"Yes, but I can only make zongzi from my house." It's not that Zhao Liying doesn't help now, but she doesn't know how to help.

Because sweet rice dumplings are different from salty rice dumplings, he can only watch now.

Hu Xingbao's first zongzi already surprised Zhao Liying and He Jiong.

"This is zongzi? Shouldn't zongzi be triangular?" He Jiong was even more surprised when he saw the appearance of this zongzi.

The dumplings made by Hu Xing are different.

Many people have eaten zongzi, which are all triangular zongzi, and they think that zongzi should be triangular.

But the zongzi that Hu Xing burst out is not the general shape of a triangle

It is a zongzi in the shape of an ingot.

In short, it is round, flat and long, with a little protrusion in the middle, which looks like an ingot.

It was the first time for He Jiong, Huang Lei, and Zhao Liying to see this kind of zongzi shape.

It was the first time they saw it, but it was not the first time that many viewers who watched the show saw Li.

The zongzi made in some places are similar in shape to those made by Hu Xing.

"Hehe~ Zongzi are divided into sweet and salty Zongzi, and the shapes are of course different." Hu Xing didn't think it was surprising.

"Hee hee~" As long as Reba thinks that there will be rice dumplings to eat later, she will be very happy.

"Look at your beauty." Zhao Liying smiled slightly and looked at Di Lieba.

"Of course, if our family wants to eat zongzi, we can only see if Hu Xing is in a good mood."

"He's in a good mood, he's made zongzi, and everyone has something to eat."

"If he is in a bad mood, there will be no rice dumplings to eat." Di Lieba said very depressed.

"Then didn't I teach you? Don't you know it's so simple?" Hu Xing couldn't laugh or cry.

"I know how to wrap it, but I don't know how to cut the pork. I don't know what ingredients are used to marinate it. I don't know how much salt and soy sauce to put in the rice."

"What if there is too much salt and it's too salty?!" Reba knows how to make buns, and when she was talking, she had already made a dumpling.

The zongzi wrapped are almost exactly the same as Hu Xing's.

It seems that she learned the technique of making zongzi from Hu Xing.

"Just look at this kind of thing and put it away." Hu Xing and Di Lieba started to wrap the zongzi.

Others also helped to tie the rope and did not help with the bag.

Time passed like this.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, all the rice dumplings are ready.

"Wow!!!" He Jiong looked at the zongzi placed on the table, and after the calculation, there must be more than 40.

"Should we start to suffer now?" Zhao Liying asked Hu Xing if he should start to suffer now.

"No, no, I can't boil it now. If I boil the zongzi, then I won't have a big pot to blanch the duck, so I will start cooking the zongzi after I finish these." Hu Xing took the initiative to work tonight .

Both Huang Lei and He Jiong had teased Hu Xing. After Reba came, Hu Xing worked harder than anyone else.

That's right, Hu Xing must try his best to make the food his girlfriend wants to eat.

While boiling the duck, Hu Xing also found a pot to start braising the duck feet.

"Is there a pressure cooker?!" Hu Xing thought of this question.

"Why do you need a pressure cooker?!" Hu Xing asked for a pressure cooker, so He Jiong asked him.

"If you have a pressure cooker, use a pressure cooker to press the sheep's feet, which will be faster."

"If you don't have a pressure cooker, you'll have to stew it longer." Hu Xing looked for it, but found that there was still none, so there was no other way but to stew it directly.

Both sides started, and for this dinner, everyone was busy.

In a blink of an eye, it was 7 o'clock in the evening, and the goat's trotters were already exuding a strong fragrance.

"My God, it smells so good!" Zhao Liying became even more hungry after smelling the fragrance.

Hu Xing had already taken out the duck and started chopping it after cooling down.

After chopping the duck meat piece by piece, put them all in a big basin.

Next, Hu Xing will start to cook the seasoning sauce again, put in the oil, then put down the fermented bean curd, minced garlic and minced ginger, and saute until fragrant.

After the seasoning is done, pour all of it on top of the coriander, let the sauce soak up the aroma of coriander and chopped green onion, and then pour it on the boiled duck again to let the duck taste delicious.

Hu Xing's movements were unhurried, and every procedure was very clear. After completing these steps, Bai Zhanya was finished.

Hu Xing picked up a piece of duck meat and put it in front of Reba's mouth. After the latter opened his mouth and ate it, he immediately gave a thumbs up: "Delicious! It's even better than the ones made before!"

"Of course, the white-cut ducks I made before are all ducks raised on feed, and they were bought in the vegetable market!"

"The duck used this time is the duck raised by the villagers! Of course, the taste of this duck is better than that raised in feed." Hu Xing explained, and also gave Zhao Liying a piece of duck.

"Hmm!!!!" Zhao Liying's eyes widened as soon as she ate it, obviously she couldn't believe that the seemingly simple white-cut duck could taste so delicious?

"Wow! It's really delicious. This is the best duck I've ever eaten!" Zhao Liying is not exaggerating at all. Although she has eaten white-cut duck before, the taste cannot be compared with Hu Xing's.

Chapter 0388 Hu Xing's overbearing

"Hu Xing, do you lack a boyfriend?" Teacher He asked Hu Xing if he lacked a boyfriend.

"Haha~" Mr. He's sudden move was so sudden that Hu Xing, who was watching whether the goat's feet were ready, couldn't help laughing.

"No! Just a girlfriend!" Hu Xing joked.

"It's time to eat!" Hu Xing took out the sheep's feet and said that it was time to eat.

"Well, I can finally eat." After a busy day, I can finally have a big meal.

Teacher He, Zhao Liying, and Di Lieba all took photos of these two dishes made by Hu Xing and posted them on Weibo together.

This Weibo was posted, and all my good friends came over to comment after seeing it.

The boiled duck and braised lamb's trotters made by Hu Xing are very good in appearance, but I don't know how the taste is.

"It's the first time I've eaten the dishes made by Hu Xing himself, and the taste is so delicious!" Mr. He posted a picture to promote Hu Xing's cooking.

"Yes, my man is so ingenious and always spoils me." Di Lieba not only posted pictures of these delicacies, she also posted a selfie of kissing Hu Xing's side face.

Di Lieba also posted a loving selfie here, but it made fans boo.

Zhao Liying didn't give up, and posted a photo: "Gu Yue fans, can I fall in love with your idol?"

Zhao Liying also posted a selfie, but it was a pouty photo.

Obviously, for her who eats badly, she has been conquered by Hu Xing's craftsmanship.

Zhao Liying wanted to make news, but she said it so cutely.

This also made her fans very anxious, but there were also people who supported it.

Zhao Liying likes to eat, and Hu Xing knows how to make delicious food. They can be said to be a good match.

There are still people booing, or choose Hu Xing, there is nothing wrong with Hu Xing

The dinner was very refreshing, and the sheep's hooves gnawed, and the taste was also unique.

Whether it is boiled duck or braised lamb's feet, Hu Xing has come up with a standard.

"Now I finally know why Reba wants you to cook for her so much." He Jiong said satisfied after eating and drinking.

"I have to say that you are very good at pleasing girls." Huang Lei admired Hu Xing. The two dishes he cooked tasted really good. He asked himself that he could not taste Hu Xing's taste.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing ate relatively little, and Hu Xing only ate two or three yuan of the whole pot of boiled duck.

He also just gnawed on two pieces of sheep's trotters and stopped eating.

The sheep's trotters are not braised whole, but after being braised in several pieces, which can be more flavorful, more delicious, and easier to braise.

If the whole lamb's trotter is stewed, it will take longer.

It looks like a lot of duck meat, but when you actually eat it, it still feels a little less.

Hu Xing had almost eaten, so he went in to see how the zongzi was cooking, and he wanted to turn over the zongzi.

Let the zongzi under the bottom of the pot be turned up, and put the zongzi that was originally on the bottom of the pot. After repeating this for two or three times, boil for three hours, and the zongzi is almost ready to eat.

"Zongzi, how long will it take to eat?" Zhao Liying couldn't wait to eat the zongzi boiled by Hu Xing.

"We cook the rice dumplings at 7:10, and we can eat them after [-]:[-]." Hu Xing thought about it, and it was almost the same.

"10:[-], that's fine, we'll go to bed after eating one." He Jiong was also waiting for the zongzi.

"I'm so full, I won't be able to sleep later." Hu Xing reminded Zhao Liying not to eat too much.

"I feel like I'm not full yet." Zhao Liying said confidently, she can still eat.

"Really." Hu Xing really had no choice but to let her eat it.

After dinner, it was already past 9 o'clock.

After resting for a while, Teacher He said, "Reba, I said at noon today that I had dinner and danced tonight. Shouldn't it start now?"

"Yeah, let's dance and show off." Huang Lei also felt that it's time to give fans some benefits.

"Where's the music for dancing?!" Reba didn't refuse either, it's okay to dance.

"I'm coming!" background music to dance to, isn't that easy?

Hu Xing took out his mobile phone, and the director found a speaker for them in the afternoon.

After connecting the speaker with the mobile phone, Hu Xing said, "Do you want to dance our new dance?"

"New dance?" Apart from filming and running announcements, Reba's only two pleasures are composing songs and studying singing with Hu Xing; the other is practicing dance together.

When Hu Xing was in Korea, he could be said to be a dance idiot, obsessed with dancing.

It's just that Hu Xing's dance-crazy era is over, and now it's Reba's turn.

Reba is also very obsessed with dancing and likes to dance with Hu Xing.

"Yes, do you have confidence!" Of course Di Lieba understood what kind of dance Hu Xing was talking about.

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