It seems to be very clear about his ability.

Just don't hit him!

He was almost pissed off.

But in the end, it should be that things like spiritual pressure have been used up...

"What about people?"

Gerald Valkyrie was a little dazed looking at the situation in this room.

by his side.

Penida Pakaja was also standing there, but there was no expression in the hat, or no expression.

"What's going on? People?"

Gerald was slightly dazed.Something is wrong, where is the enemy?Obviously came in here, that monster is not there, Your Majesty...

His Majesty--! ! !

"Your Majesty turned out to be a fake!!!"

Although, it looks the same, and the Reiatsu is also very similar, no, or exactly the same, but Gerald noticed it in an instant.This is called His Majesty - it's a fake!

"Damn—where is His Majesty! What happened!"

Gerald felt a fit of rage.

Looking for someone to discuss?who?Looking for Penida?

But Penida is obviously worse than him, so he doesn't understand anything, okay?

The current Penida has not evolved at all.

"Don't be impatient, Gerald."

At this moment, a voice slowly reached Gerald's ear.

That is...

"His Majesty?"

That's right, it's the voice of Juhabach.

Gerald was stunned: "Your Majesty, where are you?"

"I am here."

Saying that, the floor cracked.

Yohbach came up slowly.

There seems to be a step below.

That's right.

Gerald smiled.

This is indeed His Majesty!

The next moment, his body shrank, recovered his abilities, pushed open the door and walked in.

"Your Majesty, what are you..."


Yuhabach nodded and said: "The enemy is very strong, but Gremi is also very strong. After defeating Gremi, this person is already seriously injured. After that, he may sense that you are coming, so he brought me into the She went underground, and she was seriously injured and I killed her."


Gerald breathed a sigh of relief.

So this is ah.


"That monster Grammy died... What a surprise."

"Well, he has worked very hard."

Yuhabach nodded and said: "Next, I will sleep again and continue my ceremony. I will entrust you with my safety."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Juhabach nodded, and a red light flashed in his hand.

The next moment, the broken ceiling and walls were restored.

It was as if there had never been a fight again.

However, the nail-sized red stone in his hand was also a little smaller.

"This is..."

"The trophy."

Yuhabach exhaled: "It is because of this that the broken ritual can continue. Alright, I'm going to rest."

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