"I was scared to death. I thought I was the first one to arrive." When Zhao Liying saw He Jiong, it was as if she had seen the organization.

"Hehe~ It doesn't matter if you arrive first." Huang Lei also came out of the back room.

"No, I don't know how to do shows; if you are not here, I don't know what to say." Zhao Liying walked in while she was talking.

"You don't need to say anything, just sit there quietly, the audience likes to see beautiful women." Zhao Liying, who was praised by He Jiong, was so embarrassed.

"By the way, where's your luggage?!" Zhao Liying came over empty-handed, so Teacher He asked her.

"Where is my luggage with Hu Xing?" Zhao Liying went to find Hu Xing today, but she left the luggage with Hu Xing and asked him to help bring it over later.

"Where is Hu Xing? What about others?" Huang Lei came to the pergola to make tea.

"It's filming in Hengdian. When I came out, he had another scene." Zhao Liying also sat down.

"Then just wait for him to come over again." Teacher He said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm afraid of being late." Zhao Liying was still very strict. The director said this time to gather and start recording, and she remembered it. She didn't want to be late, so she came here first.

"Hehe~ You went to meet Hu Xing, gave Hu Xing your luggage, and then came here empty-handed?"

"Who made her bully me all day long?" Zhao Liying was thinking of a typical little woman.

"Liying, are you also filming in Hengdian now?!" Mr. He and Zhao Liying were comparing each other.

"That's right, I'm filming in Hengdian, and Hu Xing is also filming in Hengdian, and it's still a fairy tale drama."

"Our two crews are next door, very close; Hu Xing often visits our crew in costumes."

"Otherwise, when I quarreled with Reba, Reba chased me out of the crew, and he came to our crew to take refuge." Zhao Liying said this interesting story, and the audience also found it interesting.

However, they arrived first, but they felt that something was missing.

Although Mr. He is a veteran of variety shows, he is still not quite used to the mode of reality shows.

To put it simply, Teacher He needs to have a script to enliven the atmosphere.

The script from the reality show is with you, so he can’t achieve the active atmosphere in the quick script.

Although Huang Lei also did a reality show, when he was doing the show, he was only good at using his own IQ and mischief, and he was not good at being funny and active.

Not to mention Zhao Liying, she is still a rookie in variety shows.

"..." No, they were chatting just now, but after a few words, they immediately quieted down.

The entire recording scene was embarrassing but not awkward, but it wasn't interesting.

Around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Hu Xing also came.

"Hahaha~" As soon as Hu Xing came in, he used his unscrupulous laughter to attract the camera to focus on him.

"Pfft!" The three people who were resting all burst into laughter when they heard Hu Xing's laughter.

"What's the matter with you? How old are you, you can't do a show?"

"The director of the program group sent me a WeChat message saying that the scene was very embarrassing, no one took the initiative to chat, and asked me when I would arrive, come quickly." When Hu Xing walked in, he immediately complained about the director of the program group.

"Haha~" Sure enough, Hu Xing directly exposed this, which made He Jiong and the others couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"By the way, what is your short-legged phone? Is it an Apple system or an Android system?" Hu Xing came in dragging his luggage and asked Zhao Liying.

"Android!" Zhao Liying turned to look at Hu Xing.

Hu Xing put down his luggage and said to Zhao Liying, "Then give me your charging cable. My phone is out of battery. I need to give it a drip."

"Hahaha~" For some reason, Mr. He and the others burst into laughter and looked at Hu Xing for a second.

"Charge the mobile phone, charge the mobile phone, and give it an IV drip." Huang Lei also said to Hu Xing with an angry smile.

"That's what it was. After the charging cable is plugged in, isn't it like hanging water on a hanging bottle..." While Hu Xing was speaking, he patted his phone lightly a few times, just like a nurse clapping his hands to find blood vessels. , before intubating

That's not counting, Hu Xing didn't know where to find the transparent glue, and even glued the charging cable.

Hu Xing's exaggerated charging methods made Zhao Liying and He Jiong laugh speechlessly.

The audience in front of the TV also found it very interesting.

It is also because Hu Xing is so funny, in the future, when the mobile phone is charged, it will not be called to charge the mobile phone, but directly called to hang the water bottle on the mobile phone.

In fact, the column team was relieved a lot. Hu Xing had just come in, and he quickly activated the atmosphere.

"I said, won't you be working all day again this time?!" Hu Xing sat down, brewed tea with skillful techniques, and asked Huang Lei.

"I have to work. What are we going to eat tonight? This has not been resolved yet." Huang Lei said that he had to work.

"Tian, ​​it was done last time! Stove, it was done last time too!"

"What else is there to do? How about, Dad, let's tear down the house and renovate it?" Is Hu Xing asking this?It's like teasing Huang Lei...

"Pfft!" Zhao Liying, who had just drank tea, spit out the tea immediately after hearing Hu Xing's teasing.

"Haha~" Teacher He smiled and looked at Huang Lei who was speechless at Hu Xing.

Dad, Hu Xing is still taking the initiative to play like this, tell me, can Zhao Liying and He Jiong stop laughing.

Since the "father-in-law incident" on Weibo, it's the first time to record the longing life, so this meme has not been played in this program.

"Demolish the house, where will I live at night?!" Zhao Liying said seriously.

"I'm fine, I demolished the house, but I won't be able to hear Mr. Huang snoring tonight, so I don't have to be cheeky to go into your room to sleep." Hu Xing is really self-aware.

"Hehe~" Speaking of this, I have to suffer again tonight.

"Let's not talk about this, what to eat tonight, that's what we have to consider." Huang Lei said, first think about how to deal with tonight's dinner.

"How about crayfish?!" He Jiong suddenly wanted to eat crayfish.

"You go down to catch?!" Hu Xing was not happy to go down to catch crayfish.

"Forget it then." With such a big sun, how could it be possible to go down to catch crayfish now.

Chapter 0376 Fighting wits and courage

"I think the crayfish are pretty good, Hu Xing will go down and grab some and bring them up." Huang Lei has entered the mode of commanding people again, and he likes to command Hu Xing.

"Hey!" Hu Xing twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain, and said, "You want to order me before you become your son-in-law?"

"..." Huang Lei was provoked by this stalk again.

"Haha~" He Jiong was at the side, using laughter to highlight the stalk.

Zhao Liying just felt that the battle of wits and courage between Hu Xing and Huang Lei was really interesting.

"If you want to be my son-in-law, you have to listen to me." Huang Lei also entered the play.

"You old fox, do you want to use this to command me? Do you really think I'm a little pig and the others, who can be commanded by you casually? I don't want you as a father-in-law." Hu Xing refused to be manipulated by Huang Lei.

"I can't help it, this kid can't be manipulated at all." Huang Lei was really convinced, it was impossible to manipulate Hu Xing.

"Among the people I know, the only one who can make him act with a single word, besides Reba, I can't think of another person at 19." Zhao Liying didn't think she could command Hu Xing either.

Is she still ordering Hu Xing?It is already thankful that she was not ordered by Hu Xing.

"Then let's just sit around? Let's skip dinner." Seeing that he couldn't control Hu Xing, Huang Lei got serious with Hu Xing when his temper came up.

For a teacher, if the students are asked to do something, but the students don't do it, of course they will be angry.

Huang Lei is the most typical, whether it is in the extreme challenge or in the life he yearns for.

He always wants to order people to do things for him.

In Extreme Challenge, he can ask Sun Honglei, Luo Zhixiang and Zhang Yixing to do things for him.

I'm used to it, so he also wants to be like this in the life he yearns for.

Unfortunately, he had no way to order Mr. He, so he could only order Hu Xing and Zhao Liying.

But Zhao Liying is a girl, and he seldom knows how to do it. Of course, Hu Xing is the first person to do it.

But it's so hard to die, and Hu Xing is not the kind of person who can be ordered by you if you want, so Huang Lei is feasible.

"It doesn't matter to me, anyway, I'm young, so it's not a big deal to miss a meal."

"It's you, over 40 years old, eat less, can you sleep tonight?" Hu Xing just pinched Huang Lei's seven inches to see what happened to you.

"..." Huang Lei's situation was truly tragic.

"Liying, go down and catch some crayfish." There was no other way, Huang Lei took the second step and ordered Zhao Liying to go down and catch crayfish.

"Only me?" Zhao Liying didn't want to do it, the key is only her alone

"Then can you call Hu Xing?" Huang Lei asked Zhao Liying to figure it out.

"Why? The one who wants to eat crayfish is Mr. He, why don't you tell him to go down and catch it?"

"Short Legs didn't say that they want to eat crayfish, so you'd be ashamed to ask them to go down and catch crayfish?"

"A female star with delicate skin and tender meat, you asked her to go down to catch crayfish, and she agreed, but you are too embarrassed to let her go down to catch crayfish alone?"

"Oh, those who want to eat crayfish can't go down to catch them; just sit here and drink tea and rest, what's wrong." After Hu Xing complained, Teacher He and Huang Lei both smiled embarrassedly.

"Lee Ying and I will go down and catch it together." He Jiong is not lazy, nor does he not want to go down and catch it, but he wants to see Huang Lei and Hu Xing fight each other.

"I'm waiting for the crayfish to be caught, so I'll make it for you." Huang Lei would really find something for himself.

"You don't need to do it, I will cook tonight, how about it?"

"I'll cook tonight, so can I order you around as I please?" Hu Xing subdued Huang Lei with one move, let's see what else you can do.

It doesn't mean that you are the only one who can cook, Xiaochu Huang, and I can too, okay?

"Didn't you say that you only cook for your girlfriend and family?!" Huang Lei asked, but Hu Xing smiled mysteriously, and then looked at Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying stared blankly at Hu Xing, what do you mean?

"Forget it, this silly woman is not my woman, so, you guys go catch crayfish, and I'll brush the crayfish later." Hu Xing is not stupid, and there are light jobs he can do.

"I'm really..." Huang Lei was speechless now, and never thought that there would be such a job.

After bickering for a while, I turned it on and started working.

I don't know if it was intentional or what, but after Mr. He and the others went down to catch crayfish, the sky gradually turned cloudy, without the big sun just now.

"Looking at the trend, it's going to rain, right?!" Mr. He and Zhao Liying were catching crayfish, and worried that it might rain.

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