The leader of the youkai who is in charge of this Kyoto, the nine-tailed fox or 'Yasaka', left the mansion a few days ago in order to have a meeting with the envoy sent by Emperor Shakten from Mount Sumeru.

However, Yasaka did not show up at the meeting with Inishakuten's envoy.When the youkai who felt that something was wrong was investigating, they protected the guards who accompanied Yasaka, and it seemed that they were Yatengu who was on the verge of death.When that Kutengu was dying, he told the youkai that Yasaka was attacked by someone and was kidnapped.

Therefore, the monsters conduct a thorough search for suspicious characters in Kyoto.Mu Hantian and others were attacked at that time.

Afterwards, Asachel and Serafur negotiated with Kunou and the others, telling them that the underworld was not involved in this matter, and used their own methods to provide "the possibility that the mastermind this time is the 'Band of Misfortune'" "high sex" information.

"I always feel that things have become too complicated." This is Yicheng's opinion after hearing the ins and outs of this incident.

Everyone was taken out of the house.In the lobby, Kunou sat down after Kunou took the upper seat.

"Well, this kind of thing can easily happen when the various forces are about to join forces. Did Loki come in Odin's time? This time, it's the terrorists who play the role of the enemy." Asachel said very unhappy.

Asachel, who looks forward to peaceful daily life, will never forgive terrorists.

On both sides of Kunou are the fox woman just now and the long-nosed grandfather in the posture of a practitioner.Grandpa is the leader of Tengu, and he has had a deep relationship with Kyuubi since ancient times.This time, she was worried about Yasaka and her daughter Kunou who were taken away from the bottom of her heart.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Demon King, can you think of a way to rescue Princess Yasaka? No matter how much we say, we will do it." Grandpa Tengu said.

Grandpa Tengu showed a painting for everyone to watch.A beautiful blond woman in a priestess costume is drawn on it!There are straight animal ears on the head!

"The one painted on it is Princess Yasaka."

"It's certain that the guys who robbed Princess Yasaka are still in Kyoto." Asachel said.

"Why do you think so?" Mu Hantian asked.

Asachel nodded and explained. "The qi in the entire area of ​​Kyoto is not "chaotic". Nine-tailed fox is an existence that gathers all kinds of qi flowing in this land to maintain balance. The existence of Kyoto itself is a large-scale stand. Nine-tailed fox left this place If the piece of land is killed or killed, there will be a change in Kyoto. Even that omen has not happened, which means that Princess Yasaka is still alive, and the possibility that the kidnapped people are still here is very high.”

"Serafur, to what extent have the members of the devil's side conducted an investigation?"

"Let them conduct a detailed investigation. Also let the members who know Kyoto better act."

Asachel looked around Yicheng and the others with his eyes, and said, "Maybe you need to be dispatched this time. Because there are various shortages of manpower. Especially since you are all used to fighting the strong, yes Your strength is also needed for the Hero faction. I’m sorry, but please assume the worst possible situation. After that, I will contact Kiba and Sidi’s family who are not here. Until then, continue to enjoy the trip That’s fine, I’ll count on you guys in case of an emergency!”


Kunou folded her palms together and bowed her head deeply.Elder sister Fox and Grandpa Tengu on both sides also lowered their heads along with her.

Chapter 2 Sightseeing ([-])

After experiencing the world of monsters, Mu Hantian and others returned to the Golden Pavilion Temple again.After waking up Kiryu and the others who were still asleep, they resumed sightseeing.I bought some souvenirs and played around Kinkakuji until the time to return.

After returning to the hotel, everyone discussed their future plans with Sidi's family members.Tomorrow, we will tour the scenic spots as planned.It's just that you have to bring a portable version of the mobile magic circle to ensure that you can return to the hotel at any time.Once Asachel, who is in charge of the crowd, gets a message, he must stop sightseeing and return to the hotel.

Kunou would act as a tour guide for everyone because he wanted to apologize for the attack on the first day.Mu Hantian originally wanted to refuse, and told her that he didn't take that matter to heart at all, so there was no need to do this, but she wanted to do it no matter what, so Mu Hantian was more respectful than obedient.

Tired all day, Mu Hantian lay on the bed and closed his eyes not long after, ready to sleep.


In the morning, everyone got up very early, after all, they were going to attack Arashiyama today.First up is Tenryuji Temple.

"How to get to Tenryuji Temple?" Ise asked Kiryu.

She looked at the schedule and replied, "Well - take the train towards Arashiyama at Kyoto Station and get off at the station closest to Arashiyama. You can walk there from there."

"Understood. Then we're going to the station. The minister said it, but there are buses and trams everywhere."

"Well, tourist attractions are full of such things."

Everyone got on the tram towards Arashiyama at Kyoto Station and headed for their destination.

"That's it." After walking for about fifteen minutes, everyone finally arrived at Tianlong Temple.

"This is Tenryuji Temple. What is the origin of Tenryuji Temple?"

"Who knows. It seems that such a battle was fought in Kyoto before, and it seems that it has never been fought."

Everyone walked into the temple through the huge main gate.While paying the tour fee at the reception...

"Oh, you are here." It was a childish voice that I had heard before.Looking back, there was a blond girl dressed as a shrine maiden standing behind her. ——It’s Kunou.

"It's Kunou."

"Yeah. I agreed, I'm going to be your tour guide around Arashiyama today." I had already hidden the ears and tail when I came here.

Kiryu was surprised when he saw the little blond girl. "Wow - what a cute girl. Why, Han Tian, ​​did you strike up a conversation with such a young child on the spot?" After speaking, he hugged Jiu Zhong and rubbed her face at the same time!

"Let go, let me go! You're so familiar, little girl!"

Kunou was very unhappy, but this made Kiryu even happier.

"It's the best way to express disgust in the tone of a princess! The image is also perfect!"

"It's hopeless, you!" Mu Hantian sighed and pulled Tongsheng away from Jiuzhong, and started talking again.

"This is Kunou. I know Aisha and me."

"I'm Kunou. Please take care of me."

"By the way, Kunou. You said you would be our tour guide, what will you do for us?"

After Gerova finished asking, Kunou puffed up his chest and replied confidently: "I will visit those places of interest with you!"

"Then hurry up and show us around this Tenryuji Temple." Yicheng was a little excited.

"Of course!" Kunou showed a happy smile.

In this way, under Jiuzhong's guidance, Mu Hantian and others visited Tianlong Temple.At the same time, she also worked hard to introduce the culture and history of Kyoto to everyone.

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