Now the double yolk eggs of the extreme three essences have expressed their views.

"One more thing, from what Hu Xing said just now, he suspects that they are two spies. We can assume this to be true."

"He also told me just now..." Huang Bo said exactly what Hu Xing analyzed just now, which also caused Sun Honglei and Xiaozhu to look at Hu Xing one after another.

"Am I, I know it myself, and I said I am not, so now I doubt the two of them born in the 90s." Huang Bo has basically determined the target of suspicion when he said this.

"Heh~" Hu Xing just smiled and didn't speak.

"Why, what do you mean by that expression? Are you mocking?" Huang Lei continued to press Hu Xing.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, who is the undercover agent, don't I have a B number in my heart?" Hu Xing said with a smile: "Believe it or not, just say one, and you can [-]% test who is the undercover agent?"

"You have a solution, Brother Hu Xing, why didn't you say it earlier?" Zhang Yixing asked.

"If you say it too early, then this show will be boring, and it won't be interesting, will it?"

"So, the show still needs to be done, the tasks still need to be done, and undercover spies must be found."

"But there are ways, and they can only be used at the most critical time." Hu Xing's calmness is not unreasonable.

As Hu Xing spoke, he began to count: "Take the lead in everything, and you sweat when others are idle... Damn, isn't Sun Honglei an undercover agent?"

"Ahahaha~" The Hu god stick reappeared, which made Sun Honglei, who had been complained about, burst out laughing again.

This is Hu Xing's classic positioning, the magic stick.

I don't know how many times Hu Xing played the role of magic stick in the show.

In particular, he doesn't know where he learned these fortune-telling formulas. Seeing him pinching his fingers, he really looks good, and he really looks like a magic stick.

Chapter 0359 Who Goes In

"Seriously, let's just vote and tell us who they think the spies are?" Huang Lei recommended a very fair way, voting.

"I suspect it's Yixing!" Sun Honglei spoke at this time.

"Fart, who doesn't suspect you now?" Hu Xing blocked the guy's mouth angrily: "If you add Xiaozhu, now the five of us are all suspected by you~"

"Haha~" Sun Honglei smiled, obviously Hu Xing had hit on the point.

"I really doubt Yixing!" Sun Honglei began to doubt Zhang Yixing after listening to Huang Lei and Huang Bo's analysis, because all kinds of doubts were aimed at him.

"No, Brother Hong Lei, who are you voting for? Don't play around. If this happens, it will be a mess." Zhang Yixing is very serious about this issue.

"Hehe~" Shuai Leilei himself is not sure now.

"Are you ashamed to doubt people now?" Hu Xing felt that this was too funny.

"That's right, don't play around." Zhang Yixing reminded the big brother not to play any longer.

"I'm investing in Yixing!" Huang Lei was the first to speak, saying that he was investing in Yixing.

"Me too." Huang Bo also said that he is cast in Yixing, he is the same as Huang Lei.

"Me!" Luo Zhixiang thought for a while and said, "I vote for Brother Hong Lei."

"I also voted for Brother Hong Lei." Zhang Yixing finally decided to vote for Sun Honglei.

"I'm also Yixing!" Sun Honglei said just now. She doubted Zhang Yixing, and she must vote for him.

Now only Hu Xing himself is left, and everyone is looking at him.

"Now, at this time, if I say Huang Lei, you will definitely not believe it." Hu Xing made a strange move, saying that he voted for Huang Lei.

"Huang Lei?!" Hearing Hu Xing said that he wanted a ticket for Huang Lei, Luo Zhixiang and the others looked at him in surprise.

"Why do I doubt Huang Lei? I think that, if you tell me now, you won't believe it."

"But Brother Hong Lei knows Huang Lei best. What is suspicious about him and how abnormal is he? I think he knows better than me?!" Hu Xing said and looked at Sun Honglei.

"..." Sun Honglei is also pondering now.

"It's okay. Now it's time to vote. Everyone will be suspected." Huang Lei was very calm, and he didn't appear as flustered as Hu Xing thought.

"Now we are basically sure that Yi Xing will not be allowed to vote in the next round."

"Then let's do the task now, get the captain's order, and know where the next polling station is." Huang Lei seemed to be the backbone of everyone.

With such a happy decision, everyone got up and went out to do the task.

The task of finding clues and tokens this time is to find single dogs in the park, hit them three times, and you can get tokens.

"A pig, a pig?" Soon, Luo Zhixiang got the token.

"A single dog doesn't have to be a human, it could be a dog."

"Are you pigs, are you pigs!" Luo Zhixiang, who got the token, is now very embarrassed

All the people who came over were complained by him over and over again.

"Hey!" Huang Lei was also very melancholy when he saw Luo Zhixiang got the token.

Once you get the token, of course you have to go to the task.

The task this time was a little impulsive, and it was actually to take a photo with the Eighteen Arhats.

But it was completed without any risk, and came to the front of the polling station.

"Three people in, right?!" Now that it's been decided that three people will go in,

"Yes, there are three people going in this time." The director also said, there are three people.

"If there are three people in, then we will be very clear now."

"Neither Yi Xing nor Hong Lei can go in, because he was the one who voted the most just now." Huang Bo's suggestion was good, so he chose to let them in.

"Just like this, the three of us who were voted just now can't go in, and those who haven't been voted can go in now." Huang Bo seriously proposed.

"How?" Huang Bo's proposal was rejected by Huang Lei: "We can't let Hu Xing in, he must have something wrong; don't forget, he is a magic stick, he is the best at fooling people."

"Hehe~" Hu Xing smiled without saying a word, just leaning against the wall.

"Little pig, you are the captain, tell me, who will go in." Huang Lei handed over this task to Luo Zhixiang.

"Brother Bo and I, and..." Luo Zhixiang is very troubled by this question now, but Hu Xing waved his hand: "I won't go in, don't look at me!"

"Then Brother Lei." Hu Xing couldn't say it, so Luo Zhixiang could only choose Huang Lei.

"I'm really not an undercover agent!" Sun Honglei said to Luo Zhixiang seriously.

"I bet, the plants can't be saved this time." Hu Xing said with certainty.

"Why?!" Little Pig asked why when he heard that the plants could not be saved [-]% this time.

"That's right, brother, you obviously have some clues, but why are you unwilling to share them?" Zhang Yixing was very troubled.

He knew that Hu Xingming had grasped the key to the clue, but he just didn't say it.

But Hu Xing also had difficulties, and said, "It's not as simple as you think, so I don't want to show off."

"What the hell is it? If you know it, just say it?" Huang Lei also asked Hu Xing to say it, don't hide it, it's already at this juncture.

"It's okay, go in!" Hu Xing leaned against the wall, motioning for the three of them to go in

There is no way, Hu Xing is so pretentious, Luo Zhixiang, Huang Lei and Huang Bo can only go in.

"If the three of us go in and there is only one green light, it means that there are two spies undercover."

"If there are two red lights, it means that there are two undercover agents, right?!" Luo Zhixiang's analysis is correct, and any fool knows it.

"If the three of us go in, it will be over!" Huang Lei told Luo Zhixiang with certainty.

"No, it's best not to let Huang Lei in!" Sun Honglei also thought about it, and she was very sure of Luo Zhixiang.

"..." Luo Zhixiang couldn't see through the situation now, what to do.

"Let's go, let's go in!" While speaking, Luo Zhixiang went in first.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo also went in one after another, and Sun Honglei and the others were waiting outside.

"Crack!" After hearing the voice inside, the three outside the door saw two red lights on the three lights on the entrance of the voting room, which meant that there were two spies inside.

"Oh!!" Sun Honglei was also very surprised when she saw this scene.

"It's really two spies!" Zhang Yixing was also stunned. He didn't expect that it would really be two spies working undercover.

"Hohohoho~ Goosebumps are up." Luo Zhixiang and the others came out from inside, screaming excitedly.

"Oh my God, how do you play this game? It's so brain-burning!!" Zhang Yixing held his head and said in great pain.

Chapter 0360

"Hey, I'm also drunk. The show that could have been recorded in half a day was just for you to play until late at night. I'm convinced. I really convinced you." Hu Xing said with a thumbs up.

"Believe me, Huang Lei is definitely an undercover agent!" Sun Honglei pointed to Huang Lei and said with a very certain tone.

"I'm really not!" Huang Lei explained earnestly, saying that he was not an undercover agent.

"Absolutely! Huang Lei is definitely an undercover agent!" Sun Honglei said with certainty.

"Really, I'm really not. This is definitely the director's team playing with us." Huang Lei was very anxious, why did he say so definitely that it was him.

"Huang Lei was still inside just now, and I joked that he was." Huang Bo was also a little suspicious of Huang Lei.

"That's right, I was joking just now, exposing the bandit and saying I was an undercover agent."

"So, the director team must be playing with us, I can't expose it by myself." Huang Lei was very anxious, and his tone was very excited.

Hu Xing watched all of this calmly and did not speak.

"Awesome! The acting is awesome. Hey, the performances of the Film Academy are coming up now." Sun Honglei gave Huang Lei a thumbs up and said to Hu Xing beside him.

"What did you say? I didn't hear clearly just now, what did you just say?" Huang Bo couldn't listen anymore.

"Did you say my alma mater? Sun Honglei, did you mean my alma mater?" Huang Bo squinted his eyes and walked over to ask Sun Honglei.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sun Honglei also realized that she had said something wrong, so she quickly lowered her head.

"I'll keep this part for him, and I'll tell you, I'll definitely keep it for him." Huang Bo is getting angry now.

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