"That's right, that's why the special ability to devour Han Tian's attack just now appeared. The opponent probably realized that since they can't defend directly, they should deal with it in other ways."

"That... that, I thought of a question... can I share my opinion?" Irina raised her hand cautiously.

"Of course, please."

Urged by Rias, Irina began to speak.

"Apart from our research and attacks, don't you think there is anything strange about the Hero faction's actions?"


Irina nodded at Xenovia who looked suspicious, and said: "That's right, because if you really want to take us down after research, only two or three battles are enough for the strategists to plan their strategies, and the fourth The battle will be decisive. But the fourth and fifth battles have not changed, so I feel that they are really cautious... How should I put it, are the existence of their bosses in the What kind of experiment are you doing?"

"Experiment? Ours?"

Facing Junai's rhetorical question, Irina shook her head slightly.

"If I have to say which side it is from, it feels more like they—the experiment of the artifact holders... This is my intuition, so I can't say for sure...they also sent the artifact holders to other forces outside this city. place, I guess they deliberately picked a place where people with powerful abilities gather."

"A dramatic change." The kitten muttered in a low voice.

"Could it be that...how could it be that the Hero faction asked those guys to fight us in order to put them into a forbidden state?"

"But Ise-kun, don't you think it's a bit similar to the reaction that the Shadow Envoy appeared before disappearing on the other side of the transfer magic circle?"

"But, can you reach the forbidden state just by conflicting with us?"

Ise's opinion made Rias narrow her eyes.

"Sword God, Sekiryuutei, Lightning Manipulator, Holy Demon Sword, Holy Sword Durandal and Ascalon, Vampires who stop time, Nekomata who uses senjutsu, and even excellent recovery staff ... Ise, from the perspective of the opponent, our strength should be beyond the norm. Leaving aside the question of whether we can win, just fighting with us is already an unusual fighting experience for ordinary humans. "

"In terms of method, it's a bit reckless, and it can even be said to be rough."

Irina continued Kiba's words: "I feel like, it doesn't matter if dozens or hundreds of people die, as long as one person reaches the forbidden hand... No, the defeat of the comrades in the battle may not even matter. With some kind of "dramatic" change...it's the worst idea anyway."

Lias shrugged her shoulders, and said: "There are still a lot of things that are unknown, let's ask Asachel another day. Our little people have already come up with these opinions, and there must be others over there." What do you think?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hahaha, all in all, I came to Japan for a visit." Mr. Odin smiled happily in Ise's father's order to rebuild the VIP room on the top floor of the castle-like home.

All the family members of Ridgemori were gathered at home, and Asachel also showed his face after a long absence.

Although Zhu Nai's father, Baiqiu, was also there, Zhu Nai didn't even look at him.Completely ignored.It looks surprisingly arrogant.

"Tea, please." Rias greeted Odin with a smile.

"No need to worry about it. However, it's still as big as ever, and so is that one.

"Oh! Master Odin, you are so serious! Don't use such a lewd gaze! This is the younger sister of Lord Demon King Lucifer!"

The Valkyrie who was at her side knocked on Odin's head vigorously.Odin rubbed his head and half opened his eyes.

"Really, I don't know how to accommodate. Even Suzeks' sister, as long as she is a beautiful woman, she will be glamorous, so even the old man will keep staring at the chest. This is the old man's follower Valkyrie, the name is..."

"See you Roseweather. During this time in Japan, please take care of me. From now on, we will be friends." The Valkyrie introduced by Odin—— Roseweather also greeted.Although he looks young, he is very calm, capable and capable.

"This is a virgin whose history equals her age without a boyfriend, and so does Valkyrie." Odin added information with a liu expression.

Rossweisse "showed" a super embarrassing expression and said: "That's okay! I... I'm just because I haven't liked my boy until now! I don't like being a virgin, okay? ! Woohoo!" He collapsed on the spot and started knocking on the floor non-stop.

"Well, the war otome industry is also very harsh. After all, even if it is a person with outstanding looks, there are many who have not ushered in their own spring. Recently, the number of heroes and brave men has decreased a lot. Due to the reduction in funds, The deployment of Valkyrie also has a tendency to shrink, and this one can only shrink in a corner of the workplace before becoming an old servant." Odin said while nodding.

Asachel smiled wryly at Lias and said: "During the time the old man is in Japan, we will be his guards. Baiqiu is an important member of the backup of the fallen angel. I am quite busy this time, The time I stay here is limited. In these days, Baiqiu will take care of me instead."

"Please take care of me." Baiqiu, who didn't talk much, also said politely.

"Grandpa, isn't it a little early to come to Japan? According to what I heard, the schedule should be a little later. Isn't the main purpose of coming to Japan this time to talk with the gods of Japan? Michael and Sazex Intermediary, I will also attend the meeting." Asachel asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Well, that's right, because there are some troubles in our country... It's not so much troubles, but my way of doing things has been criticized. The old man thinks it's better to act early before any "chaos" happens. There are some I want to talk to the Japanese gods in advance. After all, I have been locked up so far and have not been able to communicate much." Odin sighed while brushing his long white beard.

"The troublesome thing is the rumor about the Warner Protoss being targeted? Please, don't trigger 'Twilight of the Gods' casually, old man." Asachel smiled sarcastically.

"The Warner Protoss is fine... Well, there is no way to talk about this. Compared to this, Brother Asachel, is it possible that the number of people who can be banned from the 'Disaster Group' has increased. It's scary. I I heard that this is not a very rare phenomenon?"

"Ah, it's very rare. It's just that some idiot somewhere planned to use a convenient and frighteningly simple and brutal method to force the rare phenomenon to happen randomly. People who are familiar with divine weapons have also thought about this method at one time. , but if it is implemented, it will be criticized by various parties, so I gave up. Whether it succeeds or fails, it will definitely be criticized."

"What's the matter with that method?"

Asachel answered Yicheng's question: "Basically agrees with Rias's report. It's a clumsy "random" shooting of birds. First, gather a large number of humans with artifacts in the world. Basically It's kidnapping. Then it's brainwashing. After that, the artifact holder is sent to a place where the strong are concentrated - an important stronghold where supernatural beings live. It continues until the hand-free person appears, and after reaching it, They were forced to send them back with a magic square. The Shadow Envoy who confronted you must have reached the forbidden hand."

Asachel went on to say: "No matter which force has thought about this kind of thing but has not put it into practice. If I did the same thing to the strongholds of demons and angels before the agreement was signed, I would be criticized, and at the same time it would develop into The point where war is on the verge of breaking out. We don't want that to happen. But they're doing it because they're terrorists."

"In short, as terrorists, the 'Disaster Group' can take actions that kidnap human beings through certain methods, and then brainwash them to achieve hand-free actions."

"Who are the guys who do this kind of thing?"

Facing Ise's question, Asachel continued, "I'm a full-fledged member of the Hero faction."

"What is the purpose of increasing the number of people using forbidden hands? This is a question." Odin didn't put on a serious expression, but just drank his tea calmly.

"Well, this is a matter under investigation. Even if you say something here, you can't start. Is there any place you want to go, old man?" Asachel asked Odin.

Odin put on an obscene expression and continued to squirm with the fingers of both hands.

"I want to go to ru~club!"

"Haha, the point of view is really unique, you god! Well, let's go! The young girls from my side have opened a VIP shop in this town. Let's go there to entertain you."

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