Chapter 0457 The Rights of Minor Directors

"Young director!" Knowing that Hu Xing came to wash the car, the owner of the store came out to entertain Hu Xing after learning about it.

"Well, I'm just here to wash the car, don't worry about me, just continue with your work." Hu Xing sat, picking fingers at the store manager, and let him do his own thing.

Just when Hu Xing asked the shop manager to go about his own affairs, someone happened to come to buy a car.

"Huh?!" Hu Xing and Song Jia were sitting here drinking tea. When the people who came in saw them, they came over and said, "Sister Song Jia, brother Hu Xing, hello."

"Hey, Xia Xue?!" The person who greeted Hu Xing was none other than Yang Zi.

Among the daughters in the family, Xia Xue is more popular.

"Sister Song Jia, hello Brother Hu Xing." Following Yang Zi, of course, Zhang Yishan, the cutest and most popular actor of Liu Xing in "Family with Children".

"Hello, hello, don't call me elder brother. In terms of seniority, I have to call you senior." Hu Xing let them sit down, and asked: "You guys are here today, what's the matter?"

"It's like this, isn't it about to graduate soon? So I thought about coming here to buy a car."

"Now the most popular scooter in 110 in our country is Yilong's cavalry. I have seen a lot on the Internet and compared a lot. I plan to come to the physical store today to have a look."

"If it's really possible, then we'd like to place an order." Yang Zi said that he was here to buy a car, and Song Jia looked at them with a smile: "Then it's really a coincidence that you guys came today."

"It just so happens that Yilong's young director, Jian Yilong's head design director, is here. If you think there is anything you don't understand, you can ask him face to face." Song Jia is right, and Hu Xing will definitely help answer the question. .

"Okay, you guys go and see it first." It's okay for Hu Xing to let them watch it first

"Brother Hu Xing, haven't you heard that a two-seater convertible is about to be launched?!" Zhang Yishan wanted to find out about the situation.

"Yeah, this one won't be listed until September, and it should be until September 9 in Beijing." Hu Xing is not afraid that Zhang Yishan will know, after all, it has been made public long ago.

"In your opinion, is it better to ride an iron bike or a two-seater convertible?" Zhang Yishan was more concerned about this question.

"It depends on how you use it. If it's a family car, I suggest you buy an iron ride; after all, the iron ride has enough space, and three people in the back seat will not feel crowded."

"Of course, the figures of the three normal adults I'm talking about, if they are 180 meters tall like me, it will still be a bit crowded for three people to sit."

"But if you're like you, girls like Yang Zi and the others, sitting three people will definitely not feel crowded." As a designer, Hu Xing knows these things better than anyone else.

"But if it's not a family car, just for a couple, or for picking up girls, then of course it's a two-seater convertible car that's more stylish and classy."

"Buying a car also depends on how you use the car." This is the advice Hu Xing gave.

"Then what do you think about the SUV?" Zhang Yishan asked this question, and Hu Xing said: "The SJ is basically a special car for self-driving tours and business trips."

"The fuel consumption must be high, and the space is large enough. If you run at high speed, you can be very comfortable; you can also travel by car, even if you go to places like Tibet and Xinjiang, there is no problem."

"But if you just drive it on a daily basis, unless you prefer SUVs, I don't recommend buying an SUV to replace a scooter."

"If you really like SUVs and you can't worry about fuel consumption, then you can definitely buy them." Hu Xing explained very well.

"He just said that he likes SUVs." Yang Zi will tell Hu Xing, and Zhang Yishan prefers SUVs.

"Sell it if you like it. To you, this shouldn't be a big deal, right?!"

"This SUV costs 48 yuan, even if it is the top version, it is just over 64 yuan."

"For you, this car must be affordable and affordable."

"But people like us often take our own nanny car. Prado is not suitable as a nanny car." When Hu Xing said, he also gave Zhang Yishan detailed suggestions.

"I still think SJ is suitable for me." After hearing so much, Zhang Yixing said that if he likes it, he likes it.

"Okay, you go to see the existing cars in the exhibition hall here first. After reading it, you think it is suitable, then you and the sales consultant who entertained you come to my place, and I will give you a discounted price." Hu Xing also Happy, since I met people in the circle, although it is the first time I met, but they are all inside the circle, maybe we will cooperate in the future, and help me get a discount, this is still necessary.

"Okay, then let's look at the car first." Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi went there.

After looking at the car, Yang Zi said he wanted to test drive, and the sales consultant took the two of them out for a test drive.

After trying the iron ride first, Zhang Yixing then tried the SJ again.

When I came back after trying both cars, it was already an hour later.

Hu Xing is waiting to help wash the car, and it will not be so fast, because there are cars to be washed in front of him.

When Zhang Yishan and the others came back, Zhang Yishan brought the sales consultant over.

"I want this premium version." Zhang Yishan said he wanted this.

"Okay." After learning about it, Hu Xing asked the sales consultant to make a budget for him.

"Full payment or loan?!" The sales consultant asked Zhang Yishan whether he planned to pay in full or take a loan.

"All the money!" Zhang Yishan is a star, so there is no need for a loan.

For him, five or six hundred thousand can be obtained after just one play, so this is nothing at all.

"The bare car is 61.58 yuan, plus the purchase tax of 5 yuan, and more than 2 yuan of commercial insurance and compulsory insurance before 1. If the full amount is paid, it is about 1 yuan." The budget drawn by the sales consultant, Hu Xing When I saw it, I said, "67.78 is enough for a naked car, so give him a discount."

"Okay!" After hearing what Hu Xing said, the sales consultant gave Zhang Yishan a discount.

Buying a car here is good if you meet acquaintances. Zhang Yishan saved [-] to [-] yuan by buying a car.

"Thank you Brother Hu Xing." Although Zhang Yishan didn't care about the [-] to [-] yuan, he still wanted the discount.

"No, you're lucky. I just happened to drive here to wash the car today." Hu Xing did this to make another friend.

In the circle, knowing one more friend is one, so there is always no harm.

Yang Zi bought an iron cavalry, and Hu Xing also gave her a discount.

Hu Xing also said to the sales consultant: "Your commission will be taken as it is, and you can report the discount to the store manager, and it will be credited to my account."

"Okay!" The sales consultant was very polite, and basically remembered all the questions Hu Xing explained.

Chapter 0458

It happened that Hu Xing's car was washed, so Hu Xing and Song Jia left.

Zhang Yishan and the others still need to stay to do some things.

After saying hello, Hu Xing and Song Jia left first.

"The discount is nearly 7. This car is basically sold according to the cost, right?!" Song Jia asked Hu Xing after sitting in the co-pilot.

"SJ is not. The iron cavalry is basically bought according to the cost, and there is no profit at all."

"But SJ is different. It should be [-] to [-] yuan." Song Jia didn't understand, but Hu Xing understood this kind of thing very well.

"It's the first time you've met Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi, why did you give them a discount?!"

"It's also good to have one more friend. In our circle, one less friend is worse than one more."

"Especially for young people like these, it's even more so. What's more, the two of them were born as child actors, but they are potential stocks." Hu Xing knew that these two people would definitely become popular in the future.

And there are also Xiaohuadan and Xiaosheng who have the ability to act.

After returning from the car wash, Hu Xing gave the car to Gu Li Nazha.

During the two days in Beijing, Hu Xing also took a break, but he still recorded an episode of Extreme Challenge during the period.

After finishing recording this episode of Extreme Challenge, when I returned to Beijing, all the leading actors of "Previous Raiders" came out to meet. This was an urgent gathering for the production company.

"Yo, our master is so flirtatious." Reba joked that he was so flirtatious tonight after meeting Zheng Kai.

"That's right, I heard that there are quite a few beauties coming tonight." Zheng Kai tidied up his clothes as he said, "It's up to tonight whether you can take off the order."

"Hehe~" Zheng Kai is single now, seeing his sullen look, he knew that he must be looking for a target.

At the dinner party tonight, a ktv fell asleep, and everyone came here to play together.

"Producer Zhang!" When they came in, the producer Zhang Dajun was already here, as was the director of this movie.

After Hu Xing, Reba, and Zheng Kai came in together, it was really lively inside.

This kind of gathering before the start of the machine is really too common in the circle, and everyone is familiar with it.

And it was also at this kind of gathering that some actresses who wanted to stand out would choose to wink at the director or something at this time.

It's just that none of this has anything to do with Hu Xing and the others. He and Reba came, and because they knew he didn't drink, the producer even ordered tea for him.

Hu Xing only drank tea, and Reba drank a few glasses of wine, but after a few glasses, Hu Xing stopped giving her a drink.

"Hey, Hu Xing, you can't drink, why don't you let Reba drink too!?" The producer obviously got drunk and wanted Reba to drink with him.

Not only Reba, but also Wang Likun, the film's second female lead, was dragged to drink by Zhang's producer.

Faced with this kind of invitation, female stars will be very careful not to offend the producer.

Because the producer of a film has the right to decide to replace any actor at any time.

"No, no, she can't drink anymore." Hu Xing refused with a smile, saying that Reba could no longer drink.

"If you're like this, you just don't give me face." Producer Zhang drank too much, and his words didn't go through the brain, but Hu Xing still said: "It's good to drink almost, or wait until she gets drunk. Yes, I have to carry it back, it's too troublesome."

"Producer Zhang, you can do whatever you want." Hu Xing used his own experience to fool Producer Zhang.

It will be easier if you drink too much, Hu Xing said to play games.

Play the game and drink a few more glasses, just pour him down completely, so nothing will happen.

"If you drink any more, something will really go wrong." The director also came over at this time, and said to Hu Xing and the others: "We are almost done, let's withdraw first."

"Okay, but we will start the machine tomorrow, right?!" Hu Xing saw that it was already 2 o'clock in the morning, so he quickly changed his words: "Oh no, it's today?!"

"No, tomorrow, everyone is a little too happy tonight, so let's wait until tomorrow." The director said so, then tomorrow.

"Carry me down!" Reba playfully jumped on Hu Xing's body and asked Hu Xing to carry her down.

"You didn't drink too much, did you?!" Seeing Reba like this, Hu Xing worried that she had drunk too much.

"No, although I drank a lot, I'm not too drunk, but it's true that I'm a little drifting when I walk in high heels." Reba pouted depressedly, and took a sip on Hu Xing's handsome face.

"It's really troublesome for female stars like us to meet the kind of producer just now." Reba recalled that being dragged to drink by the producer just now was really troublesome.

"In the entertainment industry, there is no producer, producer, or director who dares to force you to drink."

"If someone really makes you drink, then you have to break up with him. At that time, our family group will settle it; even if our group can't settle it, isn't there me?!" Hu Xing carried Reba on his back , said to her.

"Hee hee~" Reba hugged Hu Xing's neck tightly.

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