In short, now the 8 Running Man members, Hu Xing, Deng Chao and Peng Yuyan really want to cry.

Compared to this, Li Chen, Chen He, Zheng Kai, and Wang Zulan are much, much better.

They did the task there very smoothly. After completing the task, they started to wander in this wild animal park.

Only Hu Xing, Deng Chao, and Peng Yuyan are biting the bullet and continuing with their missions.

The camera continued to come back to Hu Xing, watching Hu Xing carefully holding a comb to groom the lion.

"Miss, you just have to enjoy it!" Hu Xing kept hypnotizing the lion so that it would not be impulsive.

Hu Xing combed and found that there were more and more hairs on the comb.

The lion turned his head again, looked at the comb in Hu Xing's hand, then looked up at Hu Xing, and then stood up all of a sudden, which frightened Hu Xing.

"Sister, I was wrong!" Hu Xing immediately knelt down again, apologizing with a mournful face

"Roar!" After Hu Xing knelt down, the lion even put its front paws on Hu Xing's shoulders, looking directly at Hu Xing at such a close distance.

"Sister! Don't! Don't! Really don't be impulsive!"

"Sister! Sister! Believe me, as long as you put your bastards..."

"Roar!" As soon as Hu Xing mentioned the miscellaneous hair, the lion roared at him at close range. Hu Xing was so frightened that he quickly changed his words: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's not miscellaneous hair, it's hairdressing, it's beauty, beauty hair, not miscellaneous hair."

Hu Xing's appearance was so funny that the audience burst into tears.

"Look, human women all have nice hairstyles."

"To make a good-looking hairstyle, you have to lose some hair, so that the resulting hairstyle is good-looking; sister, trust me, look at that smiling young lady over there."

"She is my daughter-in-law, isn't she beautiful? The reason why she is so beautiful is because she has a nice hairstyle."

"Calm down! Calm down! I can make you the most beautiful animal in this safari park, calm down." Hu Xing babbled nonsense, just wanting the lion to comfort him.

"Oh roar!" The lion took the foot off Hu Xing's shoulder in boredom.

Just after the lion lay down lazily again, Hu Xing collapsed and lay on the ground.

"I won't play anymore! Let me go to accept the ultimate punishment!" Hu Xing felt that his spirit was about to collapse now.

Hu Xing insisted on standing up by himself, and then happily combed the lion ten times in a row.

This was done under the comment of the lion, and even Hu Xing was about to hold back tears.

It is conceivable how terrifying it is to groom under the comment of a lion.

Before, Hu Xing didn't know what it was like to pluck hair from a tiger's buttocks.

Now he understands that although he is not plucking the tiger's butt, he is combing the lion's head, which is a typical way to find fault.

The part where Hu Xing just stood up the lion's fur, and then was frightened by the lion and begged for mercy was enough for the audience to laugh for a year.

It can even be said that Hu Xing's part just now made up [-]% of the laughing points of Running Man's audience.

Hu Xing gritted his teeth and completed the task. Deng Chao also resisted being scared to urinate and completed the kiss task with the snake. Peng Yuyan also covered his mouth, trying not to let himself be scared to suffocate and complete the task.

After completing the task, they all quickly returned to the designated place to gather.

"..." Coming back means coming back, but Hu Xing, Deng Chao, and Peng Yuyan, all of them tacitly did not speak, with a look of undecided shock on their faces.

"I don't want to go to the zoo again in my life!" Hu Xing couldn't calm down for a long time, but he also expressed his determination that he would never come to the zoo again.

"From now on, I won't take any kissing scenes in the future, not even my wife's kissing scene." Deng Chao is even more desperate now. After kissing the golden python, whoever he kisses now will remember that scene just now .

"I will never participate in reality shows again!" Peng Yuyan also expressed his feelings.

"Hahaha~" Looking at the appearance of the three of them, the staff of the column group laughed again.

The audience in front of the TV also clapped their hands and laughed, it was really interesting.

Chapter 0443 how much discount

"What happened? As for the three of you becoming like this?" Zheng Kai and the others were curious about what they had gone through and why they looked desperate.

"After watching this episode, you will understand how they are feeling right now." Reba smiled and told everyone that they must watch this episode.

She didn't know what Deng Chao and Peng Yuyan went through, but she knew exactly what Hu Xing went through, and it was definitely something she would never forget.

After recording this episode, at around three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone can call it a day.

It was recorded at 3 o'clock in the morning, and now it is recorded at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, exactly 12 hours have passed~.

Hu Xing still wanted to film, so he went back to Hengdian directly. After finishing filming these scenes quickly, he had to go to Xiangjiang to start a movie.

"Uh huh!" Back in Hengdian, Hu Xing and Reba filmed until 3:48 in the morning. To put it simply, Hu Xing spent these 4 hours, that is to say, [-] hours.

Back at the hotel at night, after he and Reba took a shower, they didn't even bother to move.

She slept until noon, if Yang Mi hadn't been calling them all the time, she might not be able to wake up.

Waking up is waking up, but there is no scene in the morning, and it is okay for them to sleep until noon.

"What time is it?" Reba lay on her stomach and kicked Hu Xing.

"I don't know!" Hu Xing felt that it was very hot now, because it was noon, the sun was big and the temperature was high.

The air conditioner was turned on last night, and the air conditioner in the room is not cold enough until now.

There was no other way, so I turned down the air conditioner a bit, and checked the next time by the way.

"11:43." Hu Xing told Reba the time, and it was already ready for 12 o'clock.

"Hmm!" Reba opened her eyes and took her mobile phone.

"Heh~ Sister Mi called me more than a dozen times." Reba smiled weakly.

"I also called more than a dozen from here, and I said what does she want?" Hu Xing sent a WeChat message to ask Yang Mi why she called them.

It shouldn't be something urgent, otherwise, I would have come back to the hotel and knocked on the door to find them.

Yang Mi made so many calls only when things were not in a hurry.

"I said, what are you doing? You haven't woken up until this point?" Yang Mi was really helpless.

"Tired, it's not like you don't know that Reba and I finished recording the show at 3:[-] am and lasted until [-]:[-] pm yesterday. When we got back to Hengdian, we immediately started filming until [-]:[-] am." Hu Xing slept comfortably this time.

"What's the matter?!" Hu Xing asked Yang Mi to see what he planned to say.

"It's like this. Didn't your Yilong launch two new cars now?" Yang Mi asked about this, and Hu Xing told her: "Yes, both are roadsters, which one do you want to ask?" ?”

"Zhao Liying!" Yang Mi said it was this car, and Hu Xing said: "This is a gasoline-electric hybrid car, priced at 87 yuan, mainly white and black, and other colors will cost more. In terms of fuel consumption per 8 kilometers, about It’s around [-] cents, and you can find other configurations and performance from the Internet.”

"I have a cousin I want to buy. When will I have the car? How much discount will I give?" Yang Mi just wanted to know about this matter, and Hu Xing hugged Reba.

Hu Xing put the phone on his face and stopped holding it.

If he holds the phone with his hand, he can't hold Reba well.

The left arm was being pillowed by Reba, if the right hand didn't hug Reba and eat some tofu, then how could it be.

"The car will not be available until September. At present, it has only been unveiled on the 9th anniversary of Yilong Motors. It is officially launched for sale, and the car will not be available until September."

"In terms of discounts, if you go to the Shanghai Yilong 4S store to buy a car, then I can arrange to give you a discount of 7 yuan for a new car."

"If you place an order at a 4S store in Beijing, you can give a discount of 5 at most." After Hu Xing said this, Yang Mi said, "Why is the discount so low in Beijing?"

"I gave you a discount of 5 yuan, is it still low? With 5 yuan, you can afford another domestic car."

"Don't think it's missing, okay? New car discounts, plus Yilong Group's new policy, when the car goes on the market, at most it will give a discount of about 1." Yang Mi also knew the price Hu Xing said. no problem.

"That's it." Yang Mi thought for a while, then asked, "If you want other colors, how much should you add?"

"I don't recommend you to order other colors." Hu Xing said no, and Yang Mi was even more surprised.

"Why?!" Yang Mi didn't understand this.

"If you order a car directly when you buy it, if you want to order the color you like, it will cost more than 1 yuan to order the car; it is better to go outside to find a car shop for help after you buy a car. Use stickers to change colors."

"In this way, if you don't like this color at that time, you can change to another color after tearing off these stickers; and the price is not expensive, it's only about 6000 yuan." Hu Xing said Suggestions, suggestions for Yang Mi in a better direction.

"But the color of the car has changed, what should we do if we are found by the traffic police?" It's not wrong for Yang Mi to worry.

"It's not a big deal. After changing the color, just go to the vehicle management office to take a picture and file it for the record. It's not very troublesome, at most it's a little troublesome to queue up, otherwise, if you have acquaintances, it will be done in minutes "Hu Xing is right, and Yang Mi thinks about it too.

"Okay, let me tell him about it." After Yang Mi found out, she hung up the phone.

Hu Xing put the phone aside, put his arms around Reba, and buried his face in Reba's pet very clingy.

After feeling it, Reba asked her: "Sister Mi wants to buy a car?!"

"She asked her relatives for the price, but I guess this woman will definitely buy Krystal at that time. With her sullen personality, if she can resist Krystal's charm, I will lose." Hu Xing didn't care about Yang Mi. I understand it very well, but he really guessed her sullen character.

"Hehe~" Reba turned around and lay on Hu Xing's body, the mouths of the two seemed to have magnetic force, attracting them to kiss together.

After waking up and not feeling sleepy now, they wanted to do something.

But they all did well and didn't finish the last one.

Woke up and hungry, they got up and went out to find something to eat, and then went to the crew.

When we came to the crew, everyone was busy with their work in full swing.

"How's your rest?" the director asked Hu Xing when he saw him approaching.

"It's okay, I was woken up by the boss calling, otherwise we can sleep until the crew has dinner." Hu Xing's thinking made the director even more dumbfounded: "Sleep until dinner, and then come to the crew to eat dinner, right? ?!"

"That's right, anyway, there is this ready-made, so why not eat it if you don't need to make it?!"

Chapter 0444 is not ordinary fresh meat

On the night of July 7, Hu Xing came to Xiangjiang.

Today, the 22nd, the filming is about to start, so Hu Xing naturally came on time.

"You young man, can you act in an action movie?" The director of "One Man's Martial Arts" looked down on Hu Xing a bit. If it weren't for Yang Mituo's relationship, it was really impossible to choose Hu Xing to play the villain of this movie. male number two.

After all, a person like Hu Xing doesn't look like a person who can play action scenes.

Hu Xing is so good-looking, and his status is so expensive, and the action scenes are so tortured, he must not be able to fight, and when the time comes, they will all find doubles to perform, then the show will be ruined.

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