"Okay, I'll wait for your words." In fact, I also know that Hu Xing doesn't like drinking.

At the beginning of the birthday banquet, Hu Xing also prepared the prepared birthday gift.

"Grandpa, this is a birthday gift prepared by Liying for you." Hu Xing took out the gift and said, "Because it's my first time here and I don't know what you like, so I brought Hengshui Laobaigan, a famous wine from Hebei."

"..." Zhao Liying looked at Hu Xing in surprise.

Zhao Liying was surprised, but Hu Yu, Jiang Fang, Hu Ying, and Hu Yun looked at Hu Xing with a smile.

In fact, it can be seen that it was prepared by Hu Xing for Zhao Liying.

"You boy." Hu Qing is not blind, it is impossible not to know that this is prepared by Hu Xing.

"What you prepared is what you prepared, so why don't we know?!" Hu Hua laughed.

"My preparations were also prepared by Li Ying, because she came in a hurry."

"When I came to our house for the first time, my young lady was so nervous that she forgot to prepare a gift for my grandfather."

"The most important thing is that the first time she came to our house was to attend her grandpa's 82nd birthday, which made her even more nervous. She forgot to prepare a gift. Grandpas must understand this." Hu Xing knew that she couldn't hide it. So be honest too.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry!" Zhao Liying apologized awkwardly.

"It's okay, you don't need to think about this kind of thing, Xiaoxing will arrange it properly." Hu Qing kindly comforted Zhao Liying, telling her not to take it to heart.

Song Jia prepared a cake, but Reba didn't prepare a birthday present.

But just as she said, calling Guli Nazha, this is her gift.

"Happy birthday to grandpa, I wish you good health and a long life!" Gulinaza took out the gift she had prepared as she spoke.

This gift was given to her by Hu Xing just now, it is a jade finger ring from the Qing Dynasty.

"Ouch!" As soon as Gu Li Nazha was taken out, Mr. Hu Ji's eyes lit up.

"Show me!" Mr. Hu Ji is already 99 years old, and he knows a lot about those old antiques from the Qing Dynasty.

When I saw the jade wrench that Guli Nazha took out, I immediately became interested.

"Is this a Hetian jade wrench from the early Qing Dynasty?!"

"Looking at the feel and workmanship, it must be more than 200 years old?!" Hu Ji was very surprised when he saw this thing.

"Early Qing Dynasty?!" Hearing this, Gu Li Nazha looked at Hu Xing in surprise.

Where did he get these genuine products?I thought I just bought it outside, but I didn't expect it to be a genuine jade wrench with a history of more than 200 years.

"This is a jade ring finger from the Kangxi period, where did you get this thing?!"

"Just this jade finger is priceless. It really needs to be valued. It can be exchanged for a sports car designed by you." After learning about it, Hu Qing was also very surprised. Where did the child get this thing? .

"How did you get it? You don't have to worry, old man. Anyway, you don't steal or grab it. You got it by normal means."

"As for this kind of thing, I have it, but I won't give it to you casually."

"Otherwise, next time I give a birthday present, I don't know what to give." Why Hu Xing has so many of these things, then this really can't be said everywhere.

"Okay, you kid still knows how to play with antiques?" Hu Qing is 82 years old anyway, if he doesn't know anything about antiques, it's impossible to say it.

Anyway, it is also a big family, and I have done a little research on these.

Hu Ji knows antiques best, especially for antiques from the Qing Dynasty.

Hu Qing also knew a lot, and it was only in Hu Hua's generation that he gradually became less interested in antiques.

Hu Qing and Hu Yu's father and son didn't know much about antiques, but Hu Xing knew that Grandpa Gao and Great-Grandfather knew about antiques, and he had studied these things himself.

"It's so valuable?" Gu Li Nazha looked at Reba and asked her if she knew this.

"I don't understand either." Reba shook her head, saying that she didn't understand antiques either.

"However, I saw a lot of jade wares at home." Reba remembered that there were some jade wares in the house, such as bracelets, jade ring fingers, or jade bowls.

"Those were all made in the late Qing Dynasty, that is, things produced a few years before Grandpa Gaozu was born, which is far from this." Hu Xing would not put too valuable things at home.

"My God, even if this is the case, it has a history of 100 years, right?!" Song Jia couldn't help being surprised, he didn't expect that there were so many antiques in the house.

Chapter 0330 Song Zhuer, what did you tell your mother?

After celebrating my grandfather's birthday, Hu Xing is also continuing his work.

"Recently, it seems that many young girls have gone to Korea to debut as trainees." After reading the news, Reba sighed, since Song Qian did well in Korea.

More and more post-95s are going to South Korea as trainees, working hard to debut as idols.

"Well, there are quite a few, but it's not been a few years, and now I have half quit the Hallyu."

"I won't be writing songs for those girl groups in the future, and the Hallyu wave will last for three years at most."

"Three years later, the Hallyu has no future, and it will never reach the peak of the previous two years." As a reborn person, Hu Xing certainly knows that the Hallyu has begun to decline since 2015.

The Hallyu is getting worse every year, and if you blindly go to debut as a trainee, then there is no future.

Especially when that incident broke out, the country directly banned Korean stars from going to China to make money

"Now that you have debuted, you have reduced your control over there?!" Reba looked up at Hu Xing and asked him what he thought.

"Well, how should I say this, I always feel that there is almost no potential, so I won't explore it anymore."

"I've done everything I have to do, just leave no regrets." Hu Xing stretched himself.

Just when he was about to go swimming, a phone call came.

"Hu Xing, do you have time today?!" Li Hui's call was really timely.

"Yes, what's the matter?!" Hu Xing didn't know why the manager wanted him.

"It's like this. I have a cousin's child and I plan to go to Korea as a trainee."

"You should be related there, see if you can help arrange it?!"

"If you have time today, you can take her over to meet you, and it would be nice to give you some advice." Li Hui said this, and Hu Xing thought about it. Since she is the child of her relatives, he can do it himself. .

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, you can book the time and place." Hu Xing agreed, and this is nothing.

"Okay, I'll just wait for you in a dance studio in Shanghai, and I'll send you the location later." Li Hui and Hu Xing agreed.

In the afternoon, Hu Xing went to the appointment. When he came to the dance studio, he found Li Hui very quickly.

Hu Xing quickly noticed a little girl, about 15 years old.

"Cheng Xiao, my cousin's niece." The little girl Li Hui introduced was a little familiar to Hu Xing when he first heard it, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Hi Brother Hu Xing." The little girl Cheng Xiao was a little shy.

"How old are you this year?" Hu Xing asked the other party's age politely.

"I'll be 15 years old in one month." After Cheng Xiao said, Hu Xing said with a smile: "Sure enough, he's the same age as Master, but two months younger."

"15 years old, why do you think of going to Korea as a trainee at this grade?"

"In my opinion, the current Hallyu idol is no longer the mainstream. In at most three years, the Hallyu will begin to decline. If you try to make a debut there, you will have no good future." Hu Xing is the best advice.

"But I like to stand on the stage." When Cheng Xiao said that, Hu Xing could only shake his head helplessly.

"If you want to go, it's fine. Do you have any talents? For example, singing, dancing or something." Hu Xing is not in a hurry, he is now helping to check.

"Can dance!" When Cheng Xiao talked about dancing, he was really confident.

After watching Cheng Xiao dance, Hu Xing knew that this little girl was really basic.

But there is a foundation, and this cannot be used as a bargaining chip that can be left behind.

In a short time, it's not that simple for her to get a good position there or get attention.

"Didn't you belong to SM before? Did SM have shares?" Li Hui asked Hu Xing during a break.

"No!" Hu Xing said that he has no shares, and explained: "A small company is not worthy of my own shares. When I was a teacher, I just went there to learn something to find an identity."

"The salary given to me by SM Company is negligible. I didn't go there to make money."

"It's very simple for me to want shares in SM company, but I don't bother to own them." Hu Xing looked at the little girl named Cheng Xiao in front of him, smoking a cigarette.

"I was thinking about asking you to arrange for her to join SM." It's not surprising that Li Hui had this idea.

"There's no need to go to that company." Hu Xing told Cheng Xiao a lot just now, what needs to be paid attention to.

I believe that she should be able to understand what she will do when she gets there.

"I advise you, it's better not to let her go there, she has no future." As a friend, Hu Xing gave Li Hui a piece of advice, asking her to find a way to keep Cheng Xiao in the country for development.

"As you originally planned, let her go and learn something."

"Boys used to learn things well, but girls may not be so easy to mess with in the past."

"Especially pretty girls, when they get there, it's easy to be unspoken." When Hu Xing said this, Li Hui frowned and looked at him.

Li Hui had to seriously consider Hu Xing's proposal.

"Hey, this is also difficult." Naturally, there was a reason why Li Hui was so distressed.

Hu Xing is actually more concerned about who Cheng Xiao is, he has a little memory, but he just can't remember it. It should be a star, but it doesn't seem to be a popular one.

"Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, it doesn't change much for me when I think about it." Hu Xing looked at Cheng Xiao instead, reminding him of Master Song

The girl said she would come back at the beginning of this month, but she didn't know if she really came back.

Thinking of this, Hu Xing sent a WeChat message to Song Zhuer, asking where she was now.

"You have come back to Beijing?!" Hu Xing looked at WeChat in surprise.

"That's right, I'm trying to beat the jet lag during this time." Song Zhu'er said, and sent a photo of herself just waking up without makeup.

"Speaking of which, when do you have time to come to Beijing?!"

"My parents said they want to see you." Master Song expressed his affection with a smile, and told Hu Xing that this girl must have said something serious.

"What did you tell your parents?" Hu Xing had a bad premonition, the girl must have said something embellished, otherwise she wouldn't laugh so weirdly.

"I told my mother that I am already a woman." Hu Xing was dumbfounded by the WeChat message sent by Master Song.

"..." Hu Xing stared blankly at the phone, and said casually, "You stinky girl, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

"What did I do to you? You are a woman now?!" Hu Xing knew that nothing good would happen if he went to find Song Zhuer's parents this time.

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