At around 7 o'clock in the evening, Huang Lei tasted the Buddha Jumping the Wall, the taste is very good, it is ok.

"Have you ever eaten Buddha's Jumping Wall?!" Huang Lei asked Zhao Liying if they had eaten this dish when serving out Buddha's Jumping Wall.

"I did. I went to Hu Xing's great-grandfather's birthday. At that time, Hu Xing would jump over the wall as a Buddha."

"And Buddha Jumping Wall is the old man's favorite dish. He also said that he has eaten Buddha Jumping Wall countless times, and only Hu Xing's taste is the most authentic, and he can't stop it." When Zhao Liying mentioned this, Hu Yun helped Said: "The Buddha Tiaoqiang made by my brother does not use seasonings such as MSG, chicken essence, and pepper to enhance the freshness, but uses the most traditional method in ancient times to enhance the freshness. The taste is really unique."

"I can also do Buddha jumping over the wall, my sister can also do Buddha jumping over the wall, and so can my parents."

"But we need to add monosodium glutamate to all the Buddha Jumping Walls we make to make Buddha Jumping Wall fresher and taste more delicious, but my brother doesn't need it." Hu Yun wanted to learn it, but Hu Xing said that she just couldn't learn it.

"Hu Xing, how did you manage to make the food fresher without MSG?" Huang Lei really didn't understand.

"Dishes like Buddha Jumping Wall not only require ingredients, but also add some Chinese herbal medicines into it."

"In ancient times, there was no MSG, pepper, etc. to enhance the freshness."

"At that time, they relied on medicinal materials, and used them to extract freshness."

"I also learned from the recipes collected by my great-grandfather. I learned a lot of delicacies that are now lost. There are even some that are available in many restaurants, but the taste is not as good as the real taste in those recipes." Hu Xing thinks This cannot be lost.

"Buddha Jumping Over the Wall was a very luxurious dish in ancient times, and it's not something that just anyone can eat."

"Because there are precious medicinal materials in it, you can usually eat authentic ones. Only royal nobles, or some very, very rich people can afford it."

"It's not like now, where you can eat a meal of Buddha jumping over the wall for a few hundred yuan. The taste is very different."

"Even if it's me, to be honest, it takes two days to prepare for a Buddha jumping over the wall." When Hu Xing talked about this time, it was surprising enough.

"The ancient court dishes are known as 'rare, rare, elegant, and weird'.

"There are also several kinds of palace dishes, I will mention a few for now, but there is no way to make them now."

"For example: Palace Paofu, Qing Palace Southern Milk Meat, Imperial Food Small Crispy Meat, etc."

"I know more than 1000 court dishes, but the real taste is like those recipes. There are only more than 900 dishes, and the remaining 1000 dishes have not lost a lot of medicinal materials or ingredients, so that the real taste is not reflected. do it."

"If there is anyone in this world who is most like the people in the ancient palace and who can eat imperial food, then only Reba."

"She has eaten all the court dishes I can cook." Hu Xing accidentally showed off.

"!!!" Chen He and the others were drooling just listening to it.

"Reba ahhh~" Chen Heyang roared, court dishes, authentic court dishes, Reba can eat so much, anyone would be envious.

As Hu Xing said, if China wants to say who can eat a lot of royal meals like the people in the ancient palace, it is really that there will be no second woman except Reba.

Chapter 0703 Sun Honglei: Hu Xing, call me father-in-law

"In the past, Reba was the only one, but it won't be necessarily the case in the future." When Hu Xing was talking, he looked at Song Jia and Zhao Liying.

The implication is obvious, which means that in the future, you will have a lot of opportunities to taste the court dishes he can cook. In your next life, you will be blessed to have such a boyfriend as him.

"Husband, I love you!" Excited, Zhao Liying confessed to Hu Xing.

"Can you serve it?!" Song Jia asked Hu Xing, is the other dish you made ready to serve?

"It's almost done. After I finish the lionfish sauce, I can open it." Hu Xing thought it was almost done.

It doesn't take much time to make a sauce.

Pour the sauce over the lionfish to complete the dish.

Hu Xing went over with a shovel, squatted in front of the stove, put the shovel in, and took out a mud ball inside.

The mud balls that were taken out were still emitting heat. ;

"What is it? I'm really more curious and looking forward to it." He Jiong and the others were all looking forward to this dish.

"I already smell a very fragrant smell." Zhao Liying's nose is very sharp.

"I smell it too." Hu Yun also said that he smelled it, and the smell was really delicious.

Sun Honglei, Chen He, Zheng Kai, and He Jiong all watched Hu Xing's movements.

Hu Xing took a hammer and gently smashed the dried soil into pieces.

"Wow!!!" Just as the soil was crushed, the taste became more intense, Sun Honglei and the others not only sighed with emotion.

"This dish is amazing, my God, today is really the right time." Chen He hugged Zheng Kai excitedly.

After Hu Xing peeled off all the soil, everyone saw a ball wrapped in tin foil. Is it an authentic beggar chicken?

Hu Xing peeled off the tinfoil layer by layer, while Zhao Liying and the others were recording a video.

After the tin foil is removed, there is still a layer of lotus leaves inside.

Remove the lotus leaf to reveal the real face inside.

"Called Pork Head!!!" Hu Xing revealed what this dish was called.

"It smells so good!" After the announcement, everyone found that the pork head meat was really fragrant.

"I have eaten beggar's chicken, but I have never eaten beggar's head meat." When Sun Honglei smelled the delicious smell, she knew that she had lost and was conquered before eating it.

"Reba can't eat pork, so I used to make beef and lamb shank for her."

"At that time, the beef leg bone and lamb leg bone were shaved off, and this method was used directly."

"I'm going to use pork head this time because I haven't done it with pork head yet."

"But look at the color, it's not bad." Hu Xing put the pork head on a large plate.

After installing it, He Jiong and the others all took pictures with their mobile phones.

"Don't eat it first, eat on Weibo and Moments first." Zhao Liying said that everyone should not be anxious, take pictures and send them to Weibo Moments first, and then eat later.

"Oh, you girls are really troublesome." Sun Honglei was anxious.

"Let's take a picture first, post it later, and talk about it after eating." Chen He couldn't wait

After Hu Xing cut it open with a knife, he took a piece with chopsticks and sent it to his sister's mouth.

"Hmm!!!!" Chewing the beggar's head meat in his mouth, Hu Yun was immediately molested by the taste.

"My God." He Jiong also took a piece to eat. The taste is very unique, giving people a feeling of wanting to stop, not greasy at all, very refreshing.

"Wow! This taste is amazing." After eating it, Chen He applauded.

Song Jia and Zhao Liying also tried it one after another, and then showed a look of enjoyment.

"My God, this is the first time I have eaten such a delicious pork head."

"Aha~" Everyone ate hungrily, and there were also two dishes of Buddha jumping over the wall and lion fish.

Everyone enjoyed this dinner and couldn't stop at all.

A whole pig's head weighs a few kilograms, but there are 9 people tonight, and it feels like there is not enough to eat.

"Lei Lei, do you think I'm stupid?" Sun Honglei stopped her chopsticks and asked Huang Lei.

"What's wrong?" Sun Honglei didn't understand what it meant when he said that he was stupid.

"You said, if I get married earlier and have a daughter, I will be able to eat these delicacies often in the future, right?!"

"Hahaha~" Everyone understood what Sun Honglei said.

"Seriously, Lei Lei, this son-in-law should admit it, Duoduo likes Hu Xing so much."

"I agree to this marriage." Sun Honglei felt that it was not enough.

"Haha~" Even Hu Xing couldn't help laughing at the big brother.

"Don't make trouble, my wife is here!" Hu Xing told Sun Honglei not to make trouble while eating.

"As a man, to be honest, I'm starting to envy Reba."

"She can eat so many delicacies made by you." Zheng Kai now feels that eating is too enjoyable.

"As my younger sister, I can't even compare to one percent of my sister-in-law's benefits." Unlike them, Hu Yun was resentful, and his brother didn't cook these delicacies for her at all.

"Have you posted on Moments?" Hu Xing asked her sister if she posted on Moments.

"Fat, what's the matter?" Hu Yun didn't understand what Hu Xing meant.

"Are you crazy? If I let my sister know this, can I come out alive?!" Hu Xing was in a hurry now, is my sister messing up something?

As soon as Hu Xing finished speaking, the screen of his mobile phone lit up, and Zhao Liying, who was sitting beside him, happened to see that it was a WeChat message from Hu Ying.

"Haha~ Hu Ying sent a WeChat message." Zhao Liying told Hu Xing when she saw it.

Hu Xing reluctantly picked up the phone, opened WeChat, and clicked to play the voice message from his sister.

"Jiang Yingyu! You are dead! Explain to me what happened to Xiaoyun's circle of friends?"

"Jiang Yingyu, you're so good, why don't I have lionfish, beggar's head meat?" sister's question, if Hu Xing closes his eyes: "It's useless, it's useless, it's useless in this life!"

"Jiang Yingyu, please explain to my old mother, why are these delicious foods not worthy of my mother?" Even Jiang Fang couldn't help sending her son WeChat on 1.4.

"Excessive! What about mine? What about loving me as promised? Is that how you love me?" Even Song Zhuer couldn't stand it anymore, and they all came together to denounce Hu Xing.

Hu Xing couldn't stand listening anymore, he threw his phone on the table and looked at his sister fiercely.

Hu Yun seemed to know that she had done something wrong, but the way she snickered betrayed her.

"I'm really... I wouldn't have done it if I knew it earlier." Hu Xing was really too irritable, how should I explain this matter when I go back?One is mother, one is sister, and the other is daughter-in-law.

The combination of these three people can make Hu Xing have a mental breakdown. Really, this is not a joke at all.

"Beggar's pork head? I have also eaten Beggar's beef shank and Beggar's mutton shank. La la la~ I am very happy now." Reba's voice made Zhao Liying, Song Jia and the others laugh spray.

Chapter 0704 This is called husband and wife

"It's too much." After Zhao Liying's Weibo post appeared on Weibo, many people commented immediately, saying that these dishes, which look so good, must taste very different.

"It's fragrant, all audience friends."

"It's so fragrant, this taste is really amazing!"

Sun Honglei also posted her own comments on Weibo.

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