"Of course, the Governor of the Fallen Angel. Don't worry, although I passed out when I was fighting Kokbol, I still found out later."

"Unexpectedly strong. Irina, who has a strong faith, came here without any shock."

Before Xenovia finished speaking, Irina's eyes gushed out a lot of tears!As she "approached" Xenovia, she shouted: "Isn't it sure to be impacted? Ahh! The fulcrum of the soul! The center of the world! The holy father who is like that is dead! That is all my beliefs, and the path I have practiced so far. When I learned the truth from Mr. Michael, it was a huge shock. It was so big that I was bedridden for seven days and seven nights! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Ah! My lord!" Woohoo, lay down on the table and howled loudly.

"I know very well."

"I understand." Aisha and Xenovia nodded softly to Irina while nodding.

The three hugged tightly.Elsa and Xenovia also pray to God now, and are still thankful to God to this day.

"Aisha-san! I'm really sorry for calling you a witch before! I said too much when I separated from Xenovia! I'm so sorry!"

Facing Irina's apology, Aisha and Xenovia smiled at each other.

"Don't worry about it. After that, we will all be comrades who respect and love the Lord. It would be great if we could get along well."

"Me too. It wasn't right for me to break the jar back then. Suddenly, I was reincarnated as a demon or something. However, it is still very happy to meet like this."

"Ah, Lord!" The three began to pray again.

"Can you be regarded as Michael's emissary?"

Facing Asachel's confirmation, Irina nodded. "Yes, Master Asachel. The fact that there is not a single messenger on the angel side here makes Mikal-sama very troubled. It is said that there is no messenger on the scene or something."

"Ah, Michael said this. Although this is where the powers of the heaven and the underworld are active, the only people who are actually active at the scene are the followers of Rias and Canna Sidi, as well as me. It’s just a small number of people. Well, even if it’s like this, it’s still amazing. Michael, that idiot, said that it would be better to send someone from the heavens to carry out activities. It was already amazing, but in the end The level of good people in the Heaven Realm is still on the rise. Although I said that I don’t need it, it really doesn’t work, that guy just sent it here.” Asachel said with a sigh.

Irina stood up suddenly, in a prayer pose.Then, with a crackling sound, her body radiated radiance, and white wings sprouted from her back!Just like an angel!

Everyone was shocked, and Asachel put his hand on his chin and calmly asked Irina a question.

"Wisteria Irina, have you turned into an angel?"

"Yes. With the blessing of Lord Michael, I have become an angel of reincarnation. I heard that it is possible for seraphs to use the technology currently used by demons and fallen angels to make it possible."

Then Irina continued: "The four major seraphs, there are ten other seraph members in total, each of them, from a (ace) to queen, made a total of twelve members called 'royal envoys' that are modeled on playing cards. Subordinate. The king in the card (meaning king) is the angel who is the master."

"I see, the technology of 'Devil's Chess'. Use that together with the artificial artifact technology of the Fallen Angels. Really, after the technology was taken over from the Heavens, it was developed in a fun way. If the devil is chess, Angels use playing cards. Well, originally playing cards have the meaning of 'trump card'. Because after the death of gods, pure angels can no longer continue to increase. Therefore, the increase of reincarnated angels and the strengthening of self-army Linked? What a great idea."

"In this system, there should be a strong man called a joker behind the scenes. The Twelve are also in the form of the Twelve Apostles. Really, Lord Archangel, I find it very interesting." Azazel Hehe laughed happily.

"Then, what card are you, Irina?"

Mu Hantian asked Irina.

She proudly puffed up her chest and replied: "I am a! Hahaha, I can enjoy the glory of being ordered to be the ace angel of Lord Michael! This life is not in vain! Although the Lord is no longer here, I can be a Lord Michael's trump card has already kept me alive yo oh oh oh."

"Oh, is Michael the new food for thought?"

"Hmm. Compared to 'losing' myself, it's really gratifying."

"Well, that's what you said. Compared to losing yourself because of the demise of God, finding a new master and job is a big step forward." Irina said happily to everyone .

"And Michael-sama is planning to carry out the variant battle of the devil's rating game in the future, the game of 'devil chess piece' and 'envoy'! Although it is only limited to the power of seraph at present, angels other than seraph will be able to do it soon." Participate in this system and compete fiercely like the devil's rating game!"

Asachel said with admiration: "Among the angels and demons, there are quite a few people who disagree with the decision of the upper echelon. People who have been hostile to each other for a long time, they will definitely be dissatisfied when they suddenly shake hands with them. But, really So cunning, Michael. In this way, the grievances between the two sides are dissipated by using competition instead of war. Just like the World Cup and the Olympic Games for humans. Is it something that dispels the grievances of dissatisfied parties? Well, relying on the situation of cooperation Fu, each faction has to adopt various new policies... It must be very difficult there."

"So, can our dependents also fight against the angel's game-system?"

Facing Ise's question, Asachel nodded

"Maybe it will be like this in the future. Even so, it won't be soon. It will take ten years at least... maybe twenty years later. Well, that time is the golden age of you as rookie demons, You can enjoy it."

"You can enjoy it." Cang Na said in a calm but energetic tone.

"It seems very interesting." Kiba also found it very interesting.

"Teaching...the church is scary..." Gaspar frowned.

"Let's leave it at that, today is Wisteria Irina's welcome party." Cang Na said with a smile.

Irina also looked around at the crowd again and said: "Everyone! I have been hostile to you before and wanted to eliminate you! However, since Master Michael made the order of 'Get along with each other later?', I I feel that I need to get along well with everyone! In fact, from a personal point of view, I really want to have a good relationship with everyone! I will work hard as a representative of the church! Please take care of me!"

Despite all the hardships, Irina became a companion in Kuo Academy.

After that, together with the members of the student council, Irina's welcome party was held.

Chapter five hundred and seventy seventh duel is coming

A few days passed after Irina transferred to another school.

"That, that! I want to participate in the loan race!" Irina raised her hands high in spirit.

I quickly integrated into the class.Thanks to her optimistic and cheerful nature, she is very popular among boys and girls.Now the class is holding a class meeting to decide who will participate in what event in the sports festival.

"cold day."

Tongsheng greeted Mu Hantian suddenly.She's standing in front of the blackboard right now, writing something about the sports festival.

"Your armpit is broken."

"Eh? Really or not?"

After hearing what Kiryu said, Mu Hantian looked at the armpit of the shirt he was wearing.It was too late to find out.He raised his hand to check his armpits!Of course, the clothes are not torn!

"Okay, it's decided." Just like that, Mu Hantian's name was written on the blackboard.

"Damn, isn't this a scam, Kiryu!"

Facing Mu Hantian's complaints, she just smirked a few times.

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