Xenovia smiled self-mockingly. "Even the Orthodox Church has come to cooperate. I'm afraid that the seraphs headed by Lord Michael have dealt with it, but there are not so many opportunities to invite those alchemists to reforge it."

Xenovia continued: "A technique that suppresses the offensive aura without reducing the power of the holy sword. Actually, I am very interested in it. But then again, even as the master, I can't suppress it. It's so useless, how embarrassing it is for me as a 'knight'! Wouldn't it be better for me to die? Lord!"

"Understood. If there is anything wrong, go to Yicheng to borrow Ascalon!"

"Okay! By the way, I've fallen in love with Ascalon a little bit recently." After saying this, Xenovia returned to his original seat.

At this time, a slight sharp voice came from the seat in front.Looking forward - it turned out that Kiba was coming from the front carriage.he saw

When he arrived at Mu Hantian, he walked towards Mu Hantian.

"Oh...? The meeting of the two handsome men?"

"The CP of Han Tian and Kiba is a nail in the coffin!" The girls cried out excitedly.

"I can sit here!" When he said this, Kiba had already sat on the empty seat in front of Mu Hantian.

"What's wrong?" Mu Hantian leaned against the car seat (well, I don't know what that is called) and asked with narrowed eyes.

"I want to know what you'll do when you get there. It's good to have a plan in case of an emergency."

"Ah, the classes are different after all. Where are you going tomorrow?"

"We are going to start playing from Sanjusangendo, how about you?"

"Start from Kiyomizu Temple. After that, Ginkakuji Temple and Kinkakuji Temple. Although there is a certain distance between these three places, we just have to go to the most famous place in two days. Then on the third day, we will start from Tenryuji Temple. Let’s start attacking leisurely.”

"Tenryuji Temple. Our class is also going there on the third day. By coincidence, we might meet at Togetsukyo Bridge. What about the last day?"

"It's over after strolling around Kyoto Station and buying some souvenirs. Speaking of which, Irina also said that she wants to climb the Kyoto Tower."

The schedule of each class is determined in advance, and finally submitted to the teacher and it is over.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the Shinkansen, when Mu Hantian finished eating Aisha's special kombu rice balls.

"Kyoto is coming soon, and Tokyo is coming soon." The radio rang.

The Shinkansen stopped on the platform, and a group of people came out with their luggage.

"This is Kyoto!"

Take the first step in the ancient capital longed for by countless people!While being attracted by the sight of the station that they had never seen before, everyone entered the ticket gate under Kiryu's guidance.

"Oh! It's so big!" Inside the station, there are many escalators!There are so many people!

"Look, Aisha! It's Isetan!"

"Yes, yes! Xenovia! It's Isetan!" Xenovia and Aisha both looked excited.Use your finger to point and comment on the landscape one by one.It can be seen that I am very happy.

"I really want to build such a handsome station in the heaven!" Irina relished in another direction.

"The meeting place is the foyer on the first floor of the hotel. Hey, boys, and Aisha, Xenovia, Irina, it doesn't matter if you have a big dream of the station, but if you don't gather early, there will be no afternoon. It's time for free activities." Kiryu, the class organizer, shouted to Mu Hantian and Yicheng's boy duo and Aisha's three girls.

After everyone assembled, Kiryu took out the travel guide and confirmed the location.

"Uh, the hotel is near the station. The place where you come out is the west ticket gate. Go towards the bus stop, then turn right..."

"Anyway, let's go out first. You can't get anywhere if you stay in the station all the time."

As soon as Ise finished speaking, Kiryu's glasses shone coldly.

"Issei-kun, it would be terrible to get lost in an unfamiliar place. One person's wrong judgment will lead to the appearance of war dead."

"Is this a battlefield!"

"No, Issei. Kiryu's opinion is correct. The map is very important. Let Kiryu take the lead here. Maybe Kyoto has 'shown' its fangs to us."

Overwhelmed by Xenovan's persuasive scaremongering, Ise could only nod his head and say "I see...".

"Okay, it's clear! Let's go!"

Under Kiryu's guidance, everyone came out of the station and walked towards the ancient capital.

"Ah, it's Kyoto Tower!" After hearing Gerova's words, all the members looked over.Everyone plans to climb the tower on the last day. .

Just a few minutes' walk from Kyoto Station stands a huge luxury hotel.Its name is "Kyoto Suzakus Hotel"!A little to the side, there is a sign that "Kyoto Serafur Hotel" is under construction.

This inn is indeed run by the Gremory family behind the scenes.So, you can book a room at a very low price.Show your student ID to the attendant at the entrance, and you will get a detailed explanation up to the lobby.Seeing the resplendent and luxurious lounge, Kiryu was shocked.

"That's great! Is it okay to pay for all the members of the second grade to live in this kind of hotel?" Kiryu expressed his opinion.

Compared to Kiryu, Xenovia's reaction was much calmer. "Well, although I think it's great, it's still a bit worse than the minister's house!"

The entrance to the lobby can be seen a little bit inward from the lounge.In the vast lobby inside, many students from Kuou Academy had already gathered.

When the time is up, each shift starts roll call to confirm those who did not arrive.Everyone sat on the floor of the hall and listened to the teacher explain the precautions.

However, Asachel and Rossweisse seemed to be having a conversation between two people.Roseweather stood in front of the students and said, "There is a [-]-yen store in the underground commercial center of Kyoto. If there is anything in short supply, just make do with it there. You can't count your pocket money carefully. When you were a student Just spend money lavishly, but you will grow into a useless adult. Money is something that circulates in the world. I buy this and I want that, but I will run out of money soon. So make do at the [-]-yen store Come on—the [-]-yen store is a treasure in Japan."

Roseweather's speech ended hastily.Another teacher stepped forward and this teacher started the final confirmation. "Please pay attention to the above points. Then after you put your luggage in the room, you are free to move around until [-]:[-] pm, but please don't go too far. The range of activities is good near Kyoto Station, please return before [-]:[-] Go to the room." After hearing the final confirmation from the teacher standing in front——

After all the sophomores answered "Yes", the roll call in the lobby, the explanations of various precautions in the hotel and afternoon activities finally came to an end.

Everyone took their luggage and took the room key from the salesperson at the entrance and exit of the lobby.

"Yicheng, this is yours." Yicheng got it from Asachel.

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