"Especially if you use this bacon to make Lamei rice (claypot rice), it will be more fragrant."

"One pot of rice, you feel that it is too little to eat by yourself." Chen He said so, Xie Na said: "Well, let the chefs use this cured meat to make a dish later, let us try what about the taste."

"Okay, this is fine." The chefs present all said that this is fine

"As long as Chen He is willing, of course we will do it." The chefs couldn't wait.

"Since this is the case, let's get into the topic. Everyone come up with proposals to cook a delicious dish for Chen He." He Jiong asked all the chefs to make proposals.

Every chef put forward his own proposal, which is mainly bacon.

In the end, Chen He chose Tian Shu and another chef teacher to do it.

"It's so fragrant!" Xie Na smelled a fragrant fragrance.

"That's right, this one is definitely delicious." Chen He was very proud and looked forward to these two dishes.

Only Hu Xing was the calmest, doing his job well.

After the two dishes were prepared, Chen He couldn't wait to try them first.

Others also started to try it one after another. As soon as they ate it, all the flavors in the bacon came out.

The taste dissipated in a rush, and spread anywhere in the mouth, allowing the person who ate it to taste the most delicious bacon.

Only then did they really understand why Chen He said that the bacon was the most delicious bacon he had ever eaten

"Really, Hu Xing, make a bacon brand, it will definitely sell well." Xie Na persuaded Hu Xing to do this.

"Hehe~ No need, there is no shortage of money now, and this is specially made for my girlfriends, so there is no need to sell it." Hu Xing rejected the proposal with a smile.

In the end, Chen He chose Mr. Chef to win, and today's show is considered to be over.

After today's program ended, Hu Xing came back to the backstage.

"In two days, what if I want to record the life I yearn for?!" When Hu Xing came back to the backstage standby, he chatted with He Jiong about another program.

"That's right." He Jiong said and changed his clothes.

"By the way, I heard that our station is preparing to launch a new reality show and plans to invite you." He Jiong mentioned this, and Hu Xing nodded: "I know what this is. It seems to be "We Is it the female star reality show of "Here Comes?"

"It hasn't been confirmed yet. This time I'm working with Brother Wanghan, and I'm under pressure." When Hu Xing changed his clothes, he also talked about his own pressure.

Chapter 0669 I Was Bullied

"Finished recording the show?!" When Hu Xing returned home, Song Jia was at home.

"Well, the recording is over." Hu Xing looked at Song Jia when he got home, and asked her, "Why do you want to swim again?!"

"That's right, I just came back from Nanjing." Song Jia was filming a TV series in Nanjing recently.

"Come back and sort out my emotions and mentality. I'm really about to collapse when filming this movie." When Song Jia got to act in this movie, it was true that her mentality was about to explode

In this drama, Song Jia cried more than a dozen times a day. Because she was too involved in the drama, she now chatted with Hu Xing every day, just to let Hu Xing make her happy and stabilize her emotions.

"Are you okay?!" Hu Xing put his arms around Song Jia and asked her

"I have something to do, hurry up and accompany me." Song Jia is now a little girl, and she is not a big sister in front of Hu Xing, but a little girl.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll come out to accompany you after I change my swimming trunks." Hu Xing said, turning around and going in to change his pants.

"Crack!" Song Jia grabbed Hu Xing's hand and said, "Don't change it, you have to take it off anyway."

"..." Hu Xing looked at this sister in astonishment, needless to say so clearly...

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Hu Xing stopped going in and changed, and walked out with Song Jia.

Standing by the pool, she took off her clothes, and then went swimming with Song Jia.

It was originally for swimming, but after swimming to warm up, the bodies of the two quickly stuck together.

At the moment when they are pasted together, after the prelude is finished, the formal fit is completed.

This is not the first time for them to exercise in the pool.

Whether it's Song Jia or Zhao Liying, it's not the first time they've been exercising together in the swimming pool.

"Hmm!" Afterwards, Song Jia hung on Hu Xing's body and moaned lazily.

Hu Xing looked at the beautiful woman in his arms, and couldn't help being very satisfied with his performance.

Now they have not separated, they are still in a state of fit.

But soaking in the swimming pool, they feel very comfortable.

In October, Shanghai is actually not very hot, but it is not too cold either.

At this time, they are soaking here, and they also want to be gentle.

"Go back, continue!" Song Jia asked Hu Xing to carry her back into the room, and she could continue.

Hu Xing satisfied Song Jia's request, and carried her back to the room to continue.

Anyway, they didn't check the time, the two of them tossed and turned in the room until Song Jia's physical strength was exhausted, she really couldn't bear the sleepiness, and fell asleep with a relaxed and happy mood.

Looking at the time, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

It's been hours since I got home at 4pm and they started.He didn't even eat dinner, so one can imagine how fierce the battle was just now.

Because Song Jia was too involved in the play, when she was immersed in it just now, she even cried when she thought of the characters in the script being treated like that by the islanders.

Fortunately, Hu Xing stopped and let her play, otherwise Song Jia might feel even more uncomfortable.

It is precisely because of this that Hu Xing used this method to let Song Jia play, and she devoted herself even more frantically, allowing Hu Xing to drive her to fly even more.

After several hours of madness, she had no strength at all.

Hu Xing got up and took a shower, then played games in the living room.

Anyway, he didn't have much to do. To be honest, he didn't feel hungry when he ate while recording the show.

It's also good to simply play games for a while to relax.

"It's open, we'll be in the third row." Chen He saw that no one came in, so he said that the third row is fine.

"Where are you jumping?!" Zheng Kai asked where they planned to dance.

"It doesn't matter where you jump, if you find the gun, go out and find someone." Hu Xing looked at the map.

"What the hell, so many people?!" When Chen He jumped down, he looked at it, as if there were quite a lot of people who jumped down with him.

"Haha~" After Hu Xing found out, he also smiled speechlessly.

"Blow up the plane? Everyone jumped here?!" Chen He couldn't help roaring.

"Ouch, I..." I had no choice but to look for a gun as soon as I landed, but when I found a gun, Chen He was blown to the ground by a grenade before turning around.

"Come and help me!" Something happened to Chen He, so he asked Zheng Kai and Hu Xing to come quickly.

Hu Xing and Zheng Kai found the gun, and immediately ran over to save Chen He.

"You help people, and I'll beat them." Hu Xing asked Zheng Kai to help Chen He, and he was in charge of beating people.

There are more people here, and the fight is really fierce.

In this way, the three brothers ate chicken at home, and they played very hotly.

Song Zhuer came back from school in the evening, and the little girl saw Hu Xing playing games, so she came over, slipped into his arms, sat and watched Hu Xing play...

"What's the matter, you look unhappy?" Hu Xing saw that the little fairy in his arms was unhappy, so he naturally cared about her.

"Being bullied." Song Zhuer pouted and looked at Hu Xing depressedly...

"Bullyed? Who would dare to bully you in the No. [-] High School Attached to China Normal University?!" Hu Xing really couldn't figure it out.

Song Zhuer is now well known and one of Hu Xing's girlfriends.

And it was in the No. [-] Affiliated Middle School of China Normal University, Jiang Fang was one of the teachers of this school.

As one of the young mistresses of the Yilong Group, and at the same time, Mr. Jiang Fang, the wife of the chairman of the Yilong Group, is present at the No. [-] High School Attached to East China Normal University, who would dare to bully Mr. Song?

Hearing that his girlfriend was being bullied, Hu Xing didn't even play the game and turned off the voice.

Holding Song Zhuer's waist, looking at her pouted mouth, Hu Xing lowered his head and kissed the little girl's small mouth.

Song Zhuer, who was not happy at first, was in a better mood after being kissed by Hu Xing.

"I was bullied by your stupid fans." Song Zhuer told how she was bullied.

It turned out that Hu Xing and Song Zhuer kissed at the school gate, as one of the current school beauties of the Second High School Attached to China Normal University.

Song Zhuer's popularity is quite high, and many support her...

But Hu Xing, as the most handsome and popular male star nowadays, can't be said to have no fans.

From the point of view of Hu Xing's brainless fans, Hu Xing belongs to her, not Reba, Zhao Liying, Song Jia and the others.

He thinks that he is more beautiful than any of Hu Xing's girlfriends, and he also thinks that He Dehe can get Hu Xing's liking for these girlfriends of Hu Xing.

Every handsome male star has such a brainless fan, and Hu Xing is no exception.

Song Zhuer was humiliated by this idiot fan today, saying that she is just cute, and her development is not very good, she doesn't have long legs, and her pet is not big enough. I don't understand why Hu Xing would Do you like her little girl?

Song Zhu'er is still young, no matter how you say, she is only 15 years old. It is inevitable that she will be in a bad mood when she is ridiculed by a woman like this; what's more, she is still ridiculed by her boyfriend's stupid fans.

She couldn't scold back, because she was a child star, a public figure, and the other party was also a fan of her boyfriend, which made her feel very wronged, and acted like a baby to Hu Xing when she got home.

Chapter 0670

"Don't pay attention to them." Hu Xing pinched Song Zhuer's chin, and bit her lip lightly.

"Hmm, of course I know to ignore them. I just want to act like a baby and make you feel sorry for me." Song Zhuer likes to lie in Hu Xing's arms like this, and let him look at her with doting eyes

"Heh~" Hu Xing pinched Zhu'er's chin lightly, looking at her pink and alluring mouth, he couldn't help it.

"Yeah!" Master Song put her arms around Hu Xing's neck and kissed him heartily.

"They said your pet is not big enough?" After the kiss, Hu Xing asked Master Song if that was what he said.

"That's right, it's not big enough, but hers is indeed very fierce." Master Song had to admit: "She is a senior in high school, with long legs, as tall as Sister Jia by visual inspection, beautiful, fair skin, and a powerful weapon , long legs, and deliberately exposed her vest line for me to see."

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