Chu Sentao lowered her head as she said so, but her eyes were filled with admiration.

"That's right! Captain Aizen, share some of today's work with me!"

"No, no, no need."

Aizen waved his hands a little flusteredly and said, "Leave these things to me. It's good to go out and play when you're free."

"No, no, Captain Aizan..."

"Ah, okay."

Lan Ran sighed and said helplessly, "Then I'll share some of the official duties with you."

"Well, that's great!" It's great to be able to share Captain Aizen's worries!


Guanyue Wuyi didn't know what happened afterwards.

At this time, she has come to the present world.

"found it--"

Kurosaki Masaki is not easy to find, but it doesn't matter, Kurosaki Ichigo is easy to find.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo is not yet the god of death, there is indeed a weak... extremely weak spiritual pressure emanating from his body.

prior to.

Guanyue Wuyi was already familiar with his spiritual pressure.

However, because it is too weak, it needs to be carefully sensed.


is there...

Guanyue Wuyi remembered that there was a video game store not far from there.

In this case...


Invisible Empire...

"Okay, let's start, Holy—"

Yulhabach slowly opened his eyes as he spoke.

There are...several pupils in the eye.

The next moment, light appeared in his hands.


through space.


sanctified -

A trial of the Half-Blood Quincy that exists everywhere.

All, the power of the half-blood Quincy will be absorbed by Yuhabach.

Endless powerful power poured into his body, making the shriveled cells in his body active quickly.

There is even a large part that has not been absorbed.

"Nine years."

Juhabach closed his eyes and felt the power in this body.

"It will probably take another nine years. During this time... it's time to build my legion, the Star Cross Knights!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

[I just discovered one thing. The members of the Star Cross Knights should have been found by Yuhabach after he woke up... At that time, it was only nine years before the Millennium Bloody Battle Chapter, what does this mean!It means that so many particularly awesome characters in the Millennium Bloody Battle took less than nine years to grow up!No wonder the Reiatsu was not mentioned during the Millennium Blood War.Except for a few people, everyone else.How high can the spiritual pressure be in nine years of genius?You are all Kurosaki Ichigo.But even so, these people...the god of death who has practiced for hundreds of years is compared with Xu here...the heartache comes out. 】

[However, it is probably because of this that the power of these people was given by You Habach, so it is extremely easy to take it back, even if you look awesome. 】

Yuhabach looked at the Quincy in front of him and said, "Your name? What is it?"

"Robert Ajutron. That is my name, Your Majesty."


Yuhabach looked at the not-so-young Quincy in front of him and took out a bowl out of nowhere.

"Then, drink it, and I will bestow upon you—the Holy Word."

"Your Majesty—Your Majesty—!"

Robert's complexion changed. He never thought that a person like himself would have the opportunity to meet such a day!

"Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

holy text.

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