At this moment, a creepy sense of danger suddenly rose.In the sky, the yellow ape had turned into a real sun, and waves of heat radiated from his position. Under the high temperature, even the air began to tremble.

After finishing charging, Huang Yuan smiled slightly, and at the moment he was almost completely elemental, he could only see this kind of expression with a relatively large arc.

"Come and feel the warmth of the sun, Loyasan."

"The light of the sun!"


In the huge light cocoon shell, a gap suddenly cracked.In that gap, endless rays of light can't wait to drill out, forming golden rays one after another.

The speed of the rays was extremely fast, reaching the ground almost instantly.These rays are like a pair of red-hot table knives, easily pulling out bottomless scratches on the big piece of butter in the square.

But this alone is not the end, Luo Ya can feel the huge and violent energy inside the light cocoon.It was a force capable of destroying heaven and earth. Once it erupted, the square would probably disappear.

But here comes the problem, it seems that Huang Yuan is really planning to do that!

The next moment, as expected by Loya, there were more and more cracks on the light cocoon, and the rays became thicker and thicker, and then... boom!


Friends who have swum before should know the feeling of being tightly wrapped by sea water after diving into the water.

That's how Loya feels now.

It's just that what envelops him is not the warm and comfortable sea water, but the extremely terrifying heat wave!

Tick ​​tock!

Facing Huang Yuan's big move, the ice armor on Luo Ya's body immediately melted, which was something he had never encountered before.The skin dried quickly, his throat became hoarse, and he didn't dare to open his eyes. Every time he took a breath, Loya felt that his internal organs were about to be roasted.

But even under such circumstances, he had to dodge the lasers that condensed in the air from time to time.It was an attack that was not controlled by the yellow ape, and was simply formed by countless light particles.

Weird, hard to guard against!


Trying to let out a mouthful of foul air, Luo Ya seized the time, stuffed the unmelted ice into his mouth, and swallowed hard.

If you don't think about it, you will really be cooked!No, burnt!

Fortunately, after such a long performance, after swallowing the ice, his physical strength and magic power have almost recovered.The injury on his body still hurts, but it has largely not affected the battle.


The replenished magic power was quickly mobilized, and a faint blue energy hovered in Loya's palm. He shouted: "It's already hot today, don't use this trick! Let me cool you down Bar!"

"Dragon Slayer Profound Truth, Land of End!"


Loya gripped it fiercely, and an extremely cold force spread out quickly.The field of ice quietly spread to the surroundings, freezing everything around it instantly.

It's just that it's different from the scene on Crisvia Island. At this moment, this trick has an additional opponent, an opponent whose attributes are incompatible with it.


The two forces of extreme heat and extreme cold collided in mid-air, forming a large black area.

Crack... boom!

A bolt of purple lightning rushed straight down from the dark clouds, making a deafening explosion.

I haven't determined exactly what the fruit awakening of the yellow monkey is, but the ability of high temperature is definitely there.After all, the wounds caused by the attack of the yellow ape in the original book are all scorched marks, aren't they?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The two forces strangling each other on the field, the majestic momentum is like the end of the world, which is daunting.But the amazing thing is that it is such a scene that gives people the feeling of refreshing like a spring breeze.

Not quite as bitingly cold, but not quite as steaming hot either.

There is such a balance between the two.

"Is this... the power of Loya?"

As early as when the light cocoon exploded, Kuzan's ordinary ice cubes melted away.Jumping off the ice wall, the flying squirrel saw this scene when it turned around.

The heat and cold collided with each other, making the sky above the square half golden and half blue and white, which looked very beautiful.

But in between, there were occasional bursts of purple lightning, showing what a dangerous thing lay beneath this beauty.


The flying squirrel turned to look at the viewing platform covered by an ice umbrella, and the corners of its mouth twitched: "You guys are really too brave!"

The ice umbrella was made by Kuzan in order to avoid the heat on his side, but although it resisted the heat wave from above, it failed to protect against the cold current from below.

This strong stimulation of cold and heat made Zhan Guo sneezed hard.

"Ah cut!" Rubbing his itchy nose, Zhan Guo asked Lieutenant General He expressionlessly: "He, tell me, how much money does it cost to rebuild the square?"


Although he couldn't hear what they were talking about, but looking at the expression of the Warring States Flying Squirrel could be sure of one thing, that was that Luo Ya and Huang Yuan were going to be unlucky.

All right!

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