tonight."

Aizen's expression clearly showed Guanyue Wuyi's thoughts.

Guanyue Wuyi let out a haha, said nothing, and the matter was over.


Mai Kanyue and Kenpachi Saragi went to the new battle venue.

The outside of Jingling Court.

Chapter 18 VS Saraki Kenpachi

"Then here it is."

Zaragi Kenpachi looked at the surrounding environment and said.

There is nothing around here, it is indeed a good place to fight.

All right, free your hands and feet to fight.

"It doesn't matter to me then."

Guanyue Wuyi said as she pulled out the Zanpakuto from her waist and exhaled slightly.

This fight is no joke.

If you are not careful...will you die...

And this is not in the Jingling Court, even if there is an answer, if there is too much blood loss, it will be over.

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