"Tong Hu...Master??"

"Ah, he is a saint of Libra, Shion is an Aries, and the later Pope, Aldiba is a Taurus, because the injury was too serious and he couldn't recover, and then died of old age, I am a Virgo. That's it."

"What—? Are you a previous Virgo saint??"

Ikki said in shock.

Having fought with Shaka, he knows very well how strong the Virgo Saints are.

Before the end of Chapter 21 (the end of the next chapter)

Before the end of Chapter 21 (the end of the next chapter)

[9000-word chapter, the ending of this book and the short story of the realm of space will be released tomorrow, as well as the new book Chapter 1. The day after tomorrow, I will really start updating the new book. It is estimated that two chapters a day will be about [-] words...]

[After this book really ends, there may occasionally be some other short stories and extras, and the update time is uncertain, that's it.Please also pay more attention to the new book. 】

[By the way, I would like to collect the title of the new book... I have thought about a few, and I want to see everyone's thoughts by the way. You can leave a message in this post or the book review area, or QQ and what I say is fine.The introduction is a bit long, so I will post the general idea of ​​the next book. 】

[The protagonist - Shun Cen, met another "self" one day, endowed with time travel and some initial abilities, the first world is the attacking giant.The future of the world is uncertain, this time it doesn't have to be a battle.What fun to see and what world to go.The protagonist is very free.Come on, everyone, roughly come up with a title for the book.The title of the book should be within [-] characters, without any special symbols, that's all. 】

"But... what do you mean you're not a jihadist? You're not—"

"No, I'm not a saint anymore, I'm a god now."

Guanyue Wuyi stood up slowly and said: "Even Hades may not be my opponent, it's boring to participate in holy wars or something, so I came here this time mainly to take a look at Manigot, By the way, take a look at Athena."


A few people were surprised, they suddenly found out.

I don't know when the moon watching dance clothes have disappeared.


Manigot smiled.

The first existence to become a god after the age of mythology broke the lofty faces of the group of gods.

"I really want to see the faces of those gods when they are facing Wu Yi."


"Long time no see, Athena."

"Indeed, it's been a long time, Mai. This is the first time you've called me Athena directly."

"Well, after all, it was Sasha who dominated before, although you may have done it on purpose."

"Ah, that's right. In the beginning, when I was not awakened, Sasha occupied me. Later, after I awakened, I felt that this was not bad, so I didn't come out and gave everything to her. It turns out that the jihad of that time , We have won, and sealed the twin gods like never before, although the seal seems to be broken by the current Pandora."

"That's right. How about I not participate in this holy war?"

"I have no opinion."

Athena smiled and said: "After all, you are stronger than me and Hades now. I have no right to say whether I will participate in the jihad or not."

"By the way, when did you wake up this time?"

"In the beginning."

"In the beginning?"

"Ah, that's right."

Athena nodded: "Because this time I was born in the sanctuary, not as an ordinary person."

"Can Sanctuary speed up your awakening?"

"Ah, that's right, the sanctuary contains the power of each class of [me]. This power will speed up my recovery, and at the same time, suppress Hades."

"Oh, did you feel that too?"

"Ah, it's a wonderful thing. I didn't expect Hades' body to become my holy warrior this time. In such a situation, maybe it can be said... this time the holy war is won by us again, and even... "


"It is possible to hit the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss."

"Really, you are free to think what you want, I will... leave first."

"Well... goodbye."


"To be honest, I thought you wouldn't show up."


"What? Don't talk?"


"Well...forget it, so who are you? Zeus? Chronos? Or both?"

Guan Yue Wu Yi smiled: "The latter is more likely."

"Too much talk, outsider."

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