"Since we already have enough money, don't we need to kill our own ducks?" He Jiong is still struggling with this matter, as long as he doesn't kill them.

"When you raise a duck, you kill it for your family to eat. Do you still want to keep it as a pet?"

"Teacher He, please don't have this kind of Madonna disease, okay?"

"The ducks raised by other people can be killed and eaten, but the ducks raised by us cannot be eaten. What kind of logic is this?" Hu Xing said helplessly to Teacher He.

"Yes, I support the killing. We feed them for such a long time so that we can eat delicious duck meat. If you are not willing to kill and eat ducks, why do you keep them?" Huang Lei also supports it.

"That's not what I said, I just wanted to say, wait until the important guests come." He Jiong defended.

"Oh, then you mean that my girlfriend is not an important guest when she comes to Mushroom House?" Hu Xing immediately seized on this point and complained to Mr. He.

"No, no." Teacher He hurriedly waved his hands, wanting to explain.

But where Hu Xing would explain to him, he said: "Do you want to wait for Xie Na to come someday, or to kill ducks to entertain them when your happy family comes?"

"Yes, this is your program on Mango Channel, but it doesn't have to be like this?"

"Why is my girlfriend coming, she is not an important guest, so I can't kill ducks for food and entertainment."

"But the host of your Mango Channel is here, and you want to kill ducks to entertain them? Why?"

"Last time Director Xu and Huang Bo were also friends of Mr. Huang, so you didn't kill them either."

"My girlfriend is here, and you won't kill me; oh, leave all the good things to your friends at Mango Terrace, right?!" Hu Xing's buttoned up hat made He Jiong smile wryly while covering his face.

Zhao Liying and Reba were snickering beside them, it was good to see the two big talkers fighting each other.

"Okay, okay, let's kill." Teacher He realized that he couldn't beat Hu Xing at all.

"Really, there are too many shits when you get older." Hu Xing didn't count, so he had to say something venomous.

"Haha~" Huang Lei raised his hand and gave Hu Xing a high five, this is very powerful

"Crack!" Hu Xing and Huang Lei clapped their hands high, and they decided to kill ducks tonight.

"I found out that arguing with Hu Xing is definitely a wrong choice." Teacher He was really ashamed, but this time Hu Xing made him speechless.

"You didn't know that?" Reba had already known about Hu Xing's mouth.

"Hu Xing can talk about MLM people doubting his life, so he offered to give him money." Di Lieba said it even more after thinking about this.

"Really?" Huang Lei was surprised.

"Really! It was in July 2011 that Hu Xing and I roller skating from Shanghai to Yunnan."

"When we settled down in a county town at the junction of Yunnan and Guangxi, an MLM agent came to us and said he could take us to make a lot of money."

"As a result, Hu Xing took more than 20 minutes to admit that he was engaged in pyramid schemes, and finally gave him all the money he had."

"But Hu Xing didn't want it at the time, he just called the police and asked the local police to arrest the pyramid schemer." Di Lieba broke the news, and Hu Xing also recalled this incident.

"Hehe~" He Jiong and the others were also very surprised by such an interesting incident.

"By the way, just now, Reba, you said, roller skating to Yunnan with Hu Xing? Just the two of you roller skating together?" He Jiong noticed this and asked Reba.

"That's right, it's just the two of us, with our backpacks on our backs, we set off from Shanghai."

Chapter 0383 Did I know you the first day?

"Amazing!" He Jiong admired them even more after hearing Reba's story.

"Presumably, after watching the show, many people will learn from you roller skating travel." Huang Lei can even guess that someone will imitate them in the future.

"As for this, roller skating travel, I don't know whether I will support you or not. In short, safety is the most important thing." Hu Xing said this to the audience, no matter what kind of travel is good, safety is the most important thing.

"Okay, we have almost rested, and we are still the same, division of labor and cooperation?" Teacher He asked if we want to divide labor and cooperation?

"Let's take a look at what we are going to do today." Huang Lei said that he is not in a hurry, and he will start first when he is clear.

"First, we're going to catch fish, dry the fish, and exchange agricultural and sideline food for money."

"Second, we're going to kill ducks or something."

"The third one is to go to the town to buy sheep's hooves." Teacher Huang sorted out the three main things to do today.

"Killing ducks is not easy." Hu Xing said to them at this time.

"Yes, killing ducks is very easy, but feathering ducks is the hardest part; it's not as fast as feathering chickens." Huang Lei is also an experienced person.

"First of all, I won't choose sheep's hooves. Hu Xing probably has to go for this." Teacher He explained clearly that he would not choose sheep's hooves.

"I will!" Reba said she would, and she can buy it.

"Will you buy goat's hooves?" Zhao Liying didn't expect that this young lady would also buy goat's hooves.

"Well, yes, I like to eat braised sheep's trotters. Hu Xing knows it, so I have seen him cook it many times."

"I know how to choose sheep's trotters, and I know what ingredients to use, but I just can't make that kind of taste."

"I can also braise lamb's feet, but the taste is far from that of Hu Xing's braised lamb's feet." Reba was very depressed about this. This is what she likes to eat, but it doesn't taste good.

"Then this is a matter of heat." Huang Lei felt that this was similar to the heat.

"Let's go catch the fish first, and come back after catching the fish. After killing the fish, Hu Xing and Li Ying will go to the town to buy sheep's feet. Teacher He, Reba and I will kill ducks here, okay?!" Huang Lei Hu Xing doesn't think there's anything wrong with this distribution.

"Yes!" Hu Xing knew that Reba was here, so he couldn't follow him to the town.

It would not be good if Reba was not in the Mushroom House if he went to town.

He and Zhao Liying went to the town to buy sheep's hooves, which was of course the best.

Since he was going to catch fish, he had to change into fishing pants.

"Oh my god!!" As soon as Reba got down, she saw a fish jumping up, and she was so scared that she quickly backed away.

"The fish here are very skinny." Standing on it, Hu Xing commanded: "That's not it, you have to use a fishing basket to catch it! Yes, that's it! What are you afraid of? This is a fish, not a shark, and it won't bite. Yes."

Hu Xing didn't come down, he just stood on top of the command, acting like a military adviser.

"You will say, why didn't you come down to arrest?" Reba couldn't bear it anymore, and turned to question Hu Xing.

"Isn't that why you don't fish for me?" Hu Xing said rascally.

"I won't fish for you, but I didn't say I wouldn't catch fish for you!" Reba was annoyed, and she really knew how to make use of it.

"Hmm~" Hu Xing shook his head and continued, "Unless you let me fish, I won't catch fish."

"I am a strict wife who listens to my wife very much." Hu Xing also had the nerve to say so.

"You still control your wife strictly? I am the one who controls your husband strictly." Reba and Hu Xing bickered.

"Hehe~" It was really interesting to hear them bicker like this.

Hu Xing saw that they had been catching for so long, but they couldn't catch much, so he couldn't help it.

Hu Xing, who came down, reached into the water with his hand, and when he took out his hand again, he had already caught a fish.

Hu Xing passed by and put the fish into the fish basket Zhao Liying was carrying.

"How did you do it?" Zhao Liying just looked at Hu Xing blankly.

"Cut! I've even caught sharks, let alone such small fish." Hu Xing said disdainfully.

"Blow, blow hard!" Di Lieba couldn't help tearing it down: "It cost thousands of dollars to buy bait, and I caught fish for a day, and the bait of thousands of dollars was used up. Don't talk about sharks, I even have a fish scale None."

"That's because I gave them away, and I don't want to take them home. The house smells like fish." Hu Xing tried to find a reason for himself, but Reba said, "Is it the first day I met you?"

"Hey, I'm really, this woman." Hu Xing grabbed a fish as he spoke, and then threw it at Reba.

"Ah! Ah!" Reba looked at the fish thrown by Hu Xing, and backed away in fright.

"Jiang Yingyu!" Reba shouted at Hu Xing angrily.

"Haha~" He Jiong and the others always laughed inexplicably when they heard this name.

They caught a lot of fish, and when they came back, they washed their hands and feet first.

Hu Xing was carrying a fish basket full of fish.

"Let's kill the fish together, or I don't know how long it will take to finish." Huang Lei said that he wanted to kill fish with Hu Xing, but Hu Xing said, "Don't worry, let's cook first."

"Yeah, it's getting late, let's make lunch, I'm so hungry!" Reba hugged Zhao Liying, limp from hunger, her chin resting on Zhao Liying's shoulder, weak

Seeing her like this, Hu Xing said, "Is it the steamed stuffed bun for breakfast? .

"En!" Reba blinked pitifully.

"How did you know that Reba ate buns for breakfast?!" Zhao Liying didn't understand, how could Hu Xing see it.

"She is like this. She eats steamed stuffed buns for breakfast, and if she hasn't had lunch until 11:[-] noon, she will hug someone she has a good relationship with, and then put her chin on the shoulder of the person she hugged softly. Looks weak, like a half-dead state where only the breath comes out but not in." What Hu Xing said, even Reba herself didn't know

"Uh!" After hearing this, Reba thought about it seriously, as if this is really the case?

Hu Xing washed rice and cooked rice, and then killed fish with Huang Lei.

"Let's cook a fish later, let's have another steamed fish." Teacher He saw the two people who were killing the fish, and he had already agreed on what to cook next.

"Okay, we just killed two of them. Take them and marinate them. Use some ginger slices, cooking wine, salt, and oil to marinate them for a while, and then cook them after the meal is ready. It won't be so fishy after eating." What Huang Lei ordered, Teacher He would naturally do it.

Reba looked very hungry at first, but seeing that Teacher He was busy, she also went to help.

The sun is already very high now, but if the fish is not killed now, there will be no time to kill the fish at night.

And just right, the sun is strong, so it will be marinated first, so that it can be dried directly in the afternoon.

Of course, it is impossible to dry in one day, and it will take a while to dry.

Chapter 0384

"Liying, I heard Teacher He said that you can't swim, is it true?" Huang Lei chatted with Zhao Liying while killing fish.

"Yes!" Zhao Liying was a little embarrassed, as an adult she couldn't swim.

"No way?!" Huang Lei still couldn't believe that Zhao Liying couldn't swim?

"Really not!" Zhao Liying said seriously, she just couldn't swim.

"Even dogs can swim, but you still can't!" Huang Lei also learned the trick, Zhao Liying.

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