
The night after Odin came to Japan a few days ago.

Mu Hantian and others, Asachel, Odin, and the Valkyrie Roseweather sat on the carriage pulled by an eight-legged army horse called Sleipnir.And it's still flying in the air!Move through the night sky.

Kiba was guarding outside, and Xenovia, Irina, and Gasper were also flying behind.In order to be able to meet terrorists at any time.

"Yamato Nadeko from Japan is really amazing. Geisha is the best." Odin smiled with a satisfied expression 'hahahaha'.

These days, a huge carriage ride.Go back and forth across Japan.Go to cabaretclub in Tokyo, go to amusement parks, sushi restaurants, etc.

Since everyone is still underage, that is, college students, they can't enter the store most of the time, and can only wait in the reception room near the entrance!

"Master Odin! We are going to have a meeting with the gods of Japan soon, please calm down from your travel emotions. People will be angry with us when we go on like this and return home."

Although Rossweisse had been dealing with it calmly these past few days and stayed by Odin's side, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.With blue veins on his forehead, he approached Odin.

"Oh, you are such a woman who doesn't know how to entertain. How about relaxing a little bit? Maybe you can get a man like this."

"It has nothing to do with... whether I have a boyfriend or not! I'm single because I like it!"



Suddenly, the carriage stopped, and everyone was shocked by the sudden brake!

"What's the situation? It's not a terrorist, is it?"

"I don't know! But... It's probably not a good thing to happen at this time!" Roseweather and Asachel became vigilant.

Looking out from the window of the carriage—with Baiqiu at the center, Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina spread out in a battle stance.

Looking forward, there is a young male "male" guy floating in front of him.He's a handsome guy with a bit of a bad look.

The things on his body are very similar to the cape that Odin will wear when he is fully dressed.But the color is mainly black.

After confirming the male "male", Rossweisse put on a look of shock from the bottom of his heart, and Mr. Asachel smacked his lips.

The man swung his cloak off, and said with a raised mouth: "It's our first meeting, gentlemen! I am the evil god of the Nordics! Loki!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That god, isn't he from the same place as Mr. Odin?" Yicheng was a little surprised.

"Mr. Loki, meeting in such a place is really a coincidence. What's your business? Sitting in this carriage is His Highness Odin, the chief god of Northern Europe. Did you know this and take action?" Asachel calmly asked.

Loki put his hands together and said: "It's nothing, our Lord God, the pain of running out of our mythology system and contacting a mythology system other than ours is really unbearable. I can't bear it, so I came to get in the way." .”

After hearing this sentence, Asachel's tone changed.

"It's really a frank meeting, Loki." There was considerable anger in the voice!Well, after all, Asachel is a person who likes peace, and he hates guys like Loki who disrupt the peace.

Hearing Asachel's words, Loki smiled happily. "Ahahahaha, this is the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels. Although I don't want to meet you and the other demons, there is no other way. Just be wiped out by me together with Odin."

"Is it all right for you to come into contact with other mythological systems? This is self-contradictory."

"Hehe, it's enough to destroy other myth systems. I really don't understand the need to conclude peace. Obviously, the myths over there set foot on our territory to spread their holy books."

"It's useless to me. Tell Michael or the god in the dead holy book." Asachel said while scratching his head.

"Hmph, no matter where it is, it's a problem for the Lord God Odin to personally go to peace talks with the gods of the Far East. In this way, wouldn't the 'Twilight of the Gods' we are welcoming be impossible to achieve? In exchange for information from the World Tree What do you want to get?"

Asachel pointed his finger at Loki and asked, "Just one question! Is your action related to the 'Disaster Regiment'? But aren't you the evil god who will answer this honestly?"

Loki replied with a lack of interest: "It's extremely unpleasant to compare foolish terrorists with my claims. I came here to see it with my own will. It's not Orpheus's will."

Hearing this answer, Asachel breathed a sigh of relief. "Isn't it 'The Brigade of Misfortune'? However, this is still a troublesome issue. So that's it, old man. Is this the problem that Beidi is responsible for?"

Asachel turned to the carriage, and Odin led Roseweizer out of the carriage.A magic circle is spread out under the feet, and it moves in the air through the magic circle.

"Well, but how should I put it, the current situation is that there are still guys with stubborn minds. Even a dumb guy who goes out like this himself has appeared on the stage."

Odin stroked his long white beard and said.

"Master Loki! This is an act of ultra vires! It is not an acceptable act to show your fierceness to the Lord God! You should express your objection on a proper occasion!" Roseweather immediately changed the shirt into the armor, and asked Loki protested.

"Don't come and get in my way. I'm here to ask Odin. Do you still plan to continue this kind of thing beyond the scope of Norse mythology?"

Odin replied flatly: "Yes. At least, compared with you, the conversation with Suzeks and Azazel is ten thousand times more interesting. I want to learn about Japanese Shinto. It is also helpful to us over there. I am interested in World Tree. I just want to send ambassadors to each other to carry out exchanges between different cultures if the peace talks between the two sides come to fruition."

After hearing this, Loki said with a wry smile: "Understood. What a stupid idea. Wouldn't it be impossible to carry out Twilight?"


Suddenly a chill hit everyone.The appalling hostility made everyone have goosebumps!

"Can you take that as a declaration of war?"

Loki smiled fearlessly at Asachel's final confirmation.



Suddenly, a wave hit Loki!

It was Xenovia—wielding Durandal.A large amount of aura spewed out from the holy sword.

"I still know the truth that the first move will win." Xenovia said flatly.

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