
"How will you be here?"

"Well, after all, I've been in this world for so long, so there's nothing to pass the time besides this, right? After all, there seems to be a lot of time."


Guanyue Wuyi was not discussing these, but asked: "So, do you want to play together? Hirako Mako."

"Ah, of course, I'm here to do this, and it's good to have someone I know, but...how is your game level? If it's too bad, I won't play with you."

"This...won't you try it yourself?"

Guanyue Wuyi smiled, and moved her fingers slightly, ready to open Sharingan to challenge at any time.

Hmm... I'm talking with my colored contact lenses first, so I can't let it out.

Thinking this way, he took out the Philosopher's Stone from his pocket, a red light flashed slightly, and the two colored contact lenses were rescued.

Then put the Philosopher's Stone back into the soul space.


Time passed slowly.

Hirako Mako's face was sweating more and more.

at first...

I can barely win twice, but now...

Ahhh, got crushed.

This is true of any game.

I have played all the games in the store so far.

"There is no hope of winning at all..."

Hirako Mako sighed.

Looking around, there are already many people around.The reason... The appearance of the guy next to me probably accounts for at least half of the possibility...

"Well, that's all for today, I won't play anymore."

"Oh, yeah... I'm bored, and I'll probably be playing for a while."

Although in this era, there are not many types of games, there are only six games in the entire store, maybe this is all there is today...

Also arcade type.


Hirako Mako nodded: "By the way, Kisuke asked me to tell you, if I meet you, just say something, he has already prepared things, that's all."

"Yes, I know."

Guanyue Wuyi waved her hand, but didn't care, she found a game console and continued playing.

"Really, I don't know if I heard it or not."

Hirako Mako touched her head in distress: "I'm the worst at dealing with this kind of people."

With that said, he slowly left the shop.

After all, he had nothing important to do.

Next time...

Go back and buy something to eat.

Looking at Mako Hirako who turned a corner and left the store, Mai Guanyue turned her attention back to the game console in front of her.

Haven't played a game like this for a long time.

Of course you have to have fun.

As for the rest...

Ah, by the way, are things ready?

Well, after that, I should be able to play more interestingly.

I really want to see you...

Aizen's surprised, astonished, and angry face.

The hateful guy who brushes himself around!



Aizen looked at the things in his hands and smiled, then put them away.

After thinking about it, the Fifth Division handed over to his substitute.

For himself, he was facing the central forty-six room...or so.

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