The role of the two of them is almost equal to nothing...

Chapter 19 Normal

[60W words! !Whoa, whoa, whoa!A brand new record!The book with the most words written!Tears ran----】

"Hahaha—is that all you have strength?"

"Cut—this is talking about yourself!"

boom----! !

Guanyue Wuyi opened her eyes suddenly, and found that she had returned to the fifth team's team building.

" it..."

Guanyue Wuyi rubbed her brows.

Yesterday's battle lost a little too much blood.

Although after a night's rest, my limbs are still a little weak.

The recovery of Dao is just the recovery of the wound, the blood doesn't matter.

So she can only rest.

"By the way, that guy Kenpachi is really a monster... He reached that level yesterday, and his strength can still grow. Hasn't he reached the limit yet?"

The battle of death, why do many people love to talk so much?

Do you also use words to attack the enemy in battle?

It is because the battle of the god of death has a lot to do with the momentum.

For example.

Kurosaki Ichigo's first fight with Saraki Kenpachi.

In the beginning, his aura was completely suppressed, and fear arose in his heart.

So Jianba stood there and let him chop, but he was the one who was injured.

After that, he regained some momentum, even without Zan Yue's help, at least he was able to injure Saragi Kenpachi.

This is the momentum.

When the momentum is up, it is possible to exert one or two percent or even one or two times the fighting power beyond normal.

The momentum was suppressed, and I began to fear.

[-]% of the battles can be played at most [-]% to [-]%, or even more.

No matter how sharp the knife is in his hand, it seems to have no blade.

In fact, yesterday's battle was apparently a draw, but Saraki Kenpachi should have won.

He should be aware of this point.

Guanyue Wuyi still had to go back to heal the injury, so as not to let the blood flow out too much.

But what about Saraki Kenpachi?

He is different.

His blood keeps flowing.

The injury was even more serious than Guanyue Wuyi.

On the ground, most of the blood was from Saragi Kenpachi.

It stands to reason that a normal person would have died long ago after leaving so much blood.

But Zaraki Kenpachi didn't!

Still fighting vigorously.

There was not even the slightest confusion in his eyes.

There is only excitement in it.

It can be seen that Saraki Kenbachi had a lot of fun fighting this time.

I don't know where the bags under my eyes went.

His eyes were always staring at Guanyue Wuyi with the sharp gaze of a beast.

so.Even knowing what's going on.

I know that Saragi Kenpachi is such a person.

But there was still a trace of fear in Guanyue Wuyi's heart.


She had already lost a lot of blood, and there was a lot of water flowing out of her, and she was a little dehydrated.

In a way, lost the will.

One's own will was swallowed and controlled by the Zanpakutō.

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