"Beautiful!" Zhao Liying looked at this dish happily, it was really delicious.

Hu Xing cooked a total of ten dishes, because there are not many of you, that is, only six people.

If you cook too much, you will not be able to finish it, so Hu Xing controls the amount, nine dishes and one soup.

Zhao Liying posted on Weibo after taking the photo: "Hee hee~ envious? This is a birthday meal my man cooked for me. I wish myself a happy birthday; at the same time, I also congratulate myself on conceiving a baby for him after eating this big meal. "

Zhao Liying was poisoned, and actually updated this Weibo while having dinner.

And sending out so many delicious things, isn't this what poisoning is?

Fans all over China know that Hu Xing is famous for cooking for his girlfriend.

Every time Hu Xing's girlfriend shows the delicious food, it will definitely not be bad.

For this reason, every time Hu Xing's girlfriend posts delicious food, there is never any repetition.

This time is no exception. After Zhao Liying posted it, even Liu Shishi, Song Jia, Di Lieba, and Gu Li Nazha couldn't help breaking down in the comment area and saying why didn't they celebrate their birthday at home?

"Now I'm shooting Condor Shooting in Mongolia, so I can't go home, hehe~" Zhao Liying replied to Song Jia.

"But, these are all things I have eaten before." Reba's reply this time made Zhao Liying's heart hurt, and she posted a staring emoji: "The dishes Hu Xing cooks for me are always the first. You are the one who eats alone."

"Haha~ I can't help it, this lady is born beautiful, and your man has spoiled me since I was a child."

"Miss, please recommend. What my husband cooks is more delicious, let him make it next time." Song Jia also said to Di Lieba.

"It's my sister's birthday next month, so now I have to prepare the recipe. Jiang Yingyu has to make it for me, and I still need Jiang Yingyu's signature dish." Song Jia has already calculated that next month will be her It's my birthday, so hurry up.

"Hey, you guys are really asking the right question." Di Lieba was not joking.

"As you all know, Grandpa Gaozu was born at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and he was a general during the Anti-Japanese War; so he collected a lot of ancient recipes."

"There were a lot of court recipes and cookbooks in the Qing Dynasty, and there were recipes from previous dynasties. Grandpa Gaozu also collected the latter part."

"Hu Xing liked to read those ancient books when he was a child. He has read Chinese medicine, recipes and so on."

"So, he will cook a lot of famous dishes that have been lost. So far, I can eat those famous dishes whenever I want, and it depends on Hu Xing's mood."

"But generally speaking, on Grandpa Gaozu's birthday, Hu Xing will cook a few famous dishes that have been lost for Grandpa Gaozu." Di Lieba's revelation on Weibo immediately shocked many people.

Chapter 0677 simple birthday

ps: The repeated chapters have been revised... Hu Xing even has a lot of famous dishes that have been lost?

However, judging from Reba's explanation, this is highly credible.

Because Hu Xing's grandfather is nearly 100 years old, and he used to be a person with status.

It is not surprising to collect many classic books and cookbooks.

It's just that I didn't expect that Hu Xing would be interested in this, and even learned many dishes that had been lost.

Nowadays, many famous Chinese chefs want to get these recipes, and also want to find the lost recipes, but they have no chance, but they did not expect that Hu Xing has mastered so many recipes.

"Is it true?!" Zhao Liying immediately asked Hu Xing if it was true.

"Is it true?" Hu Xing didn't read Weibo, so of course he didn't know.

"That's right..." Zhao Liying showed Hu Xing the phone

After reading it, Hu Xing realized that this was what Zhao Liying wanted to ask.

"It's a fact." Hu Xing admitted, there's nothing wrong with it being a fact.

"I really didn't expect you to cook so many lost dishes." Zhao Liying didn't know it before, but now she does.

"There will be more; you will gradually know in the future." Hu Xing told them to eat first.

Zhao Liying didn't have so many requests, she didn't need any surprises from Hu Xing, and she didn't need to give her any 793 romance, she just wanted the simplest and most authentic birthday celebration.

She just wanted her boyfriend to cook a delicious meal for her, so that she could feel Hu Xing's love and pampering for her through her mouth, taste buds, and stomach.

Hu Xing satisfied her, and Zhao Liying was also very satisfied, without too much extravagance.

Although a star, she doesn't need all those extravagant things to fulfill her birthday wishes.

A simple, simple and real birthday is what she wants most.

After eating the birthday meal Hu Xing cooked for her, Zhao Liying was very satisfied.

After eating and paying the bill, Zhao Liying jumped on Hu Xing's back, clinging to Hu Xing like a clinging fairy.

"Don't put it on your back, come to the front." Hu Xing asked Zhao Liying to come to the front.

After Zhao Liying got down, she jumped up, hugged Hu Xing's neck, and hung her two beautiful legs around Hu Xing's waist.

Hu Xing supported Zhao Liying's buttocks with both hands, and the two just walked on the streets of Mongolia.

The nights in Inner Mongolia are very clean, not as bustling and lively as big cities.

It was deserted, and pedestrians were rarely seen on the road.

Hu Xing and Zhao Liying wandered the streets for a while, and found that there was nothing interesting, so they naturally went back to the hotel arranged by the crew.

After returning to the hotel, Hu Xing and Zhao Liying started a gut-wrenching battle.

This gut-wrenching battle made Zhao Liying accept Hu Xing's output, surpassing everything before.

The two have never been separated since entering the room.

Continuous integration, continuous output, from the original light rain to heavy rain, then from heavy rain to heavy rain, and finally the heavy rain turned into a thunderstorm.

Lei was Zhao Liying's singing voice, and the heavy rain was Zhao Liying's unstoppable loss of moisture under Hu Xing's output.

I don't know how long the rain lasted, as if Zhao Liying was drained, when Hu Xing broke out, Zhao Liying hugged Hu Xing's tiger body tightly, and it was considered quiet.

After the end, the two did not separate, and kept fit.

"Hmm!" Zhao Liying curled up in Hu Xing's arms, as lazy as a kitten.

Hu Xing bit Zhao Liying's fragrant shoulder, looking at this cute and childlike cute woman, Hu Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Mine, she is mine.

At this time, Hu Xing only had this idea in his mind, it was not a dream, but real.

Tired, happy, and sweet, they just embraced each other and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, no one came to bother Hu Xing and Zhao Liying.

Since they didn't get any of the scenes, the director naturally wouldn't bother them.

After sleeping until noon, Zhao Liying woke up from hunger. When she woke up, she felt that she was in a safe embrace, and she knew that her man hadn't woken up yet.

Not only through this feeling, she also felt that her little cutie was not separated from Xiao Hu Xing.

"You bastard, I stayed inside for another night." Zhao Liying muttered, but she didn't dare to turn around.

Just kidding, how could she turn around in this state?

If she turned around and broke the words, she would have to worry for the rest of her life.

So, it's still good to be like this, to feel Hu Xing's existence with all your heart.

"Are you awake?!" Hu Xing hugged Zhao Liying. Originally, his big hand was on her belly, but now when he woke up, he climbed onto her pet.

"Huh! Don't dare to move." Zhao Liying turned her head, pouting her mouth and acting like a baby to Hu Xing.

"Hehe~" Of course Hu Xing understood what Zhao Liying said about not daring to move.

"Mmm! Mmm!" Hu Xing held Zhao Liying's small mouth, and took Xiangjin from her small mouth.

"Are you hungry?!" Hu Xing put Zhao Liying's pillow on his left hand, and stroked Zhao Liying's lower abdomen with his right hand.

"I was woken up by starvation." Zhao Liying was woken up by starvation, otherwise, she could have slept through the night.

"Also, don't kiss my shoulder again. I was sweating all over last night and fell asleep without taking a shower." Zhao Liying told Hu Xing not to kiss.

"That won't work. If you don't kiss me, I will die." Hu Xing felt that this was impossible.

"Then take a shower first." Zhao Liying is also a woman, and she wants to give Hu Xing the most perfect self.

"No, it's sweeter to kiss like this." There are so many rules between men and women.

As long as this is the best, what's the matter if you don't take a bath?Isn't that what he made her sweat last night?

Hu Xing didn't care about this kind of thing at all, he just became more reluctant to separate.

"Oh, come out." After Zhao Liying felt it, she asked Hu Xing to come out quickly.

"How can I come out in this state?" Hu Xing felt that he couldn't come out at this time, it was impossible.

"Come again?!" Looking at this state, Zhao Liying knew that this guy must want to come again.

"Is that okay?" You have to ask Zhao Liying if you agree or not.

"I'm hungry." Zhao Liying refused, but what about her heart?

Hu Xing put his hand on her heart, felt it for a second, and said, "But you don't think so in your heart? You are dishonest."

"Huh, ah, hurry up then." Zhao Liying didn't care, just be hungry if you're hungry.

It's just right, Hu Xing can feed her so that she won't be so hungry.

Less than ten minutes after waking up, the young couple started again regardless of time.

It's good to be young, to be so capricious.

Two hours later, Hu Xing went into the bathroom with Zhao Liying in his arms, and the two of them went in to wash away the traces of love from last night and just now, and they will have to find something to eat later, or they will be really hungry.

Hu Xing had fed Zhao Liying, but this kind of feeding couldn't fill her stomach.

Chapter 0678 Lao Zhao, let's squeeze tonight

coming? ! "When Hu Xing came to the crew, Jiang Jiajun waved to him.

"Your role will start tomorrow." Jiang Jiajun told Hu Xing that your role will start tomorrow.

"There is no problem with this." Hu Xing had already made preparations, so of course this is nothing~

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