"Boom!" Zheng Kai was stunned, as if struck by lightning, he didn't expect Reba to be so sharp in the first place.

This game is that you can't deny it, you can only admit it, so when Reba said it first, if Zheng Kai wanted to win, he had to admit that Hu Xing was more handsome than him.

If he does not admit it, then he is considered a loser.

Looking at Zheng Kai's stinky face, you know that you can only silently admit that you are not as handsome as others on the camera. What a shocking thing this is

"Isn't that necessary? Hu Xing is more handsome than me, everyone knows that." Although he admitted it, but Zheng Kai explained so emphatically, it was a bit redundant, and his tone trembled.

"Haha~" Zheng Kai is very concerned about his appearance.

"I was once selected for the school draft list of the Shanghai Opera." Zheng Kai said what he is good at.

"You're a pig, Hu Xing was selected too, okay?" Chen He couldn't bear to hit Zheng Kai.

Reba didn't choke, but said herself: "I'm not single now!"

"Hey!" Reba's attack this time pierced Zheng Kai's heart again.

"Haha~" Seeing Zheng Kai's confused expression, Deng Chao and the others all clapped their hands and laughed, it seems that he was hit by Reba's continuous blows.

Both are what Zheng Kai cares about the most, and they are also the most heart-wrenching.

"Wow!" Zheng Kai covered his head, obviously very angry, and wanted to refute, but it was too fierce to refute.

Maybe it was because of being stabbed in the heart that he got angry, Zheng Kai looked at Reba blankly, and said calmly: "I refused to accompany Chen He to have appendicitis cut!"

"Puff hahaha~" Zheng Kai just finished speaking, and Deng Chao and Li Chen burst out laughing instantly.

"..." Chen He looked at Zheng Kai with embarrassment, he never thought that Zheng Kai would take this incident as his excellence?

"Haha~" Now, even Reba was thrown to the side by Zheng Kai's counterattack, holding her belly and laughing wildly.

"Excellent!" Hu Xing had no choice but to give Zheng Kai a few thumbs up, and said, "It's also a nine-year compulsory education, why are you so good?"

"Haha~" It's good that Hu Xing didn't speak, but if he did, the whole game would change.

Chapter 0628 You are not as good as me

"How? Is there anyone better than me? Without you, I will lose." Zheng Kai told Reba to speak quickly, otherwise she would lose.

"What's wrong, why do you take this as your excellence?!" Chen He couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then you don't care, it's fine if you can win anyway." Zheng Kai knew that as long as it was funny, it didn't matter so much.

"..." Now Reba really has no other choice, what Zheng Kai said is really good.

For a while, she really couldn't match up.

"Beautiful!" Deng Chao, Li Chen and the others applauded Hu Xing, this round was regarded as Zheng Kai's victory.

"Aren't you a spy?" Gao Yuanyuan was very suspicious of Reba, and said, "You suggested the game, but you lost it because you were the first one?"

"I don't want to either, but this is so invincible, it's hard to refute." Reba was really depressed, and would be suspected of being a spy after losing the game.

"Next, come Gao Yuanyuan." Hu Xing suggested that Gao Yuanyuan come up.

Gao Yuanyuan also sat up, and the red team got out of the station with Wang Zulan.

"Should I start first?" Wang Zulan asked if he started first?

"Don't you understand that girls are first?" Gao Yuanyuan also wanted to start first, but Wang Zulan didn't seem to give the chance.

"There is no such rule here." Wang Zulan insisted.

"Okay, I'll let you come first." Gao Yuanyuan didn't argue this time, so let Wang Zulan come first.

"I... have released five albums." Wang Zulan was the first to attack.

"Wow! This is amazing." Wang Zulan has released five albums, so he should be proud of this.

"My height is 165." Gao Yuanyuan was not in a hurry, and just talked about her own advantages.

"Boom!" Wang Zulan was originally proud, but now he was stunned.

"Haha~" Deng Chao and the others looked at the sluggish Wang Zulan, the height of which was a blemish for Wang Zulan.

"Wow, is it really going to be like this?" Wang Zulan was still a little angry after being hit.

"Can't you?" Gao Yuanyuan asked with a smile, can't I say this?Height 165 is something to be proud of.

"Okay, I've filmed more than 30 movies." Wang Zulan talked about filming when he talked about music.

"Oh really? I have made more than 20 movies and TV series." Gao Yuanyuan counterattacked without timidity.

"This is amazing!" Gao Yuanyuan made her debut in 97 and has shot so many works, she is indeed amazing.

"I have held many concerts." Wang Zulan hit Gao Yuanyuan one by one.

"I was nominated for Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards." Gao Yuanyuan was showing off.

"..." Wang Zulan didn't know how to answer this.

At this time, Hu Xing said with a smile: "Shouldn't you show off your girlfriend?"

"My girlfriend's height is 170." Sure enough, Wang Zulan still wanted to show off his girlfriend.

"First of all, hehe~ I'm joking, and I'm just saying this for the sake of the show."

"Don't get me wrong." Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth and said to Wang Zulan when she thought of something.

"What?" Wang Zulan didn't know what Gao Yuanyuan was going to say.

"Your girlfriend...isn't everyone saying that she looks like my boyfriend?" Gao Yuanyuan was a little hesitant, but she still said it.

"Haha~" After Gao Yuanyuan finished speaking, Deng Chao, Li Chen, and Chen He laughed loudly and looked at Wang Zulan who was once again sluggish and wide-eyed.

"..." Wang Zulan is now in a state of confusion. He never expected that Gao Yuanyuan would take this as her excellence?

"Haha~ out! The king group basket is out!" Deng Chao judged that these king group baskets were lost.

If Wang Zulan continues to talk, it will prove that his girlfriend is really like Zhao Youting.

So he can't continue playing now, he can only give up.

"Wow, I'm really depressed." Wang Zulan leaned against the wall and said that he was really depressed.

"However, it turns out that our group basket cannot be a spy." Deng Chao said with certainty. ;

"That's true. Group basket should not be a spy." Hu Xing also felt that Wang Group basket could not be a spy...

"Come on, let the two most handsome running men come to a duel." Deng Chao called out to play with Hu Xing.

"Come on." Hu Xing walked out without saying much, and sat down in front of Deng Chao.

"You start first and I start first?" Hu Xing was helpless, who would start first?

"We all want to start first, so let's split it up, whoever starts first." Deng Chao said a simple

"Okay!" Hu Xing and Deng Chao were ready, and they started: "We two said this, this is this, this is this..."

"Haha~ What are they?!" It was the first time Gao Yuanyuan had seen such a guessing game.

"Okay, you're finished." Hu Xing stopped and told Deng Chao that you lost.

"Why did you come up with this, really?" Deng Chao said angrily, regretting this too much.

Hu Xing thought for a while, then said to Deng Chao with a smirk, "My wife is prettier than yours."

"..." Deng Chao was dumbfounded by Hu Xing at the beginning.

"Haha~ I knew you were going to talk about it later, so let's talk about it first." Only then did Hu Xing understand Deng Chao's thoughts.

"No, no, hehe~" Deng Chao was also very embarrassed, he really planned to say this just now.

"However, my wife is younger than yours." Deng Chao also retorted.

"Yes, Song Jia is indeed a little older than Sister Sun Li." Reba is smarter, Deng Chao is a routine.

"Haha~" Reba's active explanation made Deng Chao and Hu Xing laugh even more.

"What are you laughing at? Originally, I'm not the only wife in your life."

"Just kidding, if you really admit that Sister Sun Li is younger than you like, then I mean I am older than Sister Sun Li, can you admit it?" Reba is not stupid, of course she knows that they are the ones who are injured by their trick.

"My wife's figure is better than yours." Hu Xing told Deng Chao with a smile.

"..." Deng Chao moved his neck depressed again, really, this guy can always be one step ahead of him

"My wife's legs are longer than yours." Deng Chao went all out and confronted Deng Chao head-on.

"Of course, Zhao Liying has short legs, it's recognized." Hu Xing didn't say anything, but Reba would also help prove it. Just kidding, Hu Xing has three wives.

Hu Xing felt that this could not go on like this, so he said: "I am so good, your daughter will like me in the future."

"What the hell?!" Deng Chao couldn't believe his ears, what Hu Xing said just now.

Sun Li is now pregnant with her second child, and Deng Chao also said that she wants a daughter.

Now that Hu Xing said this again, Deng Chao was of course excited.

"Haha~" Seeing how excited Deng Chao was, Hu Xing laughed even more meanly.

"Of course, it's okay to like you like a big brother." Deng Chao was very anxious, anxious to explain quickly.

Chapter 0629 looks like a spy

It was Hu Xing who won the game at the end, so the blue team won consecutive victories. It depends on whether Chen He can win in the end.

With Chen He's IQ, it's not difficult at all to crush Li Chen.

Sure enough, the blue team won in the end, and they got a share first.

"Li Chen didn't write games like arm wrestling, did he?!" Chen He asked, could it be like this.

"Haha~" Chen He is so irritated by this kind of power game, you can understand it from his tone.

"Really, don't play this kind of power game all day long, it will teach children badly."

"Even Deng Deng wants to work out now, and he said that he will go to the running man to defeat the big black cow uncle." Deng Chao added at this time

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