"Let me tell you, Xiao Yun is not a celebrity either, so how can she come to my show? But it's okay to make a guest appearance." Hu Xing patted his sister on the head.

"Haha~ Speaking of it, there is a very interesting thing, that is, Hu Xing's family, it seems that except for his mother, everyone has guest-starred on Hu Xing's show, right?"

"Extreme challenge, I met my sister and sister unexpectedly in one episode."

"Running Man had a show, and it was done by Yilong who went there. At that time, Hu Xing's father also appeared on the show."

"The life I yearn for now, Hu Yun also came, is this a coincidence?!" When He Jiong mentioned this, Hu Xing also remembered 3.1, it seemed so.

"I want to eat~" Hu Yun grabbed Hu Xing's clothes and clamored for food.

"What to eat, won't you eat before coming here?!" Hu Xing said angrily when his sister was so skinny.

"I didn't eat. I came to Hangzhou to discuss a project cooperation. I arrived at the airport just after signing the contract. I planned to go back to Shanghai. I didn't expect to meet my brother's two friends, so I came here." Hu Yun explained, Zheng Kai was surprised: "Talk about the project? What project?"

"Oh, it's a real estate company. It has a piece of land in Hangzhou and plans to use it to build a community, so let me look at the land and give a design plan for the community."

"I came here yesterday, and signed the project contract this morning." After Hu Yun explained, this surprised Sun Honglei and the others even more.

Seeing that Hu Yun is so young, he can actually do such a big project?

Chapter 0695 cute little huskies

"Oh my God, you brothers and sisters are all perverts, right?!" After hearing this, Chen He complained with emotion.

"My elder brother is a car designer and my younger sister is an architectural designer."

"It's still twins!" Chen He said to them with a shocked face.

"Yeah!" After being praised, Hu Xing and Hu Yun even compared a pair of scissors very cutely.

"Hehe~" Zhao Liying and Song Jia were very satisfied with this sister-in-law after seeing it.

"Hu Yun is really beautiful, a typical Shanghai beauty." He Jiong noticed that Hu Yun is really beautiful, with a standard oval face for Shanghai beauties, fair skin, good at dressing herself, and a very good temperament.

"Thank you Teacher He for your compliment." Hu Yun politely thanked Teacher He for her compliment.

"Hu Yun, you and your brother are twins, right?" Huang Lei also heard about this.

"Yes, we are twins, but my brother was born one and a half months earlier than me." Hu Yun hugged her sister-in-law Zhao Liying and answered Huang Lei's question

"I've always wondered, is this possible? The time interval between twin births is so long?" Sun Honglei didn't understand, so she asked if there was really a precedent for this.

"Yes, I've read the news, there was such a precedent, it's not surprising."

"It's just that the twins were born with such a long interval. It's really not as long as the Hu Xing brothers and sisters." Huang Lei is a father, and of course he also understands this.

"Maybe it's because he wants to be an older brother, and he's clamoring to be born first." Hu Yun covered his mouth after speaking, giggling and looking at his elder brother.

"It's up to me? Why didn't you say that you kicked me out of my mother's stomach?!"

"Hahaha~" Hu Xing was even more exaggerated, and everyone couldn't hold back.

"You let everyone judge, am I the kind of person who can use violence?!" Hu Yun rolled his eyes and said

"Others don't know, but I know a lot."

"Don't forget, when you were 9 years old, you spent all your food expenses, and your parents felt sorry for you." Hu Xing also mentioned this incident.

"Haha~~" Hu Yun also recalled this incident, and Hu Xing still broke the news in the life he yearned for. Now that she is here, it is even more confirmed.

"Is this true?!" Zhao Liying didn't have time to ask, but this time was the opportunity.

Hu Yun nodded shyly, admitting that there was nothing wrong with this matter.

"You are too powerful." Chen He gave Hu Yun a thumbs up.

"However, I'm really hungry. Make me something to eat." Hu Yun was really hungry now, and said, "Otherwise, I'll call my dad."

"Even if you call Grandpa Gaozu, it's useless. If you have the ability, you can let them fly to Hangzhou to clean up me?!" Hu Xing looked like he was smashing.

"Sister-in-law, let's take care of it?" Hu Yun clamored for sister-in-law to take care of it.

"Sister-in-law is not for you, we are for your brother." Song Jia asked sister-in-law to give up.

"Wow, you guys are really good, will I help you take care of your children in the future?!" Hu Yun threatened Zhao Liying with this threat, making Zhao Liying cover her face even more.

"Hehe~" He Jiong and the others thought it was very interesting to see their Hu family making such a noise.

"Huang Lei get us some breakfast, I'm really hungry." Sun Honglei also felt hungry.

Besides, it's past 10 o'clock, so it's time to make lunch.

"Why don't you kill a duck?" Chen He looked at the duck in front of him, his mouth was already so greedy that he was about to move.

"This won't work!" When it comes to killing ducks to eat, He Jiong immediately protects him.

"Why don't you stew little S?!" Hu Xing said, looking at the naughty husky in front of him.

"Woo~" The chubby husky in front came to Hu Xing's side with an aggrieved expression on his face.

This husky is still very young, about a month old, that is, just able to run.

"Oh~" It may be because I understand that Hu Xing is going to stew it, little S husky.

"What are you doing? Scaring little S again." While talking, Zhao Liying hugged the cute little husky.

"Do you dare to put your face on Zhao Liying's chest?" Hu Xing saw that Husky wanted to put his face on Zhao Liying's chest, and immediately pointed at it and threatened it.

"Woo!" Threatened by Hu Xing, Husky really didn't dare, and just looked at Hu Xing aggrieved.

"Don't take advantage of my daughter-in-law, come down, or you will be stewed." Hu Xing threatened Husky, let him come down, and Zhao Liying was not allowed to hug him.

This little guy actually understood, struggling to get out of Zhao Liying's arms.

"Hehe~" Seeing Hu Xing bullying a puppy like this, He Jiong and the others couldn't help smiling.

"Little S, come here!" Song Jia tickled the puppy, letting it pass.

But Xiao S just turned his head and took a look, and then followed Hu Xing silently.

"Hey, why are you so disobedient?" Song Jia felt embarrassed when she saw that she was being ignored.

"It's stewed!" Sun Honglei said aggressively that he was going to stew Xiao S.

Little S turned to look at Sun Honglei, and the two looked at each other like this.

"Bite him! Little S went up to bite him, and Sun Honglei said he was going to stew you. If you don't bite him, wait for him to stew you?" Hu Xing squatted down and instigated Little S to bite.

Little S passed by, and then really bit Sun Honglei's pants all at once, and then shook and shook as hard as she was breastfeeding.

"Hehe~" Seeing little S like this, He Jiong and the others were naturally amused by this cute little guy.

"What are you doing? I told you to be obedient and you didn't listen, why did you just listen to Hu Xing." Sun Honglei looked at this serious little guy.

But after Xiao S let go, he lowered his head and came to Hu Xing's side.

Hu Xing went to find dog food and fed this little thing.

After looking at the dog food in Hu Xing's palm, Xiao S happily gobbled it up.

"Go and play, but I warn you, don't get yourself dirty"

"I don't have such a good love to give you a bath."

"I don't want to live in a life where the first chance to help with a bath is given to a dog, not to my child."

"Hahaha~" The exchange between Hu Xing and the dog made the people around him laugh.

"Did you hear that? The first time I helped with a bath, it was for my baby, not for you."

"Give me a good time when you play, and if it gets dirty, I'll throw you out."

"Also, you are not allowed to ask my wife to help you take a bath, do you know that it does not exist?"

"When you want to take a bath, go to Teacher He and Teacher Huang." When Hu Xing was feeding the husky, he had to teach it some things.

Huang Lei prepared lunch over there, and smiled as he watched Hu Xing communicate with the dog.

This husky was bought by the column team, and it was regarded as a gift for Mushroom House.

At the time of the last recording of the program, that is, almost a month ago, the dog was born about a week ago.

At that time, he was sent to the mushroom house, and now, he is only about 5 weeks old.

Chapter 0696 loss of conscience ah

"Wait, Hu Xing, you don't cook, what are you doing there?"

"We all come here for the fame, and we just like to eat the food cooked by you, the chef."

"Why are you still asking Teacher Huang to cook it now?!" Chen He yelled, asking Hu Xing to cook.

"I still have work to do, I don't have time." Hu Xing still had things to do.

"What work, we will do it." Zheng Kai volunteered.

"If you guys finish the work for me, then I'll cook, how about it?" It just so happens that it's good to have these two bullies come to work.

"That's no good, I'm allergic to sunlight, you know that." When Chen He heard that he was going to work, he immediately became unhappy, saying that he couldn't do it.

"The sun didn't rise today, it's a cloudy day, where does the sun come from?" Hu Xing walked over and said to Chen He.

"..." Chen He took a look, the weather is not cooperative.

"That's right, the rice fields in our mushroom house are going to be fertilized today, so, you two, go and fertilize." Hu Xing entrusted the two of them with this task.

"Isn't that bad? We don't know how to fertilize either." Hearing that fertilization was going to be done, Zheng Kai was stunned.

"Neither do we." Chen He said that he would not either.

"It seems that we will be the same, isn't it the first time?"

"I said that none of your guests who came today is cooperative?! 793" Hu Xing said and sat down to pour tea, moistened his throat and continued: "Sun Honglei is not cooperative! Neither of you two !"

"I don't work, I just want to eat when I come here. I'm sorry, the door is over there, so I can leave." Hu Xing pointed to the door, which meant that he was about to issue an order to evict guests.

"Hehe~" Hu Xing is like this, if they cooperate more, they will not know.

"Let me advise you, it's better to start working as early as possible, otherwise when he starts to trick you, you will not only be tricked, but you will also be embarrassed, and you will have to work in the end." Zhao Liying is really too Knowing about Hu Xing, this is kind advice to Chen He and the others.

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