Although I was driving, but with the windows up, even if there was a car passing by, I would not be able to see what was going on inside the car.

It was precisely because of this that Song Jia felt more at ease.

It's been a while since I saw Hu Xing, of course she has to check if Hu Xing still makes her want to stop

Obviously, Hu Xing did not disappoint her.

It wasn't until her mouth got tired that Hu Xing burst out.

"If it was photographed, it would not be a scandal, but a scandal."

"I said that if you really want to, you can't bear it for a while, shall we come back when we get home?!" Hu Xingbai glanced at this sister, and really couldn't wait for a second.

"At my sister's age, how can I bear seeing a charming little milk dog like you?" Song Jia is very self-aware, and her grade is the age that is most obsessed with this kind of thing.

"You are thinking now, but at night, you will be the first to beg for mercy." Hu Xing was helpless.

"With Liying here tonight, I think I can relax more." Song Jia began to look forward to tonight.

Song Jia had just had 'afternoon tea' from Hu Xing's place, and basically returned to Tomson Yipin.

Driving back to the residence, even if the paparazzi followed, it was useless, they couldn't get in.


"Huh?!" Song Jia looked at the front and waited for the security guard to open the one-arm barrier to let the car in front go in. Song Jia said, "Is this our mother's car?"

"Oh, it really is." After Hu Xing saw the license plate number in front, he realized that it seemed to be.

"Now that high school is on summer vacation, mom doesn't have to go to school anymore."

"It's usually a holiday, what will our mother do?!" Song Jia didn't know this yet.

"For winter vacation, it's time to travel! For summer vacation, it depends on your mood."

"The weather is too hot during the summer vacation, and she doesn't want to go out; on the one hand, the weather is hot, and on the other hand, the sun is too hot, and she is afraid of being exposed to the sun; at this time, she just wants to find something to do in Shanghai." Hu Xing also knows his mother well .

"If you go on a trip, do you go by yourself?!"

"No, the winter vacation is to go on vacation with my father. Anyway, I have never traveled alone with our children."

"My mother travels every year, but she never went with our three siblings. All of them went to the world of two with my father." After Hu Xing told Song Jia about this, Song Jia even smiled lightly: "Our mother also really likes to show affection, which is similar to you."

"Then what can I do? I just fell from her. Show affection is up to her."

Chapter 0406 young man quite good at playing

"What the hell?!" When Hu Xing and Song Jia returned home, he found that his mother had also come to him.

Not only came here, but also said something that made Hu Xing dumbfounded.

"I said, I want to travel abroad with your dad, and you can go back to the group to help deal with things." Jiang Fang's thought made Hu Xing say angrily: "Get out!"

"I'm currently filming a TV series and recording three programs. At the end of this month, I will start a movie; next month, I will start two movies."

"In such a busy situation, you let me put down my work and go back to the group to help my dad manage the group's affairs, so that you can go on a trip?"

"Teacher Jiang Fang, let me ask, won't your conscience hurt when you say such a thing?!" Hu Xing was really cute by his mother.

"But I have nothing to do during the summer vacation; I don't have to go to class; I can't travel; I don't have any grandchildren to take me with me; it's boring!" When Jiang Fang mentioned this point, Song Jia and Zhao Liying were silent.

"..." Song Jia and Zhao Liying just drank lemonade silently without saying anything.

"Hehe~" Reba noticed the expressions of these two sisters.

You can tell by their expressions that they don't plan to become mothers in the near future.

Jiang Fang also noticed the expressions of the two daughters-in-law, and said, "Li Ying can understand, but Song Jia is not young anymore, why is she still so resistant to being a mother?"

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to take care of myself well. I'm going to be a mother now. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of my children well, and I won't be able to educate them." Song Jia really hasn't prepared for this yet.

"Don't you still have me? I can help you take care of it." Jiang Fang just wanted to hold the child.

"Wait for me to wait for a while. It's not long since I fell in love just now, and I'm going to have a baby. It's too fast." Song Jia also has her own ideas.

Jiang Fang was helpless. When watching Zhao Liying, Hu Xing said: "I was born in 97, let a minor become pregnant as a mother? Teacher Jiang Fang, you are so cute."

"You haha~" Jiang Fang laughed at her son's anger. Really, this guy is really enough.

"Puchi!" Zhao Liying also covered her mouth happily, just like Hu Xing coaxing her like this.

"Forget it, I should find something to do during my summer vacation, or get some foreign teachers or something?!" Jiang Fang's idea is very good, but Hu Xing said: "Don't you like flowers and plants?"

"How about I open a flower shop for you?" Hu Xing thought for a while, then asked his mother.

"Flower shop?" Jiang Fang's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this: "This is good. I can arrange flowers and wrap bouquets. It would be nice to open a flower shop."

"You can ask two employees to work in the flower shop. They work in the flower shop on Monday and Saturday. I don't have classes on Sunday, so I can also go to the flower shop at this time."

"Besides, it's a holiday, winter and summer vacation or something. I don't go traveling, but I have things I like to do." When it comes to setting up a flower shop, Jiang Fang became interested.

Jiang Fang likes flowers and plants, and Hu Xing knows his mother's personality very well.

When he proposed this, Jiang Fang immediately clapped his hands and agreed.

"It was decided so soon?" Zhao Liying was very surprised.

"Then find a shop near where we live?!" Song Jia also thinks this is good, women like flowers, so she can go to the flower shop to help out when she is resting.

"Shop, Jiang Yingyu has his own shop." Di Lieba reminded them at this time, no need to look for it, Jiang Yingyu has his own shop.

"You even have a shop?" Zhao Liying and Song Jia asked Hu Xing in unison.

"Is it weird?!" Hu Xing was very calm, but the two girls were very speechless.

"Let's go, let's go to see the shop. If possible, ask Yunyun to help design and decorate the shop, and open the flower shop right away." Hu Xing was very helpless when Jiang Fang acted so vigorously.

"If you are a flower shop, have you found all the channels to buy and receive flowers?"

"Also, have you recruited employees or something, have you done all of these?"

"The style of flower arrangement, how to order the price, etc., have you stipulated all these, and you are in a hurry to see the shop?" Hu Xing really convinced his mother.

"Oh, let's see if the shop is suitable first." Jiang Fang held Reba's hand and let her go, because only Reba knew where Hu Xing's shop was.

"Aren't you going, Liying?" Jiang Fang saw Zhao Liying sitting, obviously not planning to go together.

"You guys go, I'm not feeling well today." Zhao Liying blushed and said that she was not feeling well and it was inconvenient to go out.

Although she didn't say much, Jiang Fang is also a woman, and Zhao Liying was fine yesterday.

And looking at Zhao Liying like this, it's impossible for her to be on her period.

Especially seeing that she was sitting all the time, and she didn't stand up very much when she stood up.

Judging from these various aspects, as well as the silent expressions of Hu Xing and the meaningful expressions of Song Jia and Reba, Jiang Fang quickly understood what was going on.

"Then you have a good rest, mom is here too, just take a rest." Jiang Fang even teased her daughter-in-law, and Zhao Liying felt embarrassed.

Zhao Liying just pouted and looked at Hu Xing, apparently blaming him for being too crazy last night, which caused her little cutie to still have sequelae.

"You're the only one who has a lot of shit, and you're here every day." Hu Xing said to his mother angrily.

"Haha~ The young man is very good at playing." Jiang Fang was not angry when she was rejected by her son, but even more embarrassing.

"I want you to take care of it, hurry up, you're not serious." Hu Xing pushed his mother, and said, "Reba knows where the shop is, so it's fine if Reba takes you and Sister Jia."

"If you're optimistic about it, just make a decision. I won't go. I'll stay with Liying at home." Hu Xing said he wouldn't go out.

If even he went out, Zhao Liying would be alone at home.

It's not convenient for Zhao Liying to move around now, if she is still at home by herself, she might be bored.

Especially now that she is the most sensitive, what she needs most is Hu Xing's company by her side.

"Then take it easy, don't mess around later, and continue after Li Ying has rested."

"It's too much, it will affect Li Ying's walking posture, don't overdo it, you know." Jiang Fang is an experienced person, so she reminded her son not to overdo it.

After a woman breaks her melon for the first time, she will always have this kind of sequelae. If it is too much and does not consider her feelings, it may cause them to change their walking posture, and they will not be as elegant and beautiful as before.

Even if it's a bit out of line, Jiang Fang is doing it for the good of her daughter-in-law, so she had to remind her son, but Hu Xing said disdainfully: "I don't know? It's not the first time. I have more experience in this area than I You still understand."

Chapter 0407 like a little woman in 97

"It doesn't matter if you have experience. You young people are too impulsive, so you still have to give me some advice." Jiang Fang pretended that I will teach you a class, and this class will focus on the key points.

"Hey, you old lady..." Hu Xing laughed angrily at his mother.

"Hahaha~" Song Jia, Zhao Liying and Reba laughed at the same time.

As long as Hu Xing calls his mother 'old lady', they think this scene is very funny

"Are you teaching English or biology?" Hu Xing angrily pushed his mother out, telling her to go to the shop quickly and avoid taking classes here.

"Hey no, I said you child, why are you still shy?"

"For the sake of my daughter-in-law and the mother of my granddaughter in the future, you have to listen to me tell you about it." Jiang Fang was purely trying to embarrass her son.

"Shutup." Hu Xing said and closed the door, not to let his mother talk nonsense.

After talking, Hu Xing turned around and walked back, muttering: "Really, does my wife still need you to worry about it?"

"Hee hee~" Zhao Liying opened her hand and kicked her short legs a few times.

Hu Xing bent over the princess to hug Zhao Liying, and picked her up.

Came to sit on the sofa, Zhao Liying sat in his arms.

"Are you still uncomfortable now?" Hu Xing put his arms around Zhao Liying's slender waist.

"Actually, it's not uncomfortable, it's just that when walking and rubbing against 377, it's just a little uncomfortable."

"It's not a big deal, the main reason is that the legs are relatively soft." Zhao Liying blushed, which was even cuter.

"En!" Unable to bear it any longer, Hu Xing lowered his head and held Zhao Liying's pink lips.

Zhao Liying embraced Hu Xing's neck, sweetly responding to Hu Xing's aggression.

But slowly, Hu Xing's shirt on Zhao Liying was quickly untied by the owner of the shirt.

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