And now...

"It's just right, let me have fun too!"

Feeling this powerful oppressive force, Guanyue Wuyi smiled and said.

The small universe has become much stronger again.


It's almost time for the Ninth Sense.

It's not half a foot away.

The other foot has already stepped in a part, and it is almost there.

It's almost like being a god.

Can win, can win, can win! !

There is no... an answer that I can lose.


"This is--!"

Shaka's eyes widened

Look at the situation in front of you.

This is a channel.

God's channel.

On the opposite side is God Realm!

I actually came here.

And the small universe on the opposite side that passed through the channel of God, that is——

"That's right, that's the Virgo from the previous generation, and the one who fought her... that scorching little universe... Could it be... Apollo!??"

If it's true...the guy...

How far did the previous generation of Virgos grow up? doesn't even have a holy cloth...

Shaka touched the holy clothes on his body and smiled and said, "Go, go and help... your previous master."

Although I don't know why, I don't know why I confronted Apollo.

it's fine.

Saint of Athena.

Never knew what it was to be afraid.

What about the gods?

We should fight together!

It is precisely because of this that there is a war between Sanctuary and Pluto.

If he didn't dare to punch because the opponent was a god, Sanctuary would have already lost countless times!

"Come on, don't lose."

Although I don't know the reason, and I don't know how the Virgo from the previous generation got in, but...

Win it, Saint Seiya!


Tianwu Baolun——

Countless images of Buddha appeared.

The flame disappeared, as if it had come to another world.

Although, it is a bit unrealistic to deprive Apollo of his ninth sense now.

However, hold on for a while longer, so that I can try my best to realize that last chance in this battle.

That's... enough!

Suddenly Guanyue Wuyi froze.

Something never seen before happened.

In Tianwu Treasure Wheel, people who have been hit by this trick will generally lose their ability to move, and then be deprived of their senses by the caster.

but now...

Apollo was burning with raging fire.

His long red hair seemed to be on fire.

The white robe on his body is more holy.

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