"If you decide in advance that anyone can stab you if you do something weird, you'll be fine."

"Although I didn't plan to do such a thing at all, if I attack, I won't wait to be stabbed in vain." Regarding Asachel's words, Vali just smiled wryly.

"Well, let's put aside the topic related to Vali for now. Next, discuss the topic related to Loki's countermeasures. It is already scheduled to ask someone for countermeasures against Loki and Fenrir wolf."

"Ask for countermeasures against Loki and Fenrir wolf?"

Asachel nodded in response to Rias's words.

"Yes, he knows those guys very well, so let him teach you a little bit more."

"Who is it?" Yicheng raised his hand and asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's him, right? One of the five dragon kings, the 'Dragon of the End' Yermungand. He is a huge sea serpent in Norse mythology, the evil god Loki and the giantess Amber. The second son among the three sons and daughters born to Da, the elder brother is the demon wolf Fenrir, and the younger sister is the god of death Hela. (PS some are also called Hel. You can go and see the magic detective Loki)”

"Well, what Han Tian said is right, but we need to rely on the power of Ertianlong, the 'Golden Dragon King' - the power of Fabnir, the 'Dragon King of Black Evil' - the power of Vrito and the power of Tanning to open the dragon gate Yes. You can simply call out the consciousness of Jormungandr from there. Because the main body is still sleeping in the deep sea of ​​northern Europe."

"Could it be, even, even I want to go? Seriously, it's all these monsters that make me feel very inferior!" Shao expressed his opinion tremblingly.

"Well, you are just one of the elements. The main part can be handed over to us and Nitianlong. Anyway, just wait until we get in touch with Tanning. Shemhasa and I will discuss countermeasures. You just wait until then. Baiqiu, come with me."


Asachel and Baiqiu finished talking and went out from the hall.

The rest are the Supernatural Research Association and the Student Union, and then there are the Wali gang.

"Sekiryuutei." The monkey raised his hand and spoke.

"What... what's wrong?" Yicheng asked tremblingly.

But the beautiful monkey said with an old-fashioned smile, "Can I go to the indoor swimming pool below?"

"It's really... an unexpected problem, no problem, as long as you don't mess around." Yicheng nodded and said.

"Oh, thank you so much." The beautiful monkey bowed and left the room.

"This... this is the last excalibur that was lost! Wow, it's amazing!"

"Yeah, Vali got the information alone, and after comparing it with the legends passed down from generation to generation in my family, I found out. The location is a secret."

Mu Hantian cast his gaze to the side where the voice came from. Irina and Asa were having a good time chatting about excalibur.At this time, Irina's character is really convenient, and they quickly become a ball.Kiba and Xenovia next to him were on guard, and seemed to be listening to their conversation.He is also a swordsman, so he is very concerned about the legendary holy sword.

Mu Hantian turned his head away, another pair appeared in his sight

"Meow?" Kitten and Hei Ge.

The kitten lowered its head, but its eyes stared at its sister from time to time, and a coquettish smile appeared on Heige's side.

"Xiaomaochan's sister, although she is a beauty, is so scary." Behind the kitten, Gaspar shivered and hid.

Mu Hantian walked over with a smile and stood between the two of them.

"Little cat, are you okay?"

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, the kitten shook his head, then took Mu Hantian's hand, and hid behind Mu Hantian's back.Sure enough, I was still very distressed, facing my sister.

Seeing Mu Hantian approaching, Hei Ge froze for a moment, and soon showed a mischievous smile.He kept staring at Mu Hantian.Then……


The sudden feeling made Mu Hantian take a step back!Looking back, Heige "licked" Mu Hantian's tongue sticking out gorgeously.

"Uh, Heige, what are you doing?" Mu Hantian asked puzzled after touching his face.

"Do you want to meow?"


"I have always wanted a child, so I want to ask you, brother, to make a child with me." After speaking, he walked forward and hugged Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian wanted to say something, but was stared at fiercely by the scary girl behind him, it was so scary.

And Hei Ge smiled happily when he saw the kitten's reaction.

"I won't give up my senior... to my lord sister." With that said, the kitten came out from behind Mu Hantian and pulled Hei Ge out of Mu Hantian's arms.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Soon after Asachel came back, Issei, Saji, and Vali flew out of Hyoudou's house by transferring the magic circle.

In order to summon the Dragon King, it is impossible not to summon the consciousness in a specially prepared place.

The place I arrived at was—the white space.Looking around, there is a particularly eye-catching place - there is an extremely huge dragon standing there.

"I haven't seen you for a few days."

"Uncle Tanning!" Yicheng shouted happily.

"Oh, is that Vrito over there?"

Tanning was looking at Spoon.As the key figure, Saji was trembling all over his body.

"Dragon...Dragon King! The supreme demon...!" Tension mixed with respect.

"Don't be nervous. Although the uncle is a bit fierce, he is still a good dragon."

"Stupid, idiot! It's the top demon Tanning-sama! Big, uncle or something!"

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