

[V] His complexion is slightly ugly.

The speed is too fast, and the attack I imagined can't keep up at all.

By the way, imagine your reflexes being able to keep up.

Sure enough, the next moment, Guanyue Wuyi's movements could be seen by herself.


The wounds on his body were still protruding one by one.

If you imagine recovering from your injuries, you won't have time to imagine attacking and defending.

This person is too strong. To deal with him, imagining one thing alone is already the limit.

If the treatment is too late, the damage will come out again. During the treatment, there is already another wound on the body!

If it goes on like this—will I die?

No, it can't be!

How could he possibly die?



Guanyue Wuyi was about to wave the long knife in her hand when she suddenly froze.

I saw that there were actually not many wounds on the body, and the [V] with only two or three wounds that were not too deep suddenly disappeared...

The body began to collapse and disappear in an instant.

A brain fell from the body in a transparent airtight container.


【V】Looked at his body for a while and showed a smile: "What, in the end, the battle didn't last long, but I was killed by my own imagination..."

"Well, it looks right."

"Ah, that's right, the brain stops life activities, and I will disappear. The current body is nothing more than my imagination. Like I said, I won't kill you with one finger, just I know how to use my brain, although... now it seems that I am the one who is dead. Really... I feel so boring when I think that I will no longer be able to think as I want in the future."

After [V] completely disappeared, Guanyue Wuyi looked at the brain in the transparent airtight container that fell on the ground and felt it carefully.

The brain is no longer active.

Completely dead.

"That's it, be scared to death by yourself."

Guanyue Wuyi shook her head.

Obviously, it will be a hard battle if you get serious, and it is even unknown whether you can win.

But the result.

Because it was at a disadvantage from the beginning.

He who had never experienced this before was scared to death by himself.

"What a pity."

Guanyue Wuyi walked forward slowly.

Suddenly, she paused and walked back, picked up the brain on the ground and put it in her soul space.

Yes, just relying on a single brain to allow oneself to have such a powerful force.

Can turn fantasies into reality.

You can even imagine another self, multiplying your imagination.

This kind of ability...has nothing to do with the holy text, it's just the ability of the brain, if...you can get this power...

It is completely conceivable to imagine "every kind of fantasy." And then... this thing became a reality.

Even if a person's imagination is not enough, if you think of a few more yourself to multiply your imagination several times, there will always be times when you can succeed.

Well... Not enough. First of all, this power can belong to her.

Four or five minutes had passed.

Although the wooden clones outside have not been lifted yet.

But I don't know how long it can last.

Better to be careful.

Let's get rid of Yohabach first.

In this way, I will be able to obtain the power of Yuhabach.

"Then, please, you die first."

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