"Oh, this is amazing. Sister Liying is 11 years older than her little girl, and it's only one year away." Hu Yun is complaining about Zhao Liying?or why

"..." Zhao Liying gnawed on the chicken feet and looked at Hu Yun speechlessly.

"Hehe~" Reba smiled and looked at the dazed Zhao Liying.

"Can you talk?" Zhao Liying turned around at random: "Future mother-in-law, look at your daughter, just because she is young, she complains that her future sister-in-law is too old!"

Why does Zhao Liying's complaint sound so familiar?

"Hahaha~" Hu Ying and the others laughed out loud, clapping their hands and looking at Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying has already regarded this as her own home, and she is really casual in speaking, without so much restraint, no, she even calls out the title of future mother-in-law.

The most important thing is that this kind of tone of speaking, the tone of talking with Hu Xing and his mother, is simply like a retreat.

"You guys just make trouble! It's true." Jiang Fang came out and glanced at Zhao Liying with a smile.

"You said she was about a round younger than me, isn't Sister Song Jia even more?"

"Sister Song Jia is actually 18 years older than her little girl." Zhao Liying was a little psychologically comforted now, and she wouldn't be so shocked.

"Oh, what a coincidence, that little girl's surname is also Song." Reba also said that the little girl's surname is Song.

"The girl surnamed Song is still a child star, in 98, Master Song?!" Hu Yun quickly remembered it, and asked his brother in surprise if it was this.

"How do you know?" Hu Xing was also surprised, how did this girl think of it.

"It's over!" Hu Yun covered his face as he said.

"Hey, it's Mr. Song?!" After Jiang Fang learned that it was Mr. Song, she even sat down beside her son: "I really like this little girl."

"Why?!" Hu Xing didn't understand what was going on.

"Our mother was fascinated by that little Nezha after watching "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern" before."

"Here, aren't you watching this?" Hu Yun pointed to the TV as he said, and what was really playing on it was "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern".

Hu Xing was drinking tea and chatting just now, but he didn't pay attention to what was on TV.

Looking at it now, I am really watching "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern".

"What the hell?!" Hu Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this is too coincidental.

At the same time, Hu Xing also looked at Reba, this woman didn't think of it after watching this TV series, did she?

"Hee hee~" Reba smiled, which meant that it was exactly what Hu Xing thought.

"But is this really good? How many girls have you provoked?" Jiang Fang was a little worried about her son's love life, because she really provoked too many.

"Okay, what are you worrying about? You might as well worry about your husband and his two former lovers; what happened is that your two daughters are shouting every day to end being single."

"If you have time to worry about me, why don't you worry about your two girls' affairs." Hu Xing asked his mother not to talk about him, and he could handle his own affairs.

"Okay!" Jiang Fang stopped gossiping, and let her son handle it by himself.

Chapter 0397 Brother and sister fight each other

"Let's go shopping later!" During dinner, Reba invited Hu Yun to go shopping.

"Wow! It's just a good time to buy some clothes for changing seasons." Hu Yun thinks this is very good.

"What to buy, people who go to work every day will wear work clothes, buy so many clothes that change seasons, can you wear them?!" Hu Xing said that something came from his heart, and Hu Yun felt very worried.

"I'm not a celebrity, and I don't want to show airport fashion every time I show up at the airport, and I don't need to dress up at the airport."

"Last year, I can wear it as long as I can. I rest four days a month. During the rest, I said that the sun is too hot and I don't want to go out. I bought so many beautiful clothes, but I don't have many opportunities to wear them."

"It's going to be winter in two months, and I won't be able to wear it at that time, is it interesting?!" Hu Xing taught his sister a lesson.

Hu Yun was also heartbroken and aggrieved, and wanted to refute, but he had no reason to refute.

"Another one, and you don't have a boyfriend, who will you sell more clothes for?"

"If I want to see it, it's up to your sister-in-laws! If dad wants to see it, it's up to your mother."

"There is no reason for you to buy seasonal clothes, why waste this money?!" Hu Xing's words made Hu Yun's heart bleed.

"Puff!" Zhao Liying couldn't bear it anymore.

"Can't I show it to myself?!" While Hu Yun was talking, he also used chopstick 573 to knock off Hu Xing's chopsticks, obviously not planning to feed him.

"Wear it for you? Interesting?" Hu Xing refused to admit defeat, and also knocked off his sister's chopsticks.

"Can you have a good meal?!" Hu Ying said to her younger siblings, how can she eat like this.

"If I don't max out your credit card tonight, my surname will not be Hu!" Hu Yun said seriously to his brother.

"Credit card with a limit of 3000, just swipe it casually." Hu Xing generously asked his sister to swipe it casually.

"Heh~" I couldn't help it now, both Reba and Zhao Liying laughed.

"Enough!" Hu Yun gave Hu Xing a thumbs up, there was really no other way.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" Hu Yu asked his son what plans he had.

"The celebrity party in Shanghai has already invited me." Hu Xing said that he was going to the party tonight.

"What about tomorrow?!" Hu Yu wanted his son to go to the company.

"I'm going to pick up my wife tomorrow, and sleep in with my wife."

"You can handle the company's affairs by yourself. If you can't handle it, you can find grandpa."

"Grandpa can't even handle it, so let's sell it." How big of a heart is Hu Xing to say such a thing?

"Stinky boy." Hu Yu couldn't bear it anymore.

"Just kidding." Hu Xing said calmly that it was a joke.

After dinner, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying left first, while Reba stayed here and was going to go out with Hu Yun later, so she didn't go back with Hu Xing.

Hu Xing and Zhao Liying went back to change their clothes, and then went to the place where they were going to meet tonight.

"It's quite lively." Zhao Liying took Hu Xing's hand and accompanied him to the meeting place tonight.

"It's okay. It doesn't mean that only Shanghai local stars will come. It's just that the person who initiated the party is a representative star of this district."

"The people who come to play can also be people from the promoter's invitation circle."

"For those who come to play, if they want to bring friends, they must be from the circle." Hu Xing understands this rule

"Why does it have to be in the circle?" Zhao Liying couldn't figure it out.

"It would be very embarrassing to come to this kind of gathering if you are not from the circle."

"People from different fields don't know anything about this circle when chatting. Do you think it's embarrassing?!" Hu Xing explained, and Zhao Liying understood that it was so.

"Aha~" Zhao Liying suddenly realized.

As soon as I came in, I really saw many people in the circle, Xu Zheng, Hu Fu, Wu Lei, Lu Yi and others were all there.

When Hu Xing and Zhao Liying came in, they naturally attracted many people.

There were quite a few people who held wine glasses and raised their hands to him as a way of saying hello.

"Huh?" Wu Lei was a little surprised when he saw that the person next to Hu Xing was not Di Lieba, but Zhao Liying. Did he change his sister-in-law again?

"You, what's the situation?!" When Xu Zheng saw Hu Xing, he also asked Zhao Liying what the situation was.

"Oh~ it's nothing, just bring a close friend over to play." Hu Xing and Xu Zheng have a good relationship.

"I don't think it's simple." Xu Zheng is not stupid, it's impossible for Hu Xing and Zhao Liying to be just friends.

Hu Xing smiled and winked at Xu Zheng, as a tacit consent.

Zhao Liying also greeted Xu Zheng very politely, it was not the first time they met.

Xu Zheng also collaborated with Zhao Liying in a TV series, so they can be regarded as friends.

Hu Xing and Zhao Liying walked aside. After meeting other friends, they finally came to sit next to the seat that Hu Fu and the others had found.

"What a coincidence, there is a party tonight, and you came back today." Hu Fu took the wine.

"I don't know, but have you seen Wang Jiawei? I haven't seen anyone yet, so I have to go up and say hello." Hu Xing sat down and chatted with Hu Fu and Wu Lei.

"I see, but it seems that something suddenly left."

"I'll be back in a while, just now he asked us if you're coming tonight." Lu Yi told Hu Xing.

"Looking for me?" Hu Xing didn't expect that Wang Jiawei would miss him.

"I can't help it. Brother, you are so hot right now. Among the Chinese celebrities, the contract you signed is a bit too fat. For a while, in the aspect of celebrity endorsement, no one can surpass you." Wu The endorsement that Lei mentioned is nothing more than the endorsement of Sprite and Beats earphones.

"My endorsement is different from theirs. I want to write songs."

"I have written songs, and it can also drive income in the music field, so the endorsement fee is naturally different." Hu Xing also wanted to keep a low profile, but he just couldn't.

It's so good, what can I do?

While they were chatting, Tang Yan with long legs also came.

"Hey, it's hard, you're here too?" When Hu Fu saw Tang Yan, he was very surprised.

"That's why Hu Xing sent me a WeChat message. He said there was a party tonight and asked me if I would come." Tang Yan sat down and crossed her legs gracefully.

But she also noticed that Zhao Liying was there?

Hu Xing was able to bring Zhao Liying here, the relationship must not be simple.

"Mimi seems to be here soon." Tang Yan said that Yang Mi would be there soon, which surprised Hu Xing: "What's wrong, we are still on the set today, doesn't she have a role?"

"Why did you come to Shanghai again at this time?" Hu Xing was surprised here.

Chapter 0398 men have this feeling

"House decoration, I will find a designer to talk about it tomorrow, so she will come here non-stop tonight." Tang Yan said it was for house repairs, and Hu Xing understood.

Yang Mi's house was a second-hand rough bought from Hu Xing.

Nowadays, the good residential areas in Shanghai basically do not promote unfinished houses, and they are all finely decorated.

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