"Okay!" Zheng Xiulu didn't want to say more, and the next step is to start working

It is already very good that Hu Xing can come to see her today.

"In the future, I will come to China when I have time, and I will come to China when I have a rest."

"It doesn't matter if you make money or not. If you have no money, I can support you. Just don't make yourself too tired."

"In the future, I will take part in more team schedules, and tell my agent to arrange less 19 for personal schedules."

"If you really miss me, don't give yourself too much work."

"It's not just you, you are too." Hu Xing said, looking at Xu Xian and Yun'er.

"Hee hee~ I'll go back to China with you tonight!" Yun'er happily threw herself at Hu Xing.

Hu Xing let her hold her and said, "Are you sure?"

Yun'er stopped talking now, she has the most itinerary announcements, so if she said follow the past, she can follow the past.

"You don't have much time in China, do you?!" Yun'er didn't know if Hu Xing had time.

"There's still a lot of time, otherwise how can I pick up girls:" Hu Xing just finished speaking, and the three girls rolled their eyes at him.

Hu Xing felt that it was almost done, so he left SM Company.

After finishing the things that should be done, of course he will go back.

When Hu Xing appeared at Seoul Airport, many fans recognized him.

It's just that Hu Xing left in a hurry, and didn't have time to say anything to the fans.

After returning to Shanghai, Hu Xing went home directly.

"Why didn't you come back at this point in time?" Song Jia didn't know about Hu Xing and had already flown to South Korea.

"I went to Korea for a while." Hu Xing threw down the key and told Song Jia.

After resting all night, Li Hui came to find Hu Xing in the morning.

"There is an endorsement contract!" As soon as Hu Xing woke up, Li Hui told him that there was an endorsement contract.

"There are still endorsements?" Hu Xing has endorsed many brands.

For beverages, there are Sprite; for clothing, there are also Carbene; for home appliances, there are TVs, refrigerators, and many other things. These are the endorsements that Hu Xing recently accepted.

Even for mobile phones, several domestic brands are looking for Hu Xing to endorse them.

"That's right, this time it's the earphone endorsement." When Li Hui was speaking, she looked at Reba with a smile on her face: "They also appointed that it must be the two of you to endorse together."

"Haha~" As soon as Reba finished listening, she laughed and looked at Song Jia beside her.

"I'm going, really think you are conjoined twins, you want to endorse everything together?"

"We endorsed Sprite together, we endorsed Cabbees together, we endorsed Oppo mobile phones together, and now we also endorse earphones together?" Song Jia was really upset.

This is why Reba can smile so proudly.

Hu Xing and Reba's many endorsements will actually be bundled together.

There is no way, since Sprite's endorsement came out, more endorsements have come to Hu Xingreba to endorse.

If a single person's endorsement is not enough, two people are needed to make it more salesable.

Look at the endorsement of Sprite, especially after Hu Xing wrote explosive electronic music songs for Sprite, the sales of Sprite continued to expand, and it has reached a crazy point.

Sprite sales are breaking records every day.

Seeing this business opportunity, many people followed the example of Sprite and asked Hu Xing and Reba to endorse together.

Sure enough, this effect is really very good.

In just two months, Hu Xing and Reba jointly endorsed five brands.

"The earphone endorsement this time, the other party is very sincere, saying that there are two models for you to choose from."

"The first model is the simplest. Shoot an advertisement, and the endorsement fee is 2.5 million. The two of you work together."

"The second model is for you to create a tailor-made electronic music song for this endorsement, and shoot a good MV as an advertisement. The endorsement fee is 5 million."

"The time is 2 years." After Li Hui mentioned the endorsement contract, Song Jia spit out lemon and honey water from his mouth.

"How much? 5 million?!" Song Jia went crazy, another 5 million big contract

"Yes, it's 5 million." Li Hui was actually taken aback when she received the contract.

"What brand of earphones are so cool?" Song Jia was curious as to which brand of earphones it was.

"Beats headphones!" When Li Hui said this, Song Jia was not surprised.

For foreign brands, it is understandable, and 'beats earphones' are earphones with heavy bass and treble.

The bass is full and powerful, and the appearance is more fashionable. Many superman must-have headphones.

For this brand of earphones, it is really suitable to find Hu Xing as the endorsement.

Moreover, they also asked for electronic music songs to be used as MV advertisements, which further explained their thinking.

Now Hu Xing is the hottest electronic music talent in the world, and his electronic music is still very popular.

Finding Hu Xing to create electronic music songs is really the right choice.

"5 million." Hu Xing flicked his finger on the table 203 times. Obviously, this is a very attractive contract.

"How is it?" Reba asked Hu Xing if he wanted to accept it, the contract was fat.

"I don't think it's that simple. Apple just announced the acquisition of Beats, and now they come to us for endorsement?"

"Besides, a big company like Apple obviously only pays 5 million in endorsement fees, so there should be some negotiations." Hu Xing is not stupid, since there are still negotiations, he can raise the price.

"Are you still going to raise the price? It's already 5 million." Song Jia was really worried that Hu Xing would miss out on this commercial endorsement.

"Ah, definitely mention it, and we don't raise it ourselves, they have to raise the price themselves."

"Anyway, I'm short of money." After Hu Xing finished speaking, he said to Li Hui: "Reject this, the reason is very simple, the price is not suitable!"

"Then how much do you want?" Li Hui was very helpless. For an advertising contract of 5 million, among the stars born in the 70s, 80s and 90s in the mainland, only Hu Xing and Reba have taken over Sprite.

For the advertisement with 5 million endorsement fee, Fan Yulong took it, but for the [-] million advertisement, even Chenglong didn't have it.

But Hu Xing was so lucky that he refused directly?A little too crazy.

"My electronic songs are not so easy to get." Hu Xing is sure that as long as he shows this song, he will definitely get a higher price endorsement contract.

Chapter 0367 really do not consider?

"Too willful, such an endorsement contract, to give up?" Song Jia has not recovered yet, Hu Xing is simply willful to the extreme.

Li Hui didn't say anything, Hu Xing refused, of course he had his own ideas.

"I rejected this one, and there is another one." What Li Hui said was not a big brand anymore.

The offer is 5000 million for two years, Hu Xing and Reba together.

This is just a food endorsement, of course the price will not be too high.

Hu Xing and Reba signed this contract. In short, they endorsed it together, and they will basically accept it.

Big brands will charge high prices, which is a must.

"By the way, Ethereal Goddess, please speak for me?" Hu Xing said to Reba when he remembered something.

"What endorsement?" Reba didn't know what kind of nerves he was about to lose.

"My HS bar, I want you to speak for it." Hu Xing is also the owner and has a brand.

"Hehe~" Di Lieba couldn't help laughing when she heard that Hu Xing's bar wanted her to speak for her.

There is nothing wrong with Hu Xing being the bar owner.

But Di Lieba is also the proprietress, the boss asked the proprietress to speak for her, don't you think it's funny?

"Okay, endorsement is fine, how much is the endorsement fee?" Di Lieba also joined the show, so she talked with Hu Xing about the endorsement fee to see how much he can give.

"Now, I will give you two contracts, what do you think?" Hu Xing said that he would give two contracts.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what kind of contract is it?" Reba and Hu Xing made such a mess, Li Hui simply rolled his eyes at them.

Song Jia was lying on the sofa laughing and watching the two play.

"That's right. For the first contract, I'll give you 5 million yuan for one year of endorsement." Hu Xing's endorsement fee was still very generous, and Di Lieba nodded after hearing this.

"What about the second contract?" Reba asked what the second contract was.

"For the second contract, I'll cook for you for the rest of your life." Hu Xing smiled and grabbed Reba's hand.

"Okay, I will sign the second contract." Reba smiled and said that she only accepted the second contract.

"No, Miss Reba, don't you really think about it? 5 million a year."

"If it were you, it would take several years of filming to earn this kind of money. Don't you really think about it?" Hu Xing persuaded Reba earnestly.

"No need, my husband is rich, 5 million is just a trivial matter; I still prefer the condition that the bar owner cooks for me for a lifetime." Reba smiled and cooperated with Hu Xing.

"Is this not good? Think about it again?" Hu Xing was still lobbying, asking Reba to think about it again.

"No, no, that's all." Reba said that after thinking about it, this is all she wants.

"Okay, seal!" Hu Xing said, and then he and Reba really stamped

"Tsk!" Hu Xing kissed Reba's cherry lips, and stamped heavily, the contract was considered valid.

"That's enough, don't act for me anymore!" Song Jia couldn't stand it now.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing smiled and looked at Song Jia who was lying down next to her. Li Hui had already left just now.

Hu Xing pressed forward, biting Song Jia's lip.

From the original bite, it quickly turned into a kiss. Song Jia hugged Hu Xing's shoulders and responded enthusiastically to Hu Xing.

Reba watched too much, so she didn't see anything.

After Reba changed her clothes, she said to Hu Xing: "We are going to Hengdian, the TV series is starting this afternoon, don't be late."

"Gu Jian Qi Tan" will be launched this afternoon, and the time is about the same.

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