Hu Xing even arranged a good position to watch the game in the high stands, which is a VIP position.

"You go and wait and see. I'll go to the locker room to chat with everyone and get acquainted." Hu Xing asked Zhao Liying to come down, and he went to the locker room first.

The game started at 3 pm, the weather was not very good, it was cloudy, it looked like it was going to rain.

When Hu Xing came to the locker room, Fan Zhiyi and the others stood up and hugged him after seeing Hu Xing.

"Hu Xing, how about you playing the center position today?" Fan Zhiyi's position is the center back.

Football is 11 people, 1 goalkeeper, one left back, one right back, two center backs, two midfielders; one midfielder, one left winger and one right winger, and one center forward.

To let Hu Xing come to the center position is to let Hu Xing come as the offensive and main scorer.

"Sure!" Hu Xing didn't have much idea about this position.

He knows very well what to do in each position.

A center is a center, of course there is no problem with this.

Get dressed in the locker room, and then on stage.

At the moment of playing, the whole football field burst into cheers, most of them were calling Hu Xing, and a small number of people were members of RM.

Hu Xing is the starting center for the Shanghai team, and Jin Zhongguo is also the starting center for the South Korean team.

After walking out holding the children's hands, everyone entered the football field and started to warm up.

Hu Xing's way of warming up is very simple, that is, to warm up with dance.

"Hu Xing Hu Xing is so handsome!" Zhao Liying cheered for Hu Xing just like a fan girl.

"Zhao Liying!" The people nearby also noticed, it seemed that Zhao Liying and Song Jia were also there.

After the warm-up, both teams took a group photo.

After taking this group photo, every player went to his position.

When everyone was in their positions, Hu Xing discovered that Jin Zhongguo was actually a striker.

Hu Xing is the center forward and Jin Zhongguo is the winger.

The formations of the two teams are different, but Hu Xing stood in the middle circle and said to his teammates: "Old Sun, let's shock them first."

"What do you want to do?" Lao Sun was the midfielder, standing beside Hu Xing.

"You come to tee off." Hu Xing smiled and said to Sun, asking him to tee off.

"Didi~" Just as they finished chatting, the referee blew the whistle.

After the whistle blew, Lao Sun didn't care. He raised his right foot and gently drove the ball in front of Hu Xing.

The rule of football is that the first kick of the kick-off cannot be shot, and the second kick is necessary to kick-off.

So Hu Xing asked Lao Sun to kick off, because he just wanted to make something happen.

After the ball came out, Hu Xing originally wanted to dribble to the side, find a way to shoot, and then shoot hard.

But as soon as Lao Sun kicked off, Hu Xing noticed that the players of the South Korean star team were a little slack, and there was also a problem with their positioning. The forwards, midfielders, and central defenders on the opposite side were all standing in a straight line, with a lane on the left.

This road is just to the left of the South Korean goal, the angle is small, but it is an opportunity.

"Crack!" Hu Xing stepped forward fiercely, standing on his left foot, and raised his right foot.

"!!!!" Hu Xing's shooting action made everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Boom!" Hu Xing shot vigorously with his right foot. The moment the instep hit the football, the basketball disappeared from under his feet like lightning.

"Whew!" The football flew very fast, and it flew past South Korea's captain Park Zhixing in an instant.

The power of this ball is terrifying just by looking at its speed.

The football flew towards the South Korean team's goal at an astonishing speed, and the South Korean goalkeeper didn't even react.

Because at the beginning, the goalkeeper's attention must not be enough and he was slack.

"Bang!" When the football passed through the side of the goal post and made a sound after hanging on the net, the goalkeeper of the Korean star team turned around and looked at the football on the net stupidly.

"!!!!" The 24 people on the football field were all stunned.

The 10 members of the Chinese Shanghai team, the 19071 members of the South Korean star team, and three referees were all stunned by Hu Xing's heavy shot just before kick-off.

"..." The fans at the football field were also very surprised to see the football that broke into the goal at the beginning.

Obviously they didn't react, they scored a goal so quickly?

"Yeah!!!" Zhao Liying jumped up excitedly and cheered, because she could see clearly that this was Hu Xing's goal, a real goal.

"Oh!!!" The fans at the scene also had people who knew football, and the first thing they realized was to hold their heads in disbelief.

Look at the timer, it has only passed 6 seconds

In other words, it only took 6 seconds for Hu Xing to score this goal.

No, to be precise, Hu Xing's goal took only 1.8 seconds.

Because of the goal, the timer is still running.

When the audience reacted to look at the timer, it was after they were stunned by Hu Xing's goal for several seconds before watching it.

After Hu Xing scored the goal, he glanced at Jin Zhongguo not far away with a smile, tilted his head at him, and twitched the corner of his mouth, obviously provoking Jin Zhongguo. How did the goal go?

There were also people on the scene who were responsible for recording the data. When they saw the speed of Hu Xing's shot just now, they were even more frightened.

"228 hours?!" The statistics staff couldn't even believe their eyes.

Chapter 0416

"Are you kidding me? A goal is scored right after the kick-off. Isn't this the fastest goal in the world? A goal in 1.8 seconds, with a shooting speed exceeding 220?" The technical statisticians couldn't believe it was true.

"God, this goal can be said to be the fastest goal in a domestic football game, and the shooting speed is also the highest." The technicians themselves couldn't believe it.

On Hu Xing's side, he laughed and looked at the surprised Jin Zhongguo.

"Oh my god, Hu Xing scored a goal?" The members of RM couldn't believe it.

"This is too fast!" The members of rm were all in a daze, obviously they didn't expect it to be so fast.

Although I have seen the one-on-one match between Hu Xing and several Chinese star players before, I just think that Hu Xing's football strength is very good.

But I didn't expect it to be so crazy, how many seconds did it take to shoot the goal right after the kick-off?

The members of the Korean star team were also stunned, and they all looked at Hu Xing.

But the referee let the South Korean star team serve, and they had to serve.

The South Korean star team served the ball, and the ball came to their half-court position, and Park Ji-heung came to organize the attack.

Hu Xing ran over here, trying to grab the ball and attack.

But it's not that simple to grab the ball. After Hu Xing went up, Park Zhixing immediately passed the ball to the open teammate.

At this time, Hu Xing chose to stay by Pu Zhixing's side and followed him.

Now the Shanghai team is defending, and Hu Xing is also waiting for an opportunity.

When the ball came to Jin Zhongguo's feet, the midfielder of the Shanghai team stepped in to grab the ball.

In terms of physical confrontation, he was not afraid of Jin Zhongguo at all.

No matter how you say it, Jin Zhongguo is still an amateur, and of course he can't compare to the profession here.

Although it is professional, it is not taken too seriously.

Hu Xing has been following Park Zhixing, and Jin Zhongguo wants to pass the ball.

He passed the ball without looking at it, and Hu Xing blocked Pu Zhiyan with his body in advance.

"Crack!" After Hu Xing stole the ball, he faced the defense of South Korean team captain Park Zhixing.

Hu Xing stopped the ball with his right hand, then hooked the football with both feet, gently hooked the ball up, and the rainbow was extraordinary.

Hu Xing's sudden display of this extraordinary skill made Park Zhixing a little flustered.

Park Zhixing did not lose his position, but after Hu Xing stopped the ball with his left foot, Park Zhixing came to defend again.

The two can be said to be the most powerful of the two teams.

One is a center forward and the other is a midfielder, and the two are playing against each other in front.

Hu Xing first made a rainbow, opened the distance, stopped the ball, immediately changed the direction of the breakthrough, and dribbled from the right side of Park Zhixing.

Hu Xing is really not afraid of physical confrontation.

The two fought with their bodies, and Hu Xing continued to control the football. When Pu Zhixing's foot was about to steal the ball, Hu Xing always avoided it a little earlier.

"Oh oh oh~" The duel between Hu Xing and Park Zhixing made the bench players of the two teams stand up very excitedly.

Pu Zhixing stretched out his foot to steal the ball, Hu Xing gently flicked the ball to the right with his left foot, and then squeezed Pu Zhixing away with his body.

"Boom! Boom!" After Hu Xing pushed Pu Zhixing away, he continued to dribble quickly.

The rest of the Shanghai team also quickly pressed up to respond.

Hu Xing looked at it, and after deceiving the South Korean team's central defender with a fake pass, he accelerated again.

At this time, Hu Xing had already passed two players after stealing the ball

Hu Xing's legs were like motors, allowing him to speed up crazily.

When he came to the penalty area of ​​the Korean star team, Evra of the Korean star team came to defend.

But he quickly pushed the ball left and passed it to the Shanghai winger on the left.

The winger got the ball, but a good opportunity wasted because of poor prediction.

Hu Xing was also very helpless when he saw it. Now the players of the star team are back in place.

Lao Sun in the midfield also went to meet him. The ball came to Lao Sun's feet. After looking at Hu Xing first, he dribbled and passed the ball.

But as soon as he passed the ball, he was immediately intercepted by Ji Chengyong of the Korean star team.

The ball was stolen, the Shanghai team quickly returned to defense, and Fan Zhiyi decisively shrunk the defense.

Hu Xing still stayed by Pu Zhixing's side, so he didn't have many opportunities.

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