Only people with a good relationship can do this.

From the relationship between Hu Xing and Sun Honglei, we can see how good their relationship is.

"Aren't we looking for someone who can't laugh? I don't think that girl can laugh either." Sun Honglei made an excuse.

"Fart! My sister-in-law is watching the show on TV, are you laughing now?"

"Why don't you say that she is also Bald Qiang's subordinate?" Hu Xing complained when he caught him, and Sun Honglei was speechless. He could only be suppressed by Hu Xing and silently rode a battery car to the jungle flying dragon.

"Ouch!" After arriving near the Jungle Flying Dragon, Hu Xing saw a very beautiful goddess standing sign in the fried chicken shop here.

"Who is this? This is, she looks too beautiful." Hu Xing came over and saw Zhao Liying's standing sign here, and praised: "It's too much, how can there be such a beautiful woman in this world, oh, oh, endorsement This chicken chop must be delicious, just like her, look, how beautiful this chicken chop is, as if it was cut off from the short leg of this goddess."

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing is enough, Luo Zhixiang and the others are very speechless.

"Do you still want to show some face? Seeing that the chicken steak restaurant is endorsed by your rumored girlfriend, you praise her all kinds of things?" Sun Honglei couldn't stand it anymore.

"Oh haha~" Hu Xing got out of the car, hugged Zhao Liying's standing sign, then pouted and kissed Zhao Liying's small mouth.

Huang Bo and the others all looked disgusted at Hu Xing, who was such a dick.

After kissing was not enough, Hu Xing made it clear that he wanted to do something, to do something even more stupid.

After the kiss, Hu Xing squatted down, put his hands on the ground, then turned his head down and aimed his eyes up.

Zhao Liying is wearing a skirt for this stand.

Hu Xing squatted down, lowered his head as much as possible, and then looked up.

It was as if this action allowed him to see the scenery under Zhao Liying's skirt.

"!!!!!!" Hu Xing's action surprised Huang Lei and the others who looked at him with disgust.

"Hey, you! Hahaha~" Huang Bo and the others hurried over to stop Hu Xing.

"Haha~" Hu Xing's behavior made Sun Honglei lie on the ground laughing out loud.

Even the staff in the chicken chop shop laughed when they saw Hu Xing's reckless behavior.

"What are you doing?!" Luo Zhixiang felt that the child was too worried, how could he do such a thing?

"What's wrong?" Hu Xing asked confusedly after being picked up.

"You are a star! You are handsome! You are talented! You are the king of dancing! How can you do such a stupid thing." Luo Zhixiang scolded Hu Xing very seriously.

"No, I just want to see the scenery like this." Hu Xing explained to no avail.

Anyway, at this time, the audience in front of the TV were all laughing.

Which celebrity would act in such a stupid way on the show?That's Hu Xing.

The point is, this guy is still an invisible rich man in the entertainment industry, a great talent, a handsome guy,

But it is such a person who actually behaved in such a stupid way, do you think it can be funny without being ashamed?

Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and Zhang Yixing had already bent over laughing, or were lying on the ground laughing.

"Come on, eat chicken chops." Hu Xing invited everyone to eat chicken chops.

"We have no money to eat chicken chops." Zhang Yixing said very distressed.

"Yes, how can I eat without money." Luo Zhixiang also wanted to eat, but he had no money.

But Hu Xing picked up the chicken chop and ate it, so how to pay for it will be discussed later.

"You pay the bill first, otherwise we won't dare to eat." Huang Bo asked Hu Xing to pay the bill first.

"Hold it!" Hu Xing asked Huang Bo to hold the chicken chops for him first, and he paid for it.

Now, everyone looked at Hu Xing, wondering if he had any money.

Under everyone's comments, Hu Xing reached out to his pants.

With all eyes on, Hu Xing grabbed his trousers with both hands and took them off immediately.

"!!!!" With Hu Xing's action, the frightened man helped the other five people to freeze again.

"!!!!" The female clerks in the chicken chop shop were also scared by Hu Xing's actions and closed their eyes, or turned around, not daring to look at Hu Xing who suddenly took off his pants and played hooliganism.

However, under the stunned gaze of Huang Bo and the others, Hu Xing took off his pants, but there was still a pair of shorts inside.

"..." Huang Bo and the others thought that Hu Xing would see everything when he took off his pants, but they didn't expect that this guy was wearing jumping shorts?

"Haha~" When they saw Hu Xing still had a pair of shorts inside, Sun Honglei and the others who were startled couldn't help squatting on the ground and laughing again.

But Hu Xing took out the money from his pants as if nothing had happened.

"I...Your uncle!" Huang Bo and the others were also taken aback. At first, they thought, Hu Xing worked so hard, and took off his pants for the sake of the show?But this scale is too much, right?

I just didn't expect, shit, why does this guy have a pair of shorts inside?

Seeing this, Huang Bo couldn't help swearing.

Chapter 0355 Am I proud?Am I bloated?

"Puchi!" The female employee looked at the money that Hu Xing handed over, and looked at Hu Xing very embarrassedly, and found that he had taken off one pair of pants and another pair, and covered her mouth with a shy smile.

"Haha~" Zhang Yixing and the others didn't know how many times they were beaten by Hu Xinglei today.

"Why are you wearing two pairs of trousers?" Huang Lei couldn't laugh or cry, and asked Hu Xing...

"Don't you guys only wear one pair of trousers?" Hu Xing turned around and asked Huang Lei in surprise, "Do you wear a pair of trousers and don't you swing them around when you walk?"

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing, the old driver, started driving again. Men like Luo Zhixiang understood it in seconds.

"No, that's not what I said." Huang Lei knew that this kid did it on purpose.

"..." The female employees of the chicken chop shop were all embarrassed, even as women, they understood.

Not to mention the audience in front of the TV, this time they even gave Hu Xing a thumbs up.

"What I'm talking about is, why is there another pair of shorts underneath?" Huang Lei asked the question again in detail, which was very strange.

"We running men often wear an extra pair of pants under the outer pants." Wasn't Hu Xing talking nonsense?

"Nonsense, you running men are playing water games, wearing a pair of shorts outside, and of course you have to wear an extra pair of tight compression pants inside." Of course Huang Bo has seen the show and knows why.

"But the point is, aren't you compression pants?" Huang Bo laughed angrily.

"To be on the safe side, I'd better wear an extra pair, so as not to be torn apart by Sun Honglei like last time." Hu Xing was talking about the last episode of the show, where his pants were torn by Sun Honglei.

"Haha~" Speaking of the last issue, it was really fun.

But this can be regarded as having money to pay the bill, but what Hu Xing did, it made many viewers laugh so much that their stomachs ached.

After eating this chicken chop, they also came to the jungle dragon.

"The voting room can only be opened after completing the task. Who will go up?" Huang Bo asked them who was willing to go up to challenge this task while eating chicken chops.

"I'm not going, it must be a roller coaster ride." Sun Honglei said that she didn't want to go.

"Let's be the captain." Huang Bo suggested that Zhang Yixing, the captain, should come on.

"I don't really like working at heights." Zhang Yixing was very scared, he was afraid of heights.

"You are the captain, so you have to go up, you know?!" Huang Bo was about to brainwash Zhang Yixing.

"I really don't want to do this, I'm too scared." Zhang Yixing had a bitter face, not sure if it was because he was afraid or he didn't want to complete the task.

In the end, there was really no other way, so Luo Zhixiang volunteered.

"Hu Xing, let's go together." Luo Zhixiang wanted to bring Hu Xing with him.

"Eh, cough, cough~" Hu Xing didn't say anything, why did he let him be together.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing's reaction was to tell them that he couldn't challenge this task himself.

"Why are you all afraid of heights?!" Huang Bo didn't understand.

"Nonsense, I'm already tall, and I breathe air that you can't breathe all the year round. After a long time, I have a certain psychological shadow on being tall." What Hu Xing said was so disgusting that Huang Bo and the others were heartbroken.

"Let's go, the two of us together." Luo Zhixiang wanted to go up with Hu Xing.

"Wait, finish the chicken chops first." Hu Xing said to finish the chicken chops before going up.

"Zhao Liying is watching, how dare you waste it." Hu Xing even teased Zhao Liying.

The show was broadcast, and Zhao Liying naturally watched the show.

It was after reading it that I was taken aback by this guy with no lower limit.

After eating the chicken chops, Hu Xing and Luo Zhixiang walked up to see who this so-called Nanny Rong was.

But this Nanny Rong is certainly not the Nanny Rong that everyone knows.

"What's the mission?" After getting on the roller coaster, ask what missions are these.

"Come on, this is Tmall International's original imported cosmetics." The person who played the role of Nanny Rong also introduced it specially.

"Hey, no, I said how much did Tmall pay you? As for making a game and advertising for Tmall like this?" Hu Xing took the cosmetic bag and asked this mammy Rong.

"Look, the chicken chops endorsed by Zhao Liying, have I advertised for her?"

"The chicken chop that Zhao Liying endorses, since when did we advertise for her?"

"No! There is no advertisement for the chicken steak restaurant endorsed by Zhao Liying!"

"Such a delicious chicken chop, we didn't even advertise for Zhao Liying!"

"Why do you work so hard to advertise on Tmall? My Liying endorses chicken chops, am I proud?" Hu Xing shamelessly helped Zhao Liying advertise five times...

"Haha~" Luo Zhixiang, who was sitting next to him, smiled helplessly.

"Besides, I am the young master of Yilong Motor Group! Have you ever advertised our iron cavalry? No! Let me tell you, no! I have never advertised our iron cavalry!"

"Have I ever advertised a car as aggressive as our Yilong SUV? No! To tell you seriously, no! Really no!"

"I didn't even advertise our car, am I proud? Am I swollen?" Hu Xing's words made Luo Zhixiang slap his thigh.

Thick-skinned, Hu Xing is probably the only one who is so thick-skinned.

The audience was also very dumbfounded. It was the first time they saw a star advertising on the show and they didn't hate it.

Hu Xing is also the only star who deliberately advertises on the show without being hated.

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