"Xiaomaojiang, she looked a little strange before she came here, and I'm very worried."

"She is now facing her own existence and power with all her strength. This is a very difficult question. If she doesn't come up with the answer herself, she will definitely not be able to move forward."

"Existence and power?"

"Well, it's only natural that you don't know. Let me tell you a little bit."

Rias' mother sat down facing Mu Hantian and began to tell the story.That's the story of two sister cats:

The sister cats are always together.Whether it's sleeping, eating, or playing, they are always together.When their parents died, there was no home and no one to rely on, and the two cats lived every day with each other.

"The two cats were picked up by a demon one day. The elder sister became a family member and the younger sister lived with the older sister. They finally got a happy life and they always believed that happiness would last."

However, something has changed.Sister Cat, because of her strength, she grew very fast.Her hidden talent was also drawn out by becoming a reincarnated demon.

"She was originally a race that was good at sorcery. On top of that, her magical talent also blossomed, and finally she was able to activate even the magic that only immortals could use."

The cat sister, who surpassed her master in a short period of time, was swallowed up by power and turned into an evil existence who only pursued blood and battle.

"The cat sister who couldn't stop the increase in strength finally killed the demon who was the master, and finally became a ''lost' way'. And in the ''lost' way', she is also the most dangerous existence. Even the chasing troops She wiped them all out."

So the demons temporarily gave up chasing and killing Sister Cat.

"The rest of the cat sisters. The demons demanded that they be held accountable. It was Suzeks who rescued the cat that had to be punished. Suzeks kept trying to convince the superior demons that the cat sisters were innocent. In the end, the situation was settled with Suzeks in charge of monitoring."

However, the young cat sister who was betrayed by her most trusted elder sister and constantly blamed by other demons seems to be on the verge of a mental breakdown.What a sad story this is.

"Sazex, gave Rias the cat sister who lost her smile and the meaning of life. After meeting Rias, the cat sister gradually regained her feelings. Then, Rias gave the cat A name. That is, Kitten."

"She was originally a monster. Do you know Maoyou? That is a cat demon. And she is the strongest race among them, a survivor of the cat mandrill. She is one of the superior monsters that can use not only magic, but also fairy magic." .”

"Ah, it seems that everyone has worked hard. Everyone has their own stories, including me." Mu Hantian sighed, feeling a little emotional.

"Forget it, I'll go and see the kitten. I'm sorry!" Mu Hantian stood up, bowed to Rias' mother, and walked out of the room.


"Well, Rias. How is the kitten?" Mu Hantian asked Lias who was beside the bed when he came to the kitten's room.

At this time Rias showed a complicated expression and said, "Look for yourself." After finishing speaking, she went out, leaving only Mu Hantian and Junai who was taking care of the kitten.

"Eh? That's it!" Mu Hantian was shocked when he saw what was growing on the kitten's head—it was cat ears!

"Han Tian, ​​this is..." Zhu Nai saw Mu Hantian reacting to the cat's ears, and planned to explain.

"It's okay, I've heard about everything." Mu Hantian replied to Zhu Nai.Then he walked to the bed and asked about the situation.

"Little cat, does your body matter?" I asked with a smile.

Then, the kitten replied half-eyed, "Why are you here?"

"Because I'm worried about you, so come and see."

The silence continued, and the kitten didn't answer.Seeing this, Mu Hantian continued: "Little cat, I've heard about it. There are all kinds of things. In short, it's okay to be overworked. It's okay not to take good care of your body."

"I want..." the kitten whispered.

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

Kitten gritted his teeth, tears welling in his eyes: "I want to become stronger. I want my body and mind to become like Yuto-senpai, Xenovia-senpai, Akeno-senpai... If this continues, I will be useless Oh... I'm clearly a 'chariot', but I... am the weakest... I don't want to be useless!"

"Little cat, why do you think like this." Mu Hantian smiled wryly.

The little cat burst into tears and continued: "But. The power sleeping in the body - the power of the cat, I don't want to use it. Once I use it, I will be like my sister. I don't want... I don't want to become like that... ..."

This is the first time.The first time I saw a kitten crying.

The kitten's sister lost control because of her strength, and finally killed the demon as the master.Then, he dropped the kitten and left.

There is something dangerous in my body that will kill my master, and it is precisely because I know this that I am afraid...However, thinking about the future requires strength no matter what.The kitten came to the underworld with this kind of contradictory mood.

Don't you intend to use the power sleeping in your body even if you are tired?

The kitten has a warm heart that thinks of its companions.It must be because he is constantly working hard to prevent himself from being inactive.I guess it would be wrong not to repay the favor to the minister who saved me.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Han Tian, ​​I kept you waiting."

Hearing the voice, Mu Hantian turned his head and looked - it was Lias in a dress!And members!

"It's okay, but it's really pretty." Mu Hantian said.

"Lord Tanning and his followers are here." The butler came in at this time and said.

"Oh, uncle is here." Yicheng was a little excited.

"As promised, I'm here to pick you up, Hyoudou Issei."

"Well! Thank you, Uncle!"

"While you are sitting on my back, I will deploy a special barrier. In this way, even if you fly in the air, your hair and clothes will not be messed up. After all, it is very important for women. It's important."

"Thank you, Tanning. Please take care of the journey to the venue."

"Oh, Miss Rias. You are still so beautiful today. Leave it to me."

So everyone rode on the back of the dragon and soared in the sky of the underworld!

"Partner, look at the scenery on the back of the dragon. I really don't know how to describe this experience." Draig smiled wryly rarely.

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