Suddenly, Mu Hantian felt that the other hand was also grabbed, and when he looked back, it was Xenovia.

"What's wrong? Jenova, are you scared too?" Mu Hantian asked in surprise.

Although Gerova's expression didn't change, he still said tremblingly: "Japan actually injected terrible magic into the ramp, it's so scary."

In this way, Mu Hantian became in the situation of being sandwiched between two beautiful girls and climbing uphill.

Go up to the end of the ramp and a huge door appears!This is Kiyomizu Temple!Pass through the Nio Gate and head towards Kiyomizu Temple!

"Look, Aisha! This is a temple that gathers the essence of pagan culture!"

"Yes! You can feel its history from the appearance!"

"Long live the heretics!" The three members of the church were excited and said very impolite words at the same time!

"It seems that there are many people who fell from here and were saved." Kiryu made such an explanation.

After that, everyone walked around the temple, bought some souvenirs briefly, and walked towards the bus stop.

"The next location is the Ginkakuji Temple. If you don't move quickly, the time will pass in a flash." While looking at his watch, Kiryu led the way.

"You're right, it's already past ten o'clock in the morning before you know it. If you have to go to two places!" Yicheng also echoed.

Next stop is Ginkakuji Temple!After boarding the bus to Ginkakuji Temple, everyone left Kiyomizu Temple.

"It's not silver! I'm so disappointed." After arriving at the Silver Pavilion and seeing the temple, Xenovia yelled out these words.

"Student Jenova's eyes are shining brightly at home, 'The Silver Pavilion Temple is made of silver, and the Golden Pavilion Temple is made of gold, so it must be dazzling." How about that." Aisha hugged Jenova and trembled shoulder, said so.

"After Ashikaga Yoshinaka, who participated in the construction, died, he stopped pasting the silver foil. It was stopped because of the financial difficulties of the shogunate. There are different opinions, but it is not silver foil anyway." Kiryu made such an explanation.

After walking around the Ginkakuji Temple, I had lunch at a nearby store and then rushed to the next location, the Kinkakuji Temple.Of course, I also bought related items at Ginkaku-ji Temple.

"Golden! This time it's finally golden!" Arriving at the Kinkakuji Temple and seeing the temple, Xenovia yelled that sentence.It's different from before, and I'm super happy.

"It's golden!" Xenovia raised his hands, his face was almost full of brilliance.The other students also came, and they were all forgetting to take pictures.

After looking around, I bought souvenirs and took a rest in the teahouse.

"Please take your time." The girl in kimono brought over the brewed matcha.Japanese sweets are also added.

Mu Hantian took a sip, and it wasn't as bitter as he imagined.Rather, it tastes just right when eaten with Japanese sweets.

"Well, it's pretty good." Irina also liked it very much.

"Well, but it's a little bit bitter for me." The taste is not suitable for Aisha.However, she drank it bit by bit, probably not feeling disgusted by the taste.

"Really, it's golden." (ps: I'm thinking, if Jerova meets Jin Xingxing, will he rob him.) Jerova seems to be still in a beautiful dream that hasn't woken up.After seeing the Kinkakuji Temple, I was very moved.Both eyes shone brightly.Where can we talk about drinking tea.

"Xenovia, let's pray in remembrance."

Regarding Irina's proposal, Xenovia nodded. "That's right."

"I'm here to pray too!" Aisha also said.

"Ah, Lord!" The church trio began to pray to heaven.

At this time, Mu Hantian's cell phone rang suddenly.

I took it out and saw that it was Zhu Nai calling.what happened?

"Hey, what's the matter, Zhu Nai?"

"Hey, Han Tian, ​​no, it's not a big deal... It's just that Kitty Maojiang said something that made people a little bit concerned."

"What do you care about?"

"Did you send the photos you took just now?"

"Yes, the Kinkakuji was photographed. What's wrong with that?"

Zhu Nai said to Mu Hantian who was surprised: "It's on that photo. It seems to have taken something."

"What was photographed?"

"Yes, it seems that several fox monsters were photographed in the scenery. What happened? Although fox monsters themselves are not so rare in Kyoto..." Zhu Nai's voice was a little worried.

"No, we're fine. Ah, Aisha seems to be calling me, let's talk later."

"Please contact me if something happens."

"Okay, hang up first."

After talking about this, I hung up the phone.It would be a lie to say that she was called by Aisha.Let's check the photos we just took.But it looks like it's just an ordinary picture taken of Kinkaku-ji Temple... No, what is this photo?Um?This feeling……

Mu Hantian hurried back to the teahouse, and found that Tongsheng was already fast asleep!Aisha and the others are still awake.Xenovia was glaring at the female clerk with a terrifying expression.

Mu Hantian looked over and found that she had animal ears on her head.The tail is also exposed.Not human.At a glance, there are guys with animal ears all around at some point.Ordinary tourists fell asleep in that place.

Xenovia quickly took out the sacred short sword from the bag, and hid Aisha behind his back.Yicheng also used his left hand to set up a posture, ready for the cage hand to appear.Mu Hantian calmly walked in front of the two of them.

"Please wait."

Hearing a very familiar voice, everyone turned their eyes to that side.Appearing there is... Los Weisser!

"Miss Roseweather! Why are you there?"

Rossweizer breathlessly answered Ise's question, "I was called by Mr. Asachel to greet you."

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