In the swimming pool, either Hu Xing was holding Nazha, or Nazha was hanging on his body.

Hu Xing was also polite, holding Nazha and eating all her tofu.

Fortunately, not many people come to this swimming pool, only one or two couples.

I have been soaking in the swimming pool for three hours, and finally I am willing to come up until my fingers are wrinkled from the soak, otherwise I really want to stay in the water and soak.

In the swimming pool, being teased by Hu Xing and eating tofu, Nazha knew that he was drooling.

But after soaking in the swimming pool, even if it is drooling, it is not obvious if it is drooling now.

In the swimming pool, after taking a shower and changing their clothes, they will find a place to eat.

"Senior sister invited me out for dinner, let's go together." Hu Xing was already waiting for Nazha.

"You were with Senior Sister last night, right?"

"That's right, she went to go through the transfer procedures of my house in Beijing today, so she didn't have time to spend with me."

"Now that she's done, she asked me to have dinner together. I've already told her to stay with you." Hu Xing started the car and went to the address given by Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi and Nazha have collaborated in TV dramas, so they are good friends.

Originally they could only be regarded as friends, but because of Hu Xing's presence, friends became good friends.

Maybe they will become good sisters in the future.

"Where did you go this afternoon? You never replied to your WeChat messages." After Liu Shishi saw them, he asked where they went to play, and didn't even reply to their WeChat messages.

"Go swimming." Nazha said as he rolled up his hair, took the hair rope from Hu Xing's wrist, and tied his hair up, which made him feel much more comfortable.

"Swimming? You really know how to choose welfare for him." Liu Shishi understands Hu Xing's character.

Now that they all went swimming, it was impossible for Hu Xing not to eat Nazha's tofu.

"Men, don't you like this? Give him some benefits once in a while, so that you can catch his heart." Na Zha looked very experienced.

But these are all learned from Reba, mainly for Hu Xing.

Nazha doesn't know if it works for other men, but it's good for Hu Xing.

Hu 480 Xing just kept silent and looked at his phone.

"I'm going to record a program tomorrow." After reading the WeChat message, Hu Xing knew that he would record a program tomorrow.

"You have so many programs, which one are you going to record?" Knowing that Hu Xing was going to record a program, Liu Shishi asked him which program he was going to record.

"Extreme Challenge!" Since we are going to record an extreme challenge, we must know the recording location of the next stop.

"The extreme challenge should only be recorded for one day?!" Nazha asked.

"Not necessarily, it depends on the theme of the recording, maybe it will take two days to record." Hu Xing is hard to say now, but he just said that tomorrow he will record the extreme challenge.

What content will be recorded on the theme, I will not say it now.

But where to record, Hu Xing has already learned, just wait until the evening when he flies there by himself.

"Then where are you going to fly tonight?" Liu Shishi asked Hu Xing where he was going to fly tonight.

"Zhengzhou!" Tomorrow is going to record a program in Zhengzhou, and I will definitely fly there tonight.

"Tonight is over, who do you share a room with?" Liu Shishi asked the key point.

"Yixing!" Hu Xing didn't know either, but he must find a man to sleep with someone tonight.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to sleep tonight.

Tomorrow I have to record a show, if I don't sleep tonight, it will definitely not work.

Chapter 0347 Look at other people's husbands!

After eating with Liu Shishi and Nazha, Hu Xing went directly to the airport.

At the airport, after Hu Xing passed the security check, he came to his private jet.

Looking at the private jet in front of him, Hu Xing's expression was neither excited nor excited.

It's just a private jet, it's nothing at all, it's just a means of transportation for him.

With the help of Li Xu, the formalities have been completely completed. Now all the applications for routes and the like have been settled. At present, this plane can fly anywhere in China.

After getting on the plane, Hu Xing took a look at the decoration inside, and it was very nice.

In this way, it fits his style very well, and it is comfortable to sit and sleep.

When the plane took off, the captain was hired by Hu Xing, who was talking about annual salary, not monthly salary.

Hu Xing also sent some photos of the private jet to the group at home.

"Wow, is the private jet available?" Song Jia was surprised when she saw the photos sent by Hu Xing. The decoration alone was luxurious enough.

Hu Xing has already turned off his mobile phone, and he can't play with his mobile phone now.

When we arrived in Zhengzhou, it was already two hours later.

When I opened WeChat, I saw that my family group was already talking crazy about the private jet.

"Look at your son, he has already bought an airplane for his wife and a modern means of transportation, but what about you? You don't even want to buy me a car." Jiang Fang showed affection with her husband in the group.

"If you have the ability, you can ask your son for a fight, so you know what to say here." Hu Yu said

"Hehe~ My boyfriend still doesn't love his mother so much." Song Jia said sarcastic remarks beside her.

"Haha~" Reba booed from below, which made Jiang Fang even more dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Hu Xing couldn't help but smiled and typed a reply: "I ordered two, and now only one is available."

"Stinky boy, don't you look at the current wind direction? What are you talking about here, shut up!" Hu Yu said to his son angrily, don't show off here.

"Oh, by the way, daughter-in-law, if you have free time, fly around by plane or something."

"You don't need to buy it, what a waste." Hu Xingquan acted as if he didn't see it, and deliberately stimulated his parents.

"Other people's husbands have never disappointed me." Jiang Fang typed back sourly.

Now even her two daughters couldn't help but laugh wildly at the emoticons below.

Even Zhao Liying saw it, and she also posted emojis and covered her mouth and laughed.

"This son is like playing a game, upgrade him, spend money on equipment for him, and finally let a 'daughter-in-law' steal his account." Jiang Fang expressed her feelings.

This feeling was sent out, but it made the family burst into laughter.

Even Hu Xing himself was amused by his mother's cuteness.

Hu Xing sniffed, and then said: "A high school teacher, a person who doesn't go out of the gate, why does he want a private jet? Tell me about it?"

"I'm happy! I want to pretend to show off that I'm rich, can't I?" Jiang Fang said angrily.

"Show off a chicken to show off, the plane bought for hundreds of millions is just for you to pretend to show off?!"

"Mr. Jiang Fang, can you be a little more extravagant?" Hu Xing started arguing with his mother: "Look at other people's mothers, they either buy a house or a car for their son, but you, I had to ask my eldest sister for the food expenses for going to school back then, are you sorry?"

"Just ask you, Mr. Jiang Fang, you still want to ask your son for a private jet, may I ask, won't your conscience hurt?!" Hu Xing complained so hard that Hu Yu sent a thumbs up emoji .

"You don't understand. Mom treats you like this because you are used to the free-range education of your Hu family."

"Your father used to get along with your grandma like this, do you understand?!" The excuse Jiang Fang made made Hu Yu and Hu Xing cover their faces.

"I really am. There is an old couple here, and a young couple over there. What should we do?"

"What about Yunyun and I? Seeing you show affection every day, let us have a relationship, okay?!" Hu Ying complained in the group, saying that her father and younger brother would not allow her to have a relationship.

"What are you talking about? I don't have money to support you, or what? Do you have to find a random man to ruin yourself?" Hu Yu educated his daughter.

"Even if Dad and I have no money, your brother can support you for a lifetime."

"If there is no one as outstanding as your brother, then you should not fall in love." As a father, Hu Yu said this aggressively.

Hu Xing also agrees with his father's idea.

"It's over, we'll probably be widowed in this life." Hu Yun said depressingly.

"It's very good." Reba said mischievously that this is very good.

After Hu Xing chatted with his family for a while, he also chatted in his confidante WeChat group.

After talking to the hotel, Hu Xing got out of the car and called Zhang Yixing.

"Yixing, which room are you in? My brother will sleep with you tonight." Hu Xing explained his intentions.

"Hehe~" Zhang Yixing was used to it, and Hu Xing had shared a room with him before.

After learning about Zhang Yixing's room, Hu Xing went in and took a look, and found that it was a standard room with a double bed, which was not bad.

Anyway, tonight is settled, so there is no need to worry about these problems.

Have a good rest. The program will be recorded tomorrow. Hu Xing came out of the shower, chatted on WeChat for a while with his mobile phone, and then got ready to sleep.

"What are you doing?!" Just as Hu Xing was about to go to bed, Sun Honglei's call came.

"I'm hungry, let's go out and find something to eat." Sun Honglei said that he would go out to find something to eat.

"No, I'm going to sleep, I'm sleepy." Hu Xing refused to go, but Sun Honglei actually came to ring the doorbell, never seen such a damaged person.

"What do you want to eat? What is there to eat this evening?" Hu Xing said helplessly, even Zhang Yixing was very speechless, what does this big brother want to do.

"Let's go to the bar for a drink." Sun Honglei said that he was going to the bar for a drink, and Hu Xing looked at him even more vigilantly.

"What? Did you flirt with your sister-in-law?" Hu Xing was really hurtful enough to expect Sun Honglei to flirt with her relationship? ?

"Haha~" Zhang Yixing rolled over on the bed laughing after hearing this.

"Fart!" Sun Honglei raised her foot angrily, and swung Hu Xing's butt twice.

"Isn't that right? If you don't brag, why go to the bar to drink? Don't you have a B number in your heart with my drinking capacity?" Hu Xing was angry, is he a person who can drink?

Sun Honglei only remembered at this time, it seems that this is right.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I went out to find some supper, and I flew over without dinner." Sun Honglei was very upset and asked Hu Xing to accompany him out. Now he doesn't want anyone, but Hu Xing.

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