After listening to it, Heige showed a wry smile, which then turned into a sneer that would freeze the whole body.

"In that case, die."

Something like mist was produced from Heige's hand.The thing slowly expanded and eventually surrounded us.The fog finally seemed to cover the entire forest.This is not thick fog.The front is still visible.However, just touching the fog will give people a very creepy feeling.


At this time, Rias knelt on one knee on the spot!

"This is..." Then the kitten also covered its mouth and knelt down!

"Well, because my brother is human, so it doesn't work? This mist. It's a poisonous mist that only works on demons and youkai. Because the poison is very light, it's a little difficult to spread throughout the body. It won't be fatal in a short time. Yes. This way I can take care of you slowly, meow."

"Boring. The divine flow—the whistling of the hurricane." Following Mu Hantian's words, a powerful whirlwind began to appear from Mu Hantian's body, dispelling the dense fog.But it didn't end, the whirlwind turned into a sharp blade and attacked Heige.

Boom!The attack hit Hei Ge!The body dispersed like mist.

"This blow is pretty good. But it's useless. If you know illusion, you can make a clone very easily." Heige's voice echoed in the forest.

Suddenly figures appeared one after another in the fog, all of which were black songs.

"Oh, that's it, but... Hei Ge, have you forgotten? This trick is useless to me." Facing the many Hei Ge, Mu Hantian just swung his sword at one of them.


"How is it possible?" Hei Ge couldn't believe that his illusion was broken so easily?

"Of course it is possible. Just now, you have left a mark on your body, so you can stay." Walking over, Mu Hantian took out a chain and tied it to Hei Ge's body. body.

"This is?"

"This is the lock of commandments forged by the gods. You can't break free, just stay obediently."

"Ah, does Oni-chan miss me too? Meow."

"It's useless to be cute, stay obediently." Pulling Hei Ge in front of him, Mu Hantian looked at the battle between Tanning and the beautiful monkey.

"Ahaha! It's amazing! The original Dragon King!" the beautiful monkey was smiling!Although the armor and clothes have been scorched, the key body is fine!After enduring such a powerful flame, he was still alive!It really deserves to be Monkey King!

"Hmph! I thought who it was, it turned out to be Sun Wukong! It's really nice to be able to withstand my Tanning's attack!"

"My name is Monkey! Please give me your advice, General Long!"

"Hehehehe. It's a big breath for a mere monkey. You, do you know who you are against?"

"I also inherited the blood of the legendary monster. I won't be killed easily. But it's really distressing that Hei Ge was caught. There are so many people, there is no way to save them. Back off first, sorry, Heige." Saying this, the beautiful monkey broke the barrier and fled.

"Then, let's go too, I believe you have a lot of questions to ask." Saying this, Mu Hantian took Heige's hand and walked towards the venue.And Hei Ge did not resist.

Seeing this, Rias and the others could only keep up.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gremory's family, Mu Hantian and others are gathering together.

"Okay, Hei Ge, take out the antidote." Looking at Hei Ge beside him, Mu Hantian said.

"I know... I know." Hei Ge was a little reluctant.

"Hey, what's the matter with your reluctant expression, the kitty is your sister." Mu Hantian patted her on the head and said angrily.

"Hmm..." Hei Ge pouted, a little unhappy.

"Han Tian, ​​how did you and her—Hei Ge, meet?" Rias asked curiously.

"Oh, Hei Ge and I met eight years ago. At that time, she was hunted down and seriously injured, so I rescued her. She lived with me for a year. Later, she said she was going to find her sister, so she left Yes, now I see you again." Mu Hantian smiled and patted Heige's head.Well, that's right, this is the long-lost stunt in the Jianghu, 'touch the head to kill. '

"Sister, I'm very annoyed by the way you enjoy yourself." The kitten complained.

"Baiyin, how can you say that about my sister and me, my sister is very sad, meow."

"Little cat, don't worry that your power will hurt us. There is no right or wrong power. What matters is how you use it. Heige did the right thing. Do you know which one you and Heige used to be? Master, I want to plot against you. If you don't believe me, ask Suzeks, he found out this." Mu Hantian said suddenly.

"Also...that is to say, my sister..."

"Yes, your sister did that to protect you."

"Sister, is this true?" Kitten turned to Hei Ge, hoping to get the answer she wanted.

"It's true." Hei Ge bit his lip and said.

"It's true, it's just that Hei Ge's character has changed a bit now, but it doesn't matter, just leave her to me for one night." Mu Hantian said with a smile. (Author: What are you, training?) (Mu Hantian: I'm training your sister.)

"Uh, okay, let's go first, Kitten and Lias need to rest." Amidst the questioning eyes of everyone, Mu Hantian said this, and then went out with Hei Ge.

When they reached the door, Suzeks appeared.

"Han Tian, ​​what are you going to do with Hei Ge's matter?"

"Sazeks, Heige is my prisoner, so how to deal with it is my business. If anyone refuses to accept it, let him come to me." After finishing speaking, Mu Hantian took Heige and left, leaving only Suzeks, who kept smiling wryly, and the members who looked confused.


The eve of the decisive battle with Sidi's family.Everyone gathered in Asachel's room for the final meeting.Although Mu Hantian didn't participate, but because he was bored, he went to have a look and give some guidance.

"Yicheng, how is the state of the forbidden hand now?"

"Yes. Although I'm used to it, there are a few conditions."

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