"And you? Who?"

Guanyue Wuyi looked at Hei Tonggan and said with some "curiosity".

"Me? My name is Hei Tong, Hei Tong Ganya, please give me your advice."

"Really, my name is Guanyue Wuyi, and she is called Liangyi. She is not so talkative, but she is very nice. Please forgive me."

"No... that, please give me more advice."

"Please advise me more." The two rituals were silent for a while and said the same.

on the way home.

"High school life...what, Shiki, do you want to join any clubs?"


"Oh, what a pity, you must experience life well, don't you? Go back and have a look. If there is no one, we will build one ourselves. Build a fun club."

"The number of people is not enough, the club's requirement is five people."

"It's okay, it's okay, the two of you will agree, are we a privileged class, it's a very simple matter, of course the activity room will be the largest."

The two ceremonies did not speak, and acquiesced.

Thus, a club of only two people was established.


"Shi, dance clothes, drinks are bought."

"Oh, thank you, do it."

Guanyue Wuyi also waved at Hei Tonggan and said, "By the way, how are you thinking? Do you want to join our club?"

"I don't care after all, but I don't know the name of your club. I don't know what you do."

"Our club... Well, let's see what you want to do, you can do whatever you want, it's just this kind of club, there are no limitations. Shiki, is there anything you want to do recently?"

"No, no."

The two men sighed and said, "Forget it when you go home."

"No, no, this is not okay, you must fully enjoy the joy of school, Hei Tong, do you have any ideas?"


"Ah, that's right. Shiki and I don't know what to do, you should know a little more, right?"

"Um... this..."

Hei Tongqian also thought for a while and said: "Just let the literature club forget it."

"Oh, Shiki doesn't seem to like reading."

"Forget it, let's go home and forget it."


What should the community do...

I can't think of it at all.


"So, murderer."

Kanyue Mai listened to Kuroto Mikiya and Ershi who were talking aside, holding the sandwich in her hands helplessly.

The other hand, what is that phone looking for...

What else can I look for, of course I'm looking for a plane!

Find a gourmet plane.

The captive of food, the Chinese, and the spirit of eating halberds.

It's like this now, eating is actually no longer necessary for Guanyue Wuyi, of course he has to find something delicious.

The ingredients among the captives of the food, use the kitchen utensils in Zhonghua Yiyi, and let the people in the spirit of spring/medicine cook.

It's delicious just thinking about it.

The more I think about the sandwich in my hand, the more I can't eat it.

"Cut, damn it, just search directly."

Be patient, be patient.

I have already seen several interesting planes, but I just remembered the number. I will not go to other worlds until I find the food plane!

"On the last day of the summer vacation, a case occurred in the shopping street on the west side. Although it has not been reported yet."

"It's really not peaceful."

The two ceremonies said with some sighs: "How did Mr. Heitong know?"

"I have an acquaintance who is an insider. Supposedly."

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