It's just that unlike the last two times when Wu Laoxing delivered the invitation directly to him, this time only the Warring States were invited.His invitation letter was distributed to him by Warring States using the privileges of the participants.

What Luo Ya didn't know was that the only people invited to this tea party were those whose names were outlined in gold.But each invitee has the right to invite others independently, and the rest are not allowed to intervene and do not need to be notified.

Vegapunk and the Antonio family used this opportunity on Loya, and Sengoku used it on Garp.

Not everything is as clean and thorough as the appearance of the world, as it is displayed in front of the eyes of the world.In many cases, behind-the-scenes transactions are indispensable after all.

The last two tea parties brought Garp an indelible memory, and made him clearly realize how despicable and dirty the so-called "rights" are.

He who is bold by nature doesn't like this, otherwise he wouldn't have avoided being promoted to a general several times, and he would be a middle-class person in a cool and unrestrained way.

Dreams are what this world should have.

Garp deeply hates these shady things!

But even if he hadn't been directly invited, this time he had to go.Because the scale of this tea party is larger than before, the number of participants will be unprecedentedly terrifying!And the things they are going to discuss are not much worse than the great secret treasures and historical texts!


Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside the window, rattling the already deserted hut.Monkey D. Luffy, who was already sixteen years old, was wearing a red mandarin jacket and the straw hat Shanks gave him. He slammed on the door outside and shouted: "Grandpa! The storm is coming!"

The sky is about to change!

Garp sighed for a long time, can this dilapidated house survive the storm?

Picking up the invitation letter and putting it in his pocket, he kicked open the door of the room that had been in disrepair.Hearing a "bang click", the door of the room was kicked out by Garp, and Luffy, who was still in front of the door, stuck to the opposite tree trunk.

"What's the fuss, I'm not a fool...Huh? Luffy, where did you go?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There is a cycle of cause and effect in everything in the world, and often two seemingly unrelated things have an inevitable connection inside.When one disappears, the other ends with it.

Everyone wants the result to go in the direction they predicted, but as pawns in the game, all they can do is resign themselves to fate.But outsiders can use their own hands to break the cause and effect and play chess with their own hands.

The world of One Piece that Loya is in is that chess game, but the chess player is not Loya himself.

Just like what I said before, the chess pieces in the game can only be chess pieces forever.When he stepped into the world of One Piece, the identity of a chess player was isolated from him, endless and endless.


This is a dreamland like the vast universe, where countless illusions are born and destroyed here.As the guardian of the dreamland, the golden dragon has stood here for countless epochs, and has long lost its initial attention to the birth and death of the illusion.

Where will the illusion of destruction go?Where does the new illusion come from?

These questions have plagued the golden dragon for so long that he got tired of exploring its mysteries.Not just bored, even said that he had already begun to hate everything around him.

These phantasms that keep appearing and disappearing, like the most annoying mosquitoes, are constantly buzzing and lingering in his mind.

Why should I protect this place?

And why do I not want to leave?

The golden dragon himself couldn't answer these questions. He just silently repeated the same task, identifying who broke in?

Then stuff them into the illusion one by one as nourishment, so that the illusion can continue to exist.

Some people have reached the pinnacle of life in the illusion, holding a lot of power and overlooking the world.Some people are doing nothing in the illusion, bowing their knees and lingering on their last breath.

None of this has anything to do with him as the guardian. His mission and meaning is to repeat this work, repeating it again and again in this dream without the concept of time and space.

Until one day, that girl came.

Until one day, that man came...



Suddenly, the whole dream began to tremble.In the cosmic galaxy, traces of black cracks continue to appear, swallowing the surrounding illusions one by one.

A few grains of rice were missing in the paddy field, the golden dragon didn't care, what he cared about was the source of the vibration.A golden gate hangs above the deepest sea of ​​stars. Compared with all the surrounding illusions, this gate is even bigger and more glorious.

Compared with it, the rest of the illusion is like a firefly in a summer night, dim and small.Only it is majestic, like a bright moon, noble and elegant, making people dare not look directly at it.

However, what is happening at this gate has nothing to do with its noble appearance.At this moment, the countless gates of illusion near here are falling apart, turning into the first particles of the universe, and then, those fragments, like sugar melted in water, are gradually attracted by the gate and merged with it.

Every fusion seems to supplement nutrition for it, making the gate brighter and bigger!

Illusions can interfere with each other and touch each other, so of course, illusions can also devour each other.It's just that the chance of such a thing happening is very small, and in the countless eras where the golden dragon guarded this place, there are only three examples.

And... Two of them failed, and the collapse caused the dreamland to disappear into nothingness in an instant, leaving him still floating in the dark universe.

"Don't be so impatient, you're still a long way off, brat!"

Noticing the reaction of the gate, the golden dragon raised the huge dragon claw that was big enough to traverse a star, and lightly touched the gate.

The invisible fluctuations spread out, the cracks slowly healed, and the gate stopped swallowing.Everything continues to arise and cease as always.

"You too...don't worry, Ivy..."

The golden dragon opened his mouth and said, the next moment, the door trembled inexplicably, and then fell silent again.


One Piece World, Turtle Island.

After more than half a month of sleepless nights, Jones finally found what he wanted.Without speaking, he pushed open the door with a haggard face, and put a completed document in front of Luo Ya.

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