Crane can't find any words to comfort Zefa now, and can only watch him go away silently.That desolate back made her shudder with palpitations...

After a long silence, Crane turned his head and threw the envelope to Aokiji, who seemed to be asleep, and ordered: "Give this to Zefa, and then go to prepare for the conscription..."

The figure huddled under the quilt moved, stretched out his hand to grope on the bed a few times, pulled the envelope and shrank back.After a while, Qingzhi's dull voice came out: "Why don't you go by yourself..."

"I... have no face to see him!"

Where no one could see, there was a gleam of crystal on this strong woman's face.


"So... you didn't kill at all?"

For some reason, Simon heaved a sigh of relief even though the two sides were enemies.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of noise about the death of the people of the Warring States Period and others, even the small countries on the edge of the Four Seas and the Red Earth Continent know it clearly.Because the news was so shocking, Simon's whole heart was hanging on it. At this moment, he was relieved when he heard the accurate answer given by Loya.

"I'm not stupid..." Loya gave Simon a funny look: "It's easy to kill them, and then do we have enough power to take over the mission of the navy? At that time, the pirates will have no scruples and will You should know better than me how many people died. This is contrary to our purpose..."

In other words, if you have enough power to replace the navy to maintain the order of the sea, will you really kill them?

In this regard, Simon rolled his eyes helplessly, expressing that he did not want to discuss such a horrible topic.

"And..." Luo Ya took a sip of the black tea, and the warm and strong aroma made him feel warm all over: "It's more beneficial not to kill them... With the lesson from this time, even if No matter how bad those guys are to me, they can’t find an executor at all. The high-level navy team has failed, what do you think they can use to deal with me? Instead, killing them will make them use the name of revenge All kinds of door-to-door provocations will not be good if the plan is delayed..."

"Actually...if there are only one or two to deal with you, you still won't let them go..."

Robin knows Loya better than Simon. She sat beside Loya, holding a teacup gracefully: "It's also to deter the enemy. If only the three generals come, I guess the red dog and yellow monkey will not survive at all.. terms of your character."

Just like back in Sky Island... This man's methods are more ruthless than anyone imagined.

"Hate, don't say it so thoroughly..."

Loya pinched his nose and said in a funny way, and there was a burst of laughter in the living room.

Indeed, Luo Yake has never been a good person. When he was a lieutenant general in the navy, he was famous for his cruel methods and ruthless style in dealing with the enemy.And if you want people to fear you, it is undoubtedly the most sensible way to kill one or two leaders.

In addition to the last forced palace that Akainu carried out in the headquarters, and the lore attack carried out by Kizaru in this ambush, Luo Ya did not have a good impression of these two people.Of course he would kill them if he could.But in the end, considering the stability of the sea, he gave up this seemingly tempting idea, and shot Tianyu Arrival in a different direction.

This tea party revealed a lot of problems, and he had to prepare more, so the current sea must be stabilized!

A "warm" tea party full of corpses and blood is in progress. It's the New Year's Eve, and everyone wants to have an easier time this year.But suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the person who walked in after getting the answer was Caesar who had been nesting in the laboratory all day.

He was a little out of breath at the moment, and he held on to the door frame for a long time before he could breathe freely, and then the first sentence he managed to catch everyone's attention: "Luo... Luoya My lord! There is movement in the box!"


Loya suddenly remembered the Hailou stone coffin that was placed in the water more than a month ago, and immediately stood up excitedly: "Crocodile succeeded?"

"Don't know, we need your help to bring the box up..."

Loya's ice is extremely hard and the temperature is extremely low. Caesar's limit is that the equipment can sense the movement of the seabed. As for moving it up, it is estimated that no one except Loya can do it.

"Okay! Let's go there!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The location is still on the beach, and it has been more than a month since the last time I came here. Every day after that, only the researchers will wear winter clothes and diligently monitor every movement under the ice.

It is worth mentioning that most of these researchers have voluntarily transformed into undead, and the purpose of wearing cold-proof clothing is to prevent joints from being frozen and affect their activities.

Because if it is the body of ordinary people, then they will face all kinds of time-consuming things such as eating, sleeping, etc. For this group of scientific madmen who are obsessed with research, these things are a waste of time!

In the past month or so, a monitoring station has been built on the coast. Thick steel pipes extend from the bottom of the monitoring station, and the other end is thrown into the seawater between the coast and the ice.

Because the island turtle and Jones complained that the ice in that area made them restless and unable to sleep, and there was a risk of frostbite after a long time.However, it is unrealistic to eliminate the ice around the stone coffin in Hailou, so Luo Ya had to do something to melt the part of the hard ice that is close to the shell of the island turtle, avoiding the direct contact between the ice and the island turtle .

Although it is still a bit cold in this way, it is completely within the acceptable range for the island turtle.And because there is an area that can reach the seabed directly, it also provides convenience for researchers to observe the movement of the box at close range.

When Loya and the others came here, the steel pipes kept vibrating and humming rhythmically.In the monitoring station, the ripples on the screen vibrated, rising and falling like a heartbeat.

"It can be confirmed that the shock came from the stone box of Hailou, Lord Caesar!"

Seeing a few of them approaching, someone immediately handed over the inspection report to Caesar.Caesar carefully compared the above data, then nodded, and solemnly handed it over to Loya.

"Master Loya..."

"No, I don't understand..." Loya stopped Caesar's movement and said, "Just say, can you bring him up now..."

"of course can!"

Caesar's eyes flashed with excitement. He has always been disgusted with Vegapunk, yes, but now he is conducting an experiment that Vegapunk has not yet completed: transferring the devil fruit into the human body!

If he completes this, at least in terms of the direction and process of the experiment, he is no worse than Vegapunk!

"That's good, remember our agreement, Caesar..."

Loya responded lightly, then paced towards the edge of the coast.When the surrounding staff saw Luo Ya's movements, they all dropped their work and ran away in a hurry.

It doesn't matter how serious Luo Ya's hands are, what if he makes a big move?The undead are not afraid of death, but they definitely don't want to try the feeling of being frozen and unable to move.

Standing on the shore, Loya squatted down and put his right hand into the sea water.Then, seeing no movement from him, he raised his hand upwards and pulled out icicles.

Each icicle is connected to his fingertips, spread and coiled, like a thick rope, and the other end is submerged in the sea water.As Loya continued to pull, soon there were dull crashing sounds under the ice layer.

That was the sound of the Hailou stone coffin being dragged and smashed into the ice. Caesar and the others turned dark and hurriedly ran to the distance.

Sure enough, just as they left the spot, a huge ice ball was pulled out from the bottom of the sea by Loya, and the "rope" made of five icicles was wrapped around the ice ball to ensure that it would not shatter in the impact.

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