"I'm Yilong's young master. It's a matter of course for me to inherit the old man's shares in the future."

"But now I am not relying on the mountain as Master Yilong to eat and drink. I have used my true skills as the design director to help Yilong back from bankruptcy."

"I have spent the past six months proving myself."

"Next, I should also take my shares?!" Hu Xing expressed his thoughts.

To be a man is to be strong, and he deserves it.

"That's right, I agree with this point. Now that Yilong has what it is today, the design director has contributed a lot. It is inevitable for the company to give shares. Therefore, each of our shareholders has to take out the shares and give them to you." As long as it is A shareholder will understand that he will give shares to Hu Xing.

This is an inevitable thing, Hu Xing has contributed so much to the group.

Moreover, he did not ask for the shares as Master Yilong, but as his own design director.

He was not trained by Yilong Group, but he was self-taught.

If this matter breaks up, there will only be two results.

First: Yilong spends a lot of money to take back all the shareholders' shares; in the future, everything Yilong earns will belong to the Hu family.

Second: After breaking up with Hu Xing, Hu Xing will no longer design cars for the group, and there will be no new models, and Yilong will not be active for many years and will return to the situation of last year.

Everyone knows that Hu Xing is forcing the palace to fight for more group interests for himself, but there is no way.

If you don't agree, then other shareholders will not be able to continue to sit on the mountain to dig for gold.

Now the sub-brand cars are still for Hu Xing to take out. These are all his finished products, and Hu Xing can use his own finished products to fight for his interests.

In this way, Hu Xing is not wrong, and the means are not very clever. It can only be said that Hu Xing has the strength and confidence to fight for himself, which is the most convincing.

"For the shares of the three sub-brands, I want 90 shares of each sub-brand." Hu Xing put forward his own request, which is a bit too much.

But he has the confidence to ask for so much.

Without the model design drawings he gave, none of the three sub-brands would have been able to do it.

"90." The other seven shareholders were all talking now.

Hu Xing intends to eat a big family, and the 90 benefits of the three sub-brands must be full.

But there is no way, if he disagrees, Hu Xingda can independently invest and create a new brand with his father, so they, the shareholders, have no choice.

For each sub-brand of Hu Xing, only 10% is reserved for other shareholders, that is, each shareholder can get about 1.5% of the shares and cannot take more.

Hu Hua glanced at his son, and Hu Yu also glanced at his father and daughter.

Obviously, he was shocked by Hu Xing's methods, and with confidence, his attitude of speaking was really different.

In the end, everyone has no objection, and you can take as much as you can.

The contract was considered to have been agreed by everyone.

Hu Xing even asked people to draw up a contract, and after signing the contract immediately, he would proceed to the next meeting.

After the contract was signed and all the shareholders signed their names, Hu Xing put the contract on the table, then took out a USB flash drive, connected it to the laptop, and used the projector to project the screen.

"These models are the finished products that I have accumulated and gradually designed when I was learning to design cars over the years..." After Hu Xing opened the USB flash drive, people saw more than 30 cars in it.

"!!!!" Hu Hua's eyes widened when he saw the model reserve of this USB flash drive.

With so many new models, not to mention the establishment of three sub-brands, even five sub-brands can be established, and after a general look, the design of each car is very stylish.

Hu Xing was able to take out so much so quickly, of course he also took it out of the system.

And there are several cars, all new models that will be born in 2025 in the future.

After 2025, electric vehicles will become more popular, so the models of these electric vehicles are very eye-catching. Hu Xing will definitely not disclose the power system.

There are 15 types of electric vehicles alone. Although Hu Xing did not say in detail what the power system is, Hu Xing must have already had an idea.

As long as the group invests in research and development, and develops according to his ideas and designs, it must not be difficult to succeed.

Now they finally understand why Hu Xing wants to own 70 shares of each of the three sub-brands.

As far as the development of these three subsidiaries is concerned, the share dividends are not lower than Yilong, the main brand of the main company.

It can even be said that because of taking a more civilian route, it may not necessarily be even better in terms of profitability.

After the meeting, the shareholders and other people left, and now there are only three generations of Hu family 0.7 left here.

"You boy, you really have to either not make a move, or make a move so as not to scare people to death." Hu Hua admired his grandson enough.

Hu Xing smiled and said: "Before grandma left, I didn't say what grandma said to grandpa. I heard it outside."

"You..." Hu Hua looked at Hu Xing in astonishment, he didn't expect that he heard all those words.

"Yeah." Hu Xing took out a cigarette as he spoke, and said: "At that time, you were all there, but grandma asked me to go out to fetch hot water, dismiss me, and I heard what I said to you outside the door. "

Hu Ying also looked at her younger brother in astonishment, unexpectedly, he finally heard her grandma's last words.

Originally, I thought that those last words were instructions to them, but I didn't expect that my younger brother would hear them.

Chapter 0650 Grandma's Last Words

In 2009, Hu Xing had just returned from South Korea and was still a playboy.

He doesn't tell his family anything about anything, he only asks the family for money, which makes his parents very dissatisfied with him.

But the good thing is that Hu Xing is just doing nothing. He didn't rely on his family to cause trouble everywhere. He was just doing nothing and doing nothing.

Because of this, Hu Xing's parents and sister actually wanted to teach Hu Xing a lesson.

But Hu Xing's grandma has been protecting Hu Xing and speaking for him.

On the night when Hu Xing's grandmother was leaving, she said something to her son Hu Yu, daughter-in-law Jiang Fang, and two granddaughters, which Hu Xing could not know.

But at that time, Hu Xing heard clearly from outside the door

"Don't blame Xiaoxing, he has borne more than you all."

"Don't look at him being idle and idle, but they have more secrets than any of us."

"Even, I have no way to change the current situation of Yilong, and I have no way to do more things for Yilong. I have exhausted the inspiration for the design of the car."

"But Xiao Xing can, trust him, Yi Long's future will be created by him."

"Trust mom, mom's understanding of Xiaoxing is beyond what you can understand."

"The only thing I can tell you is that Xiaoxing's current behavior is just covering up that he is preparing for his own privilege."

"Only he has that privilege, so he is making arrangements. When he starts to help Yilong one day, then you have to assist him wholeheartedly."

"Of course, based on what I know about this child, he may not care about our group, which has many difficulties in progress, but it was the hard work of your father and me. This child, Xiao Xing, will not just watch Yilong sink down like this. "

"In short, Xiao Xing is the kind of person who either doesn't make a move, or if he makes a move, he won't be shocked to death."

"Just wait, when his layout is completed, it's time for him to make a move."

"It's just a pity that the daughter-in-law of the old Hu's family can't live to 90, and there is no way to wait until he really helps."

It was these words that Hu Xing was standing at the door listening to.

Hu Xing didn't want to save grandma's life, but his system couldn't help at that time.

Even with the current system, there is no way to change the fate of grandma at that time.

Therefore, Hu Xing got used to the death of his grandma. He was only four years old at that time, and he just watched his first relative pass away.

Then, when he was an adult, his grandmother also passed away. Hu Xing wanted to change, but he couldn't do anything.

At that time when grandma left, he was also sad, but he kept his grandma's trust in him deep in his heart.

He knew that grandma must have discovered something about him, but she just believed in him and waited for him to help Yilong.

It's just that his layout is so perfect that it takes a lot of time.

Looking back now, Hu Xing was smoking a cigarette and looked at Shanghai outside the meeting room with a depressed mood.

"Grandma's life's painstaking effort is this Yilong Automobile Group."

"As he said, I don't care about this group, because in my opinion, this group is nothing at all."

"Grandpa, Dad, you have always been curious about how much I am worth?"

"If you really want to say, I am now the richest man in Shanghai." Hu Xing turned around and looked at his grandfather and father.

"You boy..." When Hu Xing told his worth, Hu Yu was even more surprised.

The richest man in Shanghai?Now the tycoons in Shanghai on the bright side have a wealth of more than 580 billion.

Hu Xing said that he is the richest man in Shanghai, which means that he has at least 600 yuan in property, otherwise it would be impossible to say such a thing.

"When I was 18, my grandma knew I had a fortune of 100 billion."

"When grandma found out about it, she kept asking me why I pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

"Since you have this talent and ability, why don't you help the group at home?"

"At that time, I just told my grandma that this is the group of grandpa and grandma, and it should be inherited by your son."

"I'm just your grandson. According to seniority, how come it's not your turn to inherit it to me?"

"Besides, the family has given me the best privilege, and that's all I want. I don't want to inherit the rest of the group. I can have my own business." Hu Xing said with a self-deprecating smile.

"But at that time, my grandma told me that she wanted domestic cars to be recognized and supported by the people of the whole country, so that the whole world could see the progress of domestic cars; and let the whole world be in an uproar for cars made in China."

"Grandma is old and doesn't have the energy. Although your father is capable, he doesn't have the talent."

"Grandma knows you can do it, so grandma makes a wish to you, to make your grandpa proud of founding Yilong Group once in his lifetime, and to make Chinese cars look good once, this is the only wish grandma has for Xing'er in this life. "Hu Xing told him what his grandma said to him at that time.

Hu Ying's eyes were a little moist, just like what her younger brother said.

Hu Xing has already done what her grandma made to her younger brother, not just once, but many times.

Since Yilong produced those cars successively in the hands of Hu Xing in the past six months, the automotive industry all over the world is in an uproar over the amazing progress of China's automobiles.

Her grandfather Hu Hua was also proud of it, not once.

"I can't help it. The only one who believed in me from the beginning to the end was my grandma. At that time, I had to do what my grandma asked of me, right? The whole family expects me to do something for the 760 family business."

"If I don't do it, wouldn't it be too chilling?"

"So after my grandma made a wish to me, I started to learn all kinds of knowledge about cars, so that I can supplement my knowledge in this field, and then...you have seen it too." Hu Xing turned around and looked at his father.

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