Most of the classmates have baked and are tasting their own food.Although it is not as good as Mu Hantian's, it is not bad.If things are not done well, Mu Hantian will personally guide them.

The barbecue party started, and Sasaki Misaki smelled the aroma and rushed to the cooking room. After seeing Mu Hantian and their barbecue, he couldn't help drooling.He shouted that he didn't have a bento yet and wanted to eat barbecue!

Chapter 72 Light Onion Dishes

Mu Hantian's cooking room suddenly became famous throughout the school, and they all wondered what the future cooking classes would be like?Nangong Nayue was stunned, everything he did was good, including cooking that boys were not good at.

There are basically three or four cooking classes a day, and there are only fifteen classes in the entire middle of the country. Most of them are in the fourth class in the morning, and the first and last class in the afternoon.Great for filling up your stomach.

Mu Hantian didn't mind, his stomach was full after a day of class.And the course is very interesting.

After returning to the apartment, Na Yue also clamored for Mu Hantian to do it again, and soon, everyone in the apartment ate delicious barbecued meat.The three girls of Klulu were quite surprised.

In the fourth class the next morning, it was Shallow's turn.Shallow hid behind the crowd, her eyes filled with panic and shyness.Why did he serve cooking? He clearly wanted to make himself look ugly!

"I'm so happy that I can take your class again, although it's not gym class but cooking." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"Teacher Hantian, please give me more advice in the future." They were excited, looking forward to what kind of cooking Mu Hantian would teach them, such as the barbecue they wanted to eat.

"Teacher, are we going to learn barbecue today?" a girl asked curiously.

"We'll talk about the barbecue later. Today we're going to learn about curry rice. Look, I've already prepared the ingredients." Mu Hantian lifted the white cloth on the table, revealing the fresh ingredients inside.There are high-grade meat, carrots, potatoes... all traditional curry ingredients.

The male classmates are a bit regretful that they can't eat the delicious barbecue yesterday.

"You came here not to taste delicious food, but to learn how to cook. Don't forget your original intention. If you do well in the future, the teacher will satisfy your appetite." Mu Hantian said.

"Teacher, can you not do it?" Shallow raised her hand and asked.

"No, everyone has to do it, and the teacher who doesn't know how to guide it personally. Now the teacher will demonstrate it once, and you can try it out."

The knife in his hand quickly cut the meat, carrots and potatoes into pieces, adjusted the proportions and put them in a large pot to stew.While showing them in slow motion, he explained.

When it was getting better, Mu Hantian put the seasoning into the pot and stirred it with a spoon.

"Okay, classmates, bring plates to pack, but everyone can only get a little bit, and if they want to eat, they have to make their own." Mu Hantian said solemnly.

The classmates smelled the fragrance in the pot and couldn't bear it any longer. They took bowls and filled some rice, and lined up to lead the curry at Mu Hantian's place.The pair of friends, Xiao Gucheng and Shiuse Kisuki, were in the back row, looking lazily.

After distributing Mu Hantian's samples, they tried a sip, but they felt that the mouth was full of sweetness and deliciousness.After eating, everyone looked at Mu Hantian's cauldron eagerly.

Looking at everyone's appearance, Mu Hantian felt a great sense of achievement: "Now, learn to do it yourself, ask the teacher if you don't understand it, and the teacher will help you taste it after you're done to see if there is anything missing."

Everyone was in high spirits and selected materials one after another.Mu Hantian glanced at it and found that only Xiao Gucheng was more skilled.It seems that there is a lot of cooking at home for his sister to eat.

Mu Hantian focused on the onion, and found that her knife skills were very good and neater than the others.

The whole cooking room became very lively. It didn't take long for the classmates to prepare it. Mu Hantian tried it and found that it was not bad.Although the taste may be a lot worse, it was good the first time.

After the onion was ready, I invited the girls around to taste it. They couldn't refuse, so they tasted it a little.Mu Hantian also tasted a little out of curiosity.

Immediately, including Mu Hantian, the six people were all petrified, and their faces turned blue.The taste of that curry is really incomparable to outsiders.Simply put, it's like Sanae bread. (Check out what Sanae bread is for yourself)

"Oops! I forgot to remind my teacher, the onion cooking skills are very poor, and I once baked a cake in the fifth grade of elementary school and sent 5 boys in the class to the hospital, so I won the title of "mass killing weapon". Shiase Kiki said with a face full of fear.

Chapter 73 Lion King Agency (Lion King Dating Agency)

Originally, he looked at the scallions for cutting vegetables, but who knew he was a cooking idiot. Mu Hantian spit out the curry made by the scallions with a wow, and suddenly felt much more comfortable.Her cooking is too lethal to bear, I really don't know how she did it.

Seeing the classmate who was foaming at the mouth, Shion, who was expecting good reviews for the dishes she made, froze her pretty face.She took a bite in disbelief, and her pretty white face suddenly turned blue and black, and she spat out a few times.With a face full of frustration, she once again lost confidence in her cooking.

"Failed, from now on, Lan Yu will go to the cooking room for tutoring in the fourth class every morning, so I don't believe in you," Mu Hantian said solemnly.

"Eh..." The classmates around didn't expect things to develop like that, and all looked at Onion with envious eyes.Not only can you learn the true biography of the teacher, but you can also eat the delicious food made by the teacher, which is very happy!

"Ah!" When she heard that she was going to be with Mu Hantian, Qian Shao looked a little flustered, and her pretty face turned red.

"It's almost lunch break. Let's enjoy the curry made by yourself. It doesn't matter if you don't do well, the teacher will teach you slowly in the future." Although there were some twists and turns, the class was a success.After class, the students left the cooking room one after another.

Shallow was about to sneak out, but Mu Hantian grabbed her by the collar from behind.

"Senior, can you not learn, I'm very bad at cooking." Shallow said weakly.

"How can you give up? No one is born to be able to cook. You need to learn and practice more. Let's do it again, and use the finished product as lunch." Mu Hantian comforted.

Shallow was helpless and could only agree, but it would be too embarrassing for the two of them to be in the same room.She might be very happy if her pants hadn't been broken last time, but after that incident, she became very concerned about Mu Hantian's feelings.

The two shared a room and practiced in the cooking room.Shallow onions have a good knife, but I don't know why the seasoning stage makes things taste very strange. Could it be the hidden talent of the onions?

Seeing her two or three failures, Mu Hantian told her about her shortcomings and then pointed her out.

"Shallow, practice a lot in the future, don't give up, I'm looking forward to eating the dishes you made. There's nothing I can do if I fail now. If you don't mind, eat with me." Mu Hantian said.

"Yeah!" Scallion said shyly.Since her mother died, no one has helped her make bento, she eats all the bread bought outside.

After Yuma found out about this, she rushed to the cooking class the next day and said she wanted to eat with her father.When Onion heard what Yuma said, her complexion changed dramatically.

Mu Hantian had no choice but to introduce them to each other and explain his relationship with Yuma.


On the other side, in an old Japanese attic in the Demon Special Zone, a young girl with glasses was chatting with a black cat.

"It has been confirmed that the Void Witch Nangong recovered her true body that month." The girl said lightly.

"It's really a strange thing. It stands to reason that the prison will materialize." The black cat muttered.

"According to the information from a month ago, the prison did appear for a while, but for some reason it disappeared in an instant. It is said that it has something to do with the man beside Nangong that month." The girl replied.

"You have been taking classes in the third grade of Caihai Academy, have you investigated clearly, his details?" Hei Mao asked.

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