Many fans echoed Hu Xing, chatting and joking with him.

But this is just to tell everyone that the new version of "Legend of the Condor Heroes" he said will be remade, and today it is officially launched.

"Look at this, the new version of Condor Shooting is turned on?!"

"I'm looking forward to it. The last version was also starring Hu, and this time it's also Hu. I'm looking forward to the two Hu versions of Shooting the Condor. Which one will look better?"

"I want to see Rong'er! I want to see Rong'er's makeup photos, I want, I want, I want." Some fans asked Hu Xing to quickly post Rong'er's makeup photos.

After Hu Xing looked at it, he looked at Zhao Liying beside him.

"You're the producer, so let's take a photo of Rong'er's makeup if you want to post it or not." Zhao Liying handed this matter over to Hu Xing, and let's see how he decides.

"Well." Hu Xing was really struggling with this question, whether to post it or not.

"Let's not be in a hurry." Hu Xing felt that it's better not to be in a hurry, because it's not yet determined when the TV series will be broadcast.

Maybe not until 2016.

Now in October, if the filming of this TV series is finished, it will probably be after the Spring Festival next year.

The fastest can only be completed a few days before the Spring Festival.

However, Hu Xing said before that this drama must be carefully produced, so this drama should not be greedy for speed, but must work slowly and meticulously, so as to hand over a high-quality TV series for the audience to watch.

Among the scripts received by Hu Xing, the filming of "Langya Bang", "A Thousand Bone Flowers" and "Looking for the Dragon" has not yet started filming.

Hu Xing also arranged the time. After shooting the Condor Shooting, he could go to shoot Langya Bang.

Langya Bang started filming in mid-February, and it is expected to finish filming within 2 months, which means it will wrap up in June.

Next is Hua Qiangu, the producer has already said that the film will start in early May.

If it starts in early May, it is scheduled to complete all the shooting in four months.

So in this way, it was completed at the end of August and early September.

The Dragon Hunting Jue will be launched in Mongolia in August next year.

In this way, Hu Xing will be filming a TV series every four months. Next year, he probably won’t have time to film the version of the sculpture starring him. I can only wait until the year after next.

After all, everything has been arranged, and every movie he plans to shoot now is very important to him, so naturally he has to treat it wholeheartedly.

Chapter 0672 Classic Contrast

"Look at you, you get hundreds of thousands of likes on Weibo." Zhao Liying held her phone and said to Hu Xing beside her.

"Heh~" Looking at Zhao Liying now, Hu Xing always felt an indescribable sense of joy.

Zhao Liying was wearing the beggar's clothes of a little beggar, but she was holding a mobile phone, which was funny no matter how you looked at it.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhao Liying now had beads of sweat on Qiong's nose, so one could imagine how hot the weather was.

Hu Xing reached out and helped her wipe the sweat off the tip of her nose.

The cutest height difference between the two is really a good match for Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

"Hu Xing, come quickly, it's your turn." Director Jiang recruited at this time and let Hu Xing go.

Hu Xing walked over and came to the director's side, ready to start his first scene in this play.

The role of Guo Jing is one of the most famous characters in the 'Jin Yong' novel.

It is described in the novel that Guo Jing is a stupid boy who can only speak at the age of four, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an elm head, with a stubborn personality and duty.

Hu Xing needs to show Guo Jing's mediocre IQ, kind-hearted, simple and hard-working character.

It is also necessary to have a firm and resolute character like a hero, and a 497 broad mind like a grassland.

This character, to be honest, is really a person favored by God.

Stupid and stupid, but it was love at first sight with the eccentric Huang Rong. If it hadn't been deliberately arranged, such a good thing would never have happened.

Guo Jing's life can be said to be flawless and extremely perfect.

He is filial to his parents, loyal to his country, loyal to his love, righteous to his friends, and loving to his children.

Of course, it is impossible to be a perfect person. A person who is too perfect will become a fake person.

For Hu Xing, if he didn't have some acting skills, it would be really difficult to hold this role.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes has four versions at present, and each version is different.

The 83 version of Shooting the Condor has been named the most classic by countless people. Brother Jing and Rong Er in this version are like walking out of the book, and they are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It can be said that this version has influenced the values ​​and mate selection concepts of two generations in mainland China, and has become the collective memory of many post-70s and post-80s in the mainland.

The 94 version of Shooting the Condors is also the most faithful version of the original. Zhang Zhiling also portrayed Guo Jing's stupidity and dullness very well. This is also a memory that many post-80s and post-90s will never forget.

As for the 03 version of Shooting the Condors, this is the work of Zhang Dahuzi, which often leaves the audience with the impression that the original work has been changed beyond recognition, but this version is also called a version that is more in line with the original work.

This version of Guo Jing has an average IQ, but is kind-hearted, simple and hardworking.

It's just that Li Yapeng seems to have gone a little too far in interpreting Guo Jing's simplicity, which is not what the audience likes.

The biggest problem in this version is actually the dubbing of the protagonist. If the dubbing can be solved, this will really be a real martial arts dream.

As for the 08 version of Shooting the Condor, this version was performed by Hu Fu.

Hu Fu is the idol of thousands of girls. Many people appreciate Hu Fu, especially Hu Fu's return after experiencing the most tragic event in his life, allowing the audience to see his growth.

This version of Condor Shooting can be said to be the most beautiful version among all previous versions of Condor Shooting.

It is also because of his high appearance that he has a strong idol atmosphere.

But fortunately, the production is okay, and the plot changes and rhythm control are more careful.

It can be regarded as a good martial arts drama that combines youth and ancient costumes.

As for Hu Xing's version, it's hard for him to say anything.

But with the previous versions, Hu Xing must combine the advantages of the above four versions, portray the characters well, and at the same time, try not to change the original work as much as possible, restore the original work as much as possible, and the lines are as good as possible. Most likely to use the original.

Then in terms of production, Hu Xing also spent a huge amount of money to produce. In terms of dubbing, Hu Xing, the director and all the actors have discussed it. There is no need for post-dubbing, and all of them use the same voice.

These aspects were all decided after discussions.

It can't be that the current technology is so advanced. Every actor, except Meng Ziyi's acting skills cannot be guaranteed, and the acting skills of any other actor's actors are guaranteed.

Since [-]% of the actors have acting skills, the investment is also in place.

If there is still no way to surpass every previous version in terms of production, then this will be a big joke.

The first is to prove that we must go beyond the classics; the second is not to become a joke; the third is to really do it with heart.

With these goals, Hu Xing, as the producer, will control this aspect very well.

Director Jiang Jiajun is also working hard to do a good job, and the other actors are also very cooperative.

When we first started recording, everyone took it very seriously.

The first scene of shooting Hu Xing is now, but it is not in Hengdian, but on the grasslands of Mongolia.

Originally, Zhao Liying didn't need to come here, but she didn't have a role in another production crew in Hengdian, so she went on location with her, and it happened that she could also come over to see the Mongolian prairie.

The main reason is because of Hu Xing's sleeping habits.

If she didn't come, she was really worried that Hu Xing could not sleep well, or that he could only find a certain female star to accompany him.

"Oh, this kid is not bad." Zhao Lixin, Miao Qiaowei and the others also followed him to the location.

Anyway, their roles haven't arrived yet, so they simply followed the crew over here to see Hu Xing's performance.

"Indeed, I originally thought that for a young master like Hu Xing, even if he is acting, he is spending money to have fun."

"I didn't expect this kid to really use his life to act?!" Zhao Lixin was already familiar with Hu Xing.

Even if they are familiar with each other, they can speak more casually.

"How is it?" Hu Xing walked over to the director after finishing this part.

"The fall is real enough." The director's comment made Hu Xing dumbfounded.

But if you look carefully at the scene you just acted, well, how should I put it, it's still passable, but it's not the best yet.

"Come again!" Hu Xing said to come again after reading it.

"Come again? It's over, come again?!" Director Jiang Jiajun said, there is no need to come again.

"Let's have a look again." Hu Xing found the feeling and wanted to do it again.

"Hey, Li Ying, take care of me, this kid doesn't need a substitute, he just came by himself."

"Wait, I really fell and got hurt. Yilong Group asked me to take responsibility. What do you want me to do?" Director Jiang Jiajun joked to Zhao Liying beside him.

A joke is a joke, Hu Xing pursues perfection, which is a good thing for the director.

I joke when I am joking, and I am serious when I should be serious. Hu Xing found that he and director Jiang Jiajun have a good understanding. He is puzzled and probably has cooperated many times for a long time.

Chapter 0673 I Curse You

"What's the date today?!" Hu Xing was holding the phone, and Zhao Liying couldn't bear it anymore, and asked him.

"Why do you ask this?" Hu Xing turned his attention to Zhao Liying and asked her.

"..." Zhao Liying glanced at Hu Xing speechlessly, and then said strongly and calmly, "It's okay!"

"What's the matter?" Hu Xing felt weird, why did he suddenly ask about this matter

Hu Xing glanced at his phone, October 10-1.

After seeing this day, Hu Xing turned to look at Zhao Liying.

"Is your birthday today?" Hu Xing asked nonsense.

"Nonsense! You don't even remember your daughter-in-law's birthday? You're going to die." Zhao Liying stared angrily.

"..." Hu Xing was stupid now, as if he asked a very stupid question.

"No, no, the daughter-in-law is not what you think." Hu Xing hurriedly wanted to explain.

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