"That's good too, and in this way, both of my tasks can be completed, eh!" Thinking of this, the corners of Mu Hantian's mouth slightly raised.

"Oh, Han Tian, ​​looking at you, you seem to be very interested!"

"Of course, this season's championship will be handed over to me!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, the smile on Claudia's face became even bigger!

"Great! This is also the main reason why I strongly recommend you Han Tian to join Xingdaoguan Academy! This year's Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, please help us win the championship!"

Huh?Claudia recommended me to join Xing Tao Pavilion Academy?

Mu Hantian was a little surprised, did I know her?But there is no memory, what's going on?

"By the way, I remembered one more thing, can I say it?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you just say that you have to go through the 'final transfer procedures'!"

"Oh, that... I..." At this point, Claudia suddenly fell silent.Then he seemed to be thinking about something, and then looked around nervously.

"what happened?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing! I didn't mean that." She shook her hand quickly, her attitude was obviously different from before.His cheeks were flushed as if he had a fever, and his eyes kept drifting down.

"This... this, can you please close your eyes a little?"

"Eh?" Why do you have to close your eyes to go through the transfer procedures?Although he was puzzled, Mu Hantian didn't think too much and closed his eyes.

The only sound was the creaking of chairs.After a gap...

"Ah?" There was a soft shock from behind.Mu Hantian was a little surprised, but it didn't hurt at all.It should be said to be very soft.

Mu Hantian opened his eyes, and found two graceful hands hugging his abdomen.

"K...Claudia. This is you?"

"Finally... Finally I can see you." Mu Hantian could feel the faint voice coming from behind him, which was both slender and weak, as if it contained uncontrollable emotions.


Claudia didn't answer.

After the two were silent for a while, Claudia let go.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding. Are you scared?" Mu Hantian looked back, and Claudia smiled, as if nothing had happened.

"Suddenly being hugged from behind, anyone will be scared." Although it felt very wrong, Mu Hantian still didn't ask.

"Please don't get me wrong. I wouldn't do this to anyone casually. I'm very guarded." Claudia covered her mouth and smiled.

"and then?"


"Could it be that the hug just now is the transfer procedure?"

"Oh, that thing is a lie."

"Liar?" After hearing Claudia's words, the corner of Mu Hantian's mouth twitched.

"You can use it as an excuse. You have officially become a member of our academy, and there are no procedures left. But this is the most effective way to clean up the situation just now. Julis' personality Sex' is very serious, so I know she won't break the rules just to continue the duel."


"Oh, wouldn't it be better if I didn't stop her just now? Hehe, if you continue to fight, what will happen? Neither the Academy nor I want that to happen."

"Well, I understand! By the way, I want to ask, can I live alone?"

"Want to live in a single room? I understand, but... in Xingdaoguan Academy, ordinary students share a room with two people, but you can enjoy single room as long as you are on the list of 'Twelve people on the first page'." people's room."

"That's it, I get it, I'll find a 'Star Twelve' in a while, and defeat him."

"Yeah, it's cold, the class time is about to start, let's stop here. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will try my best to help you." Claudia said while watching Mu Han Tian left.


"That's it. This one is Mu Hantian, a special transfer student. Let's get along casually."

"It's a casual introduction." Mu Hantian was speechless.He squinted at the woman standing beside him.She is the teacher of the third class of the first year, Yasuko Tanizaki, with a thin and tall figure and sharp eyes... Maybe it should be said that her eyes are fierce.Her tone and attitude are really not like a teacher, but to be honest, she is a bit like a bad person.

"Hey, hurry up."

"Ah, good. Everyone, my name is Mu Hantian, please give me your advice."

The students in the class looked at Mu Hantian in various ways.Some are full of interest, some don't care, some are testing him, and some are vigilant... Although the transfer student will inevitably become the focus of everyone's attention, it seems a bit too much.

There was only one person, a girl looking at Mu Hantian with an extremely complicated expression on her face.But Mu Hantian also knew the reason for her complicated expression.

"Seat...well, it's just right. There is a seat next to Fire Girl, so go and sit there!"

"Who is the fire girl!" Julis, the girl the teacher said, jumped up with a blushing face.

"Hmph, who else is there besides you, Lisfet? You had a great time early in the morning. If someone else took the initiative to find trouble, then it's fine, when is the 'Star Twelve' still so frivolous Looking for fights everywhere. Do we think we are Lewolf here?"

"Hmm...!" Julis reluctantly sat back in the second-to-last row.There are two empty seats next to her.

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