Rias and Cang Na's positions are at both ends of the shopping mall.Rias is the easternmost on the second floor.Cang Na is on the westernmost side of the first floor.Surrounding Rias' position are pet stores, game centers, eating areas, bookstores, and drugstores.On the first floor below the Honjin is a branch of a large used bookstore and a sporting goods store.

On Cang Na's side are food stores, electrical appliances stores, snack stores, and grocery stores.

"For this competition, there are special regulations attached. The information has been sent to each camp, please confirm. As a restoration product, each team will be assigned a copy of the 'Tears of Phoenix'. Also, the freezing time of the battle is Thirty minutes. During this period, both sides are prohibited from contacting their opponents. The game is scheduled to start in thirty minutes." After the broadcast was over, the crowd gathered quickly, presumably because they didn't want to waste a minute.

"I'm going to meet someone, there's nothing I can do, Asachel, just tell me the result of the match." Mu Hantian ignored everyone and left directly after saying inexplicable words.


"Well, it's here, call her." Muttering in his mouth, he took out a scale from his bosom, and then called out with his heart.

Time flies, almost 40 minutes...


A high-pitched dragon chant came into Mu Hantian's ears. Mu Hantian looked up and saw a giant red dragon, but to Mu Hantian's surprise, on the back of the giant red dragon, There was actually a young girl holding a pack of dried bamboo shoots in her hand.Wearing a priestess costume on her body, she carried a strangely shaped gun on her back.

"Long time no see, Timayat." Mu Hantian greeted, that's right, this dragon is one of the dragon kings, the 'Heaven Demon Karma Dragon', Timayat.

"It's been a long time. I have something to ask you. By the way, who is she?" Mu Hantian asked, pointing at the girl who was eating dried bamboo shoots.

"She, she was the one I accidentally saved." Timayat turned into a human form while talking.The one who appeared in front of Mu Hantian again was a red-haired sister Yu.

"Saved? Is that so, hello, my name is Mu Hantian, who are you?" As he said, Mu Hantian stretched out his hand.

"My name is Zhao Zilong." The girl also stretched out a hand and shook it with Mu Hantian, but what the girl said really surprised Mu Hantian.

"Are you sure your name is Zhao Zilong? Did you lie to me?"

"What did I lie to you for?"

"Well, I was excited. As a Chinese, I would be a little surprised to hear a girl named Zhao Zilong."

"Well, then you can call me Xing."

"Nani!" Mu Hantian was surprised again this time, Zhao Zilong, also called Xing, could it be...

"Do you know Bailian?" Mu Hantian asked such a question. (Bai Lian is Gongsun Zan from Lian Ji Wu Shuang)

"Bai Lian? Are you the same person as me?"

"Uh, how should I put it, I'm not from the same world as you, I just happen to know about you. After all, how did you come to this world?"

"I don't know either. I was fighting the Yellow Turban Army that day, but who knew I fell into a pit, and somehow came to this world." The girl, oh no, said Xing.

"That's it, then you can follow me, I will take you back, this is my mission." Mu Hantian sighed and said.

"Your mission?"

"Yes, my mission is to send you traversers back."

"I understand."

"Hey, what are you talking about, I don't understand at all." Timayat spoke.

"Um, you don't need to understand, you just need to know that I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Help me train Yicheng."

"Sekiryuutei? But you know, I hate Ddraig."

"Do me a favor, you promised me." Mu Hantian said calmly.

"Oh, I can't help it. Who told me to pay attention to my promise? I will only help you train for a week."

"Well, it's ok, with you and Tanning helping to train, Yicheng will definitely improve, let's go." After talking about Mu Hantian's words, Timayat changed back into the body of a dragon again, and Mu Hantian and Xing sat on it.Then Timayat followed Mu Hantian's instructions and flew.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Azazel, what's the result?" Mu Hantian asked after returning to the competition venue.

"Huh? Han Tian, ​​who are they?" Asachel looked at the two people behind Mu Hantian and expressed doubts.

"Azachel, you don't even recognize me, you seem unreliable as the governor of the fallen angel." The red-haired woman said.

"Are you... Timayat?"

"En." The woman nodded, indicating her identity.

"Hey, don't ignore me, what happened?"

"After Issei and Aisha disappeared from the battle field, Yuto Kiba, Rias, Akeno, and Kitten stayed here. There were three opponents left. Sona, Shinra, and a member of the student council Named 'monk'. Half of them were killed.

The game that was originally at an advantage is really unexpected from now on.Half of the people on the dominant side were killed.But I didn't expect Aisha to be knocked down.The recovery ability, and it is an expanded version, was actually targeted by the 'reversal'.The opposite of answering is hurting...Aisha's recovery ability is very powerful. The damage caused by 'reverse' is also beyond imagination.That's why Aisha left the scene in an instant.The opponent's 'monk' also disappeared with one hit. "

"Oh, it looks like Cang Na has done a good job and made all the preparations. Well, let me take a good look at the next game." After speaking, Mu Hantian began to watch seriously.


Rias stood up and looked up.Probably looking at Cang Na on the roof.

"Kitten, can you feel it?" Rias asked the kitten.

"Yes. I didn't feel it just now, but now I can feel that the president's Qi is on the roof. The enchantment just now is a false phantom created to make us think that the president is there, and it still uses my own Qi And the special enchantment that covers the position well." The kitten's cat ears moved, looking for Cang Na's Qi.

Kiba pointed his sword at Shinra and the 'monk' on the opposite side.

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